android Programming Glossary: f.createnewfile
how to set the output image use TEMP_PHOTO_FILE try f.createNewFile catch IOException e return f else return null private boolean..
Android : Copy RawFile to Sdcard (video mp4) FICHIER_BLOW try if f.createNewFile FileWriter ecrivain new FileWriter f BufferedWriter bufEcrivain..
Android Saving created bitmap to directory on sd card File.separator test.jpg f.createNewFile write the bytes in file FileOutputStream fo new FileOutputStream..
Android create file on internal storage mediaDir.mkdir File f new File getLocalPath f.createNewFile FileOutputStream fos new FileOutputStream f fos.write data fos.close..
“resolveUri failed on bad bitmap uri” when putting image on ListView .getContent System.out.println path File f new File path f.createNewFile FileOutputStream fos new FileOutputStream f try byte b new byte..
REST and SOAP webservice in android sunilwebservice.txt File f new File str try f.createNewFile FileOutputStream fo new FileOutputStream f fo.write b fo.close..
android set image as contact icon/wallpaper File.separator my_tmp_file.jpg try f.createNewFile FileOutputStream fo new FileOutputStream f fo.write bytes.toByteArray..
FileOutputStream throws FileNotFoundException when UnZipping File f new File Path FileName if f.exists f.mkdirs if f.createNewFile f.delete f.createNewFile InputStream input new BufferedInputStream.. if f.exists f.mkdirs if f.createNewFile f.delete f.createNewFile InputStream input new BufferedInputStream url.openStream OutputStream..
How to use “Share image using” sharing Intent to share images in android? File.separator temporary_file.jpg try f.createNewFile FileOutputStream fo new FileOutputStream f fo.write bytes.toByteArray..
how to set the output image use File getTempFile if isSDCARDMounted File f new File Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory TEMP_PHOTO_FILE try f.createNewFile catch IOException e return f else return null private boolean isSDCARDMounted String status Environment.getExternalStorageState..
Android : Copy RawFile to Sdcard (video mp4) Thanks String FICHIER_BLOW blowvid4.mp4 File f new File Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory FICHIER_BLOW try if f.createNewFile FileWriter ecrivain new FileWriter f BufferedWriter bufEcrivain new BufferedWriter ecrivain BufferedInputStream VideoReader..
Android Saving created bitmap to directory on sd card file name test.jpg in sdcard folder. File f new File Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory File.separator test.jpg f.createNewFile write the bytes in file FileOutputStream fo new FileOutputStream f fo.write bytes.toByteArray remember close de FileOutput..
Android create file on internal storage is File mediaDir new File media if mediaDir.exists mediaDir.createNewFile mediaDir.mkdir File f new File getLocalPath f.createNewFile FileOutputStream fos new FileOutputStream f fos.write data fos.close getLocalPath returns data data myPackage files media..
“resolveUri failed on bad bitmap uri” when putting image on ListView url String path try InputStream is InputStream new URL url .getContent System.out.println path File f new File path f.createNewFile FileOutputStream fos new FileOutputStream f try byte b new byte 100 int l 0 while l b 1 fos.write b 0 l catch Exception..
REST and SOAP webservice in android String str Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory .getAbsolutePath sunilwebservice.txt File f new File str try f.createNewFile FileOutputStream fo new FileOutputStream f fo.write b fo.close catch Exception ex ex.printStackTrace catch Exception..
android set image as contact icon/wallpaper 100 bytes File f new File Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory File.separator my_tmp_file.jpg try f.createNewFile FileOutputStream fo new FileOutputStream f fo.write bytes.toByteArray catch IOException e e.printStackTrace setAs.putExtra..
FileOutputStream throws FileNotFoundException when UnZipping conexion.connect int lenghtOfFile conexion.getContentLength File f new File Path FileName if f.exists f.mkdirs if f.createNewFile f.delete f.createNewFile InputStream input new BufferedInputStream url.openStream OutputStream output new FileOutputStream.. conexion.getContentLength File f new File Path FileName if f.exists f.mkdirs if f.createNewFile f.delete f.createNewFile InputStream input new BufferedInputStream url.openStream OutputStream output new FileOutputStream Path FileName byte data..
How to use “Share image using” sharing Intent to share images in android? 100 bytes File f new File Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory File.separator temporary_file.jpg try f.createNewFile FileOutputStream fo new FileOutputStream f fo.write bytes.toByteArray catch IOException e e.printStackTrace share.putExtra..