android Programming Glossary: fallback
Selecting text in a WebView? m.invoke this null catch Exception e e.printStackTrace fallback KeyEvent shiftPressEvent new KeyEvent 0 0 KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN..
Android intent for playing video? route using non public APIs you must absolutely provide a fallback which you know definitely works. It doesn't have to be perfect..
Understanding Android Tight loops / Spin-On-Suspend error went rather wrong vel 91.0f LOG WAS HERE now has a fallback value justincase break vel 1.2f dx vel xmath dy vel ymath..
Get/pick an image from Android's built-in Gallery app programmatically return cursor.getString column_index this is our fallback here return uri.getPath Selecting Multiple Pictures Since someone..
CSS fonts on Android is quite condensed so I would like to specify a better fallback font for Android than the default sans serif so the design doesn't..
Send HTTP request through 3G network without using WiFi? if it is a Wi Fi one then disconnect it then Android will fallback to other one which will be 3G if there is no other wi fi network.. if wm null wm.disconnect this will force android to fallback to other available n w which is 3G while true NetworkInfo ni..
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Knowing if the loading of a sound with SoundPool has been successful on Android 1.6/2.0/2.1 100 period between tests in ms OnLoadCompleteListener fallback implementation for Android versions before 2.2. After using..
Is it possible to render in RGB888 with OpenGL? which configurations are available. In my case it is ok to fallback to RGB565 if RGB888 isn't available but I would prefer this..
Android: Raw image callback supported devices processing. Pay good attention and optimize this JPEG fallback. If you are worried about quality give a try to Camera.Parameters.setJpegQuality..
Android: how to select texts from webview false catch Exception e e.printStackTrace fallback KeyEvent shiftPressEvent new KeyEvent 0 0 KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN..
Android: Question about Bitmaps, memory usage, and scaling occurs in using this method I use solution 3 as a fallback way to calculate an acceptable scale. The obvious problem with..
Content Provider INSTALL_FAILED_CONFLICTING_PROVIDER (installing content provider as a separate apk) the device if it's there you start using it otherwise you fallback to local content provider. when the other applicaton installs..
What h.264 format loads on android AND IOS? using one file p.s. I know all about html5 video and the fallback sources I just don't want to encode and host a new video for..
HTML: Why does Android browser show “Go” instead of “Next” in keyboard? be to supplement the required attribute with a JavaScript fallback such as that described by CSSKarma . share improve this answer..
Android Location Providers - GPS or Network Provider? [closed] is to use the œnetwork or œpassive provider first and then fallback on œgps and depending on the task switch between providers. This..
Android ACTION_MOVE Threshold is 8dip but the comments mention that this value is a fallback only and the actual value is defined when the Android OS for..
Android: Get missing translations for strings-resources Italian for example . If a string is not translated the fallback default locale is used. Currently I can not tell which strings..
Android: How do I get string from resources using its name? mystring . The ones from res values strings.xml are the fallback ones if you don't have a folder covering the users locale this..
Android ActionbarSherlock SearchView suggestions adapter ActionBarSherlock backport does not fallback on original SearchView implementation on systems with API 11.. of code is used and on API 11 and higher everything fallbacks to original native version of SearchView and all features are..
Selecting text in a WebView? try Method m WebView.class.getMethod emulateShiftHeld null m.invoke this null catch Exception e e.printStackTrace fallback KeyEvent shiftPressEvent new KeyEvent 0 0 KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN KeyEvent.KEYCODE_SHIFT_LEFT 0 0 shiftPressEvent.dispatch..
Android intent for playing video? make alternative arrangements. obvious If you go down this route using non public APIs you must absolutely provide a fallback which you know definitely works. It doesn't have to be perfect it can be a Toast saying that this is unsupported for this..
Understanding Android Tight loops / Spin-On-Suspend error uncommented the stall never happens... i if i 1000 Something went rather wrong vel 91.0f LOG WAS HERE now has a fallback value justincase break vel 1.2f dx vel xmath dy vel ymath if distance float Math.sqrt dx dx dy dy break Give the ship..
