android Programming Glossary: facturasfragment
Replace one Fragment with another in ViewPager . In first page I have a ListView inside a ListFragment FacturasFragment . When I click on an item of that list I use onListItemClick.. position switch position case 0 Fragment # 0 return new FacturasFragment case 1 Fragment # 1 return new ConsumoFragment case 2 Fragment.. int getItemPosition Object object if object instanceof FacturasFragment mFragmentAtPos0 instanceof DetallesFacturaFragment return POSITION_NONE..
Replace one Fragment with another in ViewPager I have a ViewPager with 3 pages each one is a Fragment . In first page I have a ListView inside a ListFragment FacturasFragment . When I click on an item of that list I use onListItemClick method for handle that event. What I want When list item is.. titles position @Override public Fragment getItem int position switch position case 0 Fragment # 0 return new FacturasFragment case 1 Fragment # 1 return new ConsumoFragment case 2 Fragment # 2 return new LecturaFragment return null @Override.. public int getCount return titles.length @Override public int getItemPosition Object object if object instanceof FacturasFragment mFragmentAtPos0 instanceof DetallesFacturaFragment return POSITION_NONE return POSITION_UNCHANGED ListFragment public..