Get/pick an image from Android's built-in Gallery app programmatically MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA cursor.moveToFirst return cursor.getString column_index this is our fallback here return uri.getPath Selecting Multiple Pictures Since someone requested that information in a comment and it's better..
CSS fonts on Android support is gone completely in Android 2 . But League Gothic is quite condensed so I would like to specify a better fallback font for Android than the default sans serif so the design doesn't completely break. Something like this would be perfect..
Send HTTP request through 3G network without using WiFi? first you need to check which network is active and then if it is a Wi Fi one then disconnect it then Android will fallback to other one which will be 3G if there is no other wi fi network available then you can send your request which will go.. wm WifiManager Context.getSystemService Context.WIFI_SERVICE if wm null wm.disconnect this will force android to fallback to other available n w which is 3G while true NetworkInfo ni cm.getActiveNetworkInfo if ni null ni.getType ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE..
Show PDF in Android
Knowing if the loading of a sound with SoundPool has been successful on Android 1.6/2.0/2.1 abstract class OnLoadCompleteListener final int testPeriodMs 100 period between tests in ms OnLoadCompleteListener fallback implementation for Android versions before 2.2. After using int soundId SoundPool.load .. call OnLoadCompleteListener.listenFor..
Is it possible to render in RGB888 with OpenGL? class mentions EGL10.eglChooseConfig to discover which configurations are available. In my case it is ok to fallback to RGB565 if RGB888 isn't available but I would prefer this to be quite rare. So is it possible to use RGB888 on most devices..
Android: Raw image callback supported devices to handle JPEG data nicely by decoding on the fly prior to image processing. Pay good attention and optimize this JPEG fallback. If you are worried about quality give a try to Camera.Parameters.setJpegQuality Also I'm not sure why you are looking for..
Android: how to select texts from webview emulateShiftHeld Boolean.TYPE m.invoke BookView.mWebView false catch Exception e e.printStackTrace fallback KeyEvent shiftPressEvent new KeyEvent 0 0 KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN KeyEvent.KEYCODE_SHIFT_LEFT 0 0 shiftPressEvent.dispatch..
Android: Question about Bitmaps, memory usage, and scaling for the Bitmaps. And in the event that an Out Of Memory exception occurs in using this method I use solution 3 as a fallback way to calculate an acceptable scale. The obvious problem with this is the massive sketchyness of trying to track my own..
Content Provider INSTALL_FAILED_CONFLICTING_PROVIDER (installing content provider as a separate apk) you check if the other content provider exists on the device if it's there you start using it otherwise you fallback to local content provider. when the other applicaton installs it can does the same check. To protect your cotent provider..
What h.264 format loads on android AND IOS? Does anybody know how to encode for both Android and IOS using one file p.s. I know all about html5 video and the fallback sources I just don't want to encode and host a new video for every device that comes down the pike. iphone android ffmpeg..
HTML: Why does Android browser show “Go” instead of “Next” in keyboard?
Android Location Providers - GPS or Network Provider? [closed] telco provided capabilities network service . The best way is to use the œnetwork or œpassive provider first and then fallback on œgps and depending on the task switch between providers. This covers all cases and provides a lowest common denominator..
Android ACTION_MOVE Threshold source for the ViewConfiguraton the default value for TOUCH_SLOP is 8dip but the comments mention that this value is a fallback only and the actual value is defined when the Android OS for that specific device is built. it may be more or less than..
Android: Get missing translations for strings-resources be added for new languages in res values it strings.xml for Italian for example . If a string is not translated the fallback default locale is used. Currently I can not tell which strings I still need to translate so are in values strings.xml but..
Android: How do I get string from resources using its name? call getString or when referencing strings in XML via @string mystring . The ones from res values strings.xml are the fallback ones if you don't have a folder covering the users locale this one will be used as default values. See Localization and..
Android ActionbarSherlock SearchView some notable differences. ActionBarSherlock backport supports suggestions adapter ActionBarSherlock backport does not fallback on original SearchView implementation on systems with API 11 and up i.e. it's the same code with pros and cons on all platforms.. functionality on systems before API 11 where backport version of code is used and on API 11 and higher everything fallbacks to original native version of SearchView and all features are supported the way they are described in documentation. Personally..