android Programming Glossary: f.setarguments
Do fragments really need an empty constructor? EXTRA_TITLE title bdl.putString EXTRA_MESSAGE message f.setArguments bdl return f And of course grabbing the args this way @Override..
Proper way to give initial data to fragments Bundle args new Bundle args.putString KEY_FILE file f.setArguments args return f @Override String getPage return getArguments .getString..
Where/How to getIntent().getExtras() in an Android Fragment? argument. Bundle args new Bundle args.putInt index index f.setArguments args return f public int getShownIndex return getArguments .getInt..
NullPointerException on onSaveInstanceState with AndroidFragments case 0 f new MasterFrag Bundle args new Bundle f.setArguments args break case 1 f new FeaturedFrag Bundle args new Bundle.. case 1 f new FeaturedFrag Bundle args new Bundle f.setArguments args break case 2 f new TopFrag Bundle args new Bundle.. break case 2 f new TopFrag Bundle args new Bundle f.setArguments args break case 3 f new NewFrag Bundle args new Bundle..
How to solve for viewpager : The specified child already has a parent. You must call removeView() on the child's parent first History Bundle args new Bundle args.putInt title position f.setArguments args return f @Override public View onCreateView LayoutInflater.. new Main Bundle args new Bundle args.putInt title position f.setArguments args return f @Override public View onCreateView LayoutInflater.. new Map Bundle args new Bundle args.putInt title position f.setArguments args return f @Override public View onCreateView LayoutInflater..
How to refresh fragment tab content on button click Bundle data new Bundle data.putInt id nid f.setArguments data FragmentTransaction ft getFragmentManager .beginTransaction..
How to implement a ViewPager with different Fragments / Layouts Bundle 1 localBundle.putString EXTRA_MESSAGE paramString f.setArguments localBundle return f @Override public View onCreateView LayoutInflater.. new FirstFragment Bundle b new Bundle b.putString msg text f.setArguments b return f first_frag.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 RelativeLayout.. SecondFragment Bundle b new Bundle b.putString msg text f.setArguments b return f second_frag.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 RelativeLayout..
ViewPager with Fragments inside PopupWindow (or DialogFragment) - Error no view found for id for fragment item f.item item bdl.putString EXTRA_MESSAGE message f.setArguments bdl return f private int item private ImageView images private..
(ActionBar) Tabs + Pager + detail Fragments inside ViewPager container args.putInt index index args.putString type TYPE_FRAGMENT f.setArguments args return f public int getShownIndex return getArguments .getInt..
Action items from Viewpager initial fragment not being displayed as an argument. Bundle args new Bundle args.putInt num num f.setArguments args return f @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState..
Do fragments really need an empty constructor? f new AlertDialogFragment Bundle bdl new Bundle 2 bdl.putInt EXTRA_TITLE title bdl.putString EXTRA_MESSAGE message f.setArguments bdl return f And of course grabbing the args this way @Override public Dialog onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState title getArguments..
Proper way to give initial data to fragments String file SimpleContentFragment f new SimpleContentFragment Bundle args new Bundle args.putString KEY_FILE file f.setArguments args return f @Override String getPage return getArguments .getString KEY_FILE If you are retaining your fragment instance..
Where/How to getIntent().getExtras() in an Android Fragment? f new DetailsFragment Supply index input as an argument. Bundle args new Bundle args.putInt index index f.setArguments args return f public int getShownIndex return getArguments .getInt index 0 other stuff omitted share improve this answer..
NullPointerException on onSaveInstanceState with AndroidFragments Fragment getItem int position Fragment f null switch position case 0 f new MasterFrag Bundle args new Bundle f.setArguments args break case 1 f new FeaturedFrag Bundle args new Bundle f.setArguments args break case 2 f new TopFrag Bundle.. MasterFrag Bundle args new Bundle f.setArguments args break case 1 f new FeaturedFrag Bundle args new Bundle f.setArguments args break case 2 f new TopFrag Bundle args new Bundle f.setArguments args break case 3 f new NewFrag Bundle.. new FeaturedFrag Bundle args new Bundle f.setArguments args break case 2 f new TopFrag Bundle args new Bundle f.setArguments args break case 3 f new NewFrag Bundle args new Bundle f.setArguments args break default throw new IllegalArgumentException..
How to solve for viewpager : The specified child already has a parent. You must call removeView() on the child's parent first static Fragment newInstance int position History f new History Bundle args new Bundle args.putInt title position f.setArguments args return f @Override public View onCreateView LayoutInflater inflater ViewGroup container Bundle savedInstanceState ViewGroup.. public static Fragment newInstance int position Main f new Main Bundle args new Bundle args.putInt title position f.setArguments args return f @Override public View onCreateView LayoutInflater inflater ViewGroup container Bundle savedInstanceState final.. state public static Fragment newInstance int position Map f new Map Bundle args new Bundle args.putInt title position f.setArguments args return f @Override public View onCreateView LayoutInflater inflater ViewGroup container Bundle savedInstanceState Intent..
How to refresh fragment tab content on button click public void onClick View v Fragment f f new DetaliiActivity Bundle data new Bundle data.putInt id nid f.setArguments data FragmentTransaction ft getFragmentManager .beginTransaction ft.replace f ft.addToBackStack null ft.setTransition..
How to implement a ViewPager with different Fragments / Layouts SecondFragment f new SecondFragment Bundle localBundle new Bundle 1 localBundle.putString EXTRA_MESSAGE paramString f.setArguments localBundle return f @Override public View onCreateView LayoutInflater paramLayoutInflater ViewGroup paramViewGroup Bundle.. FirstFragment newInstance String text FirstFragment f new FirstFragment Bundle b new Bundle b.putString msg text f.setArguments b return f first_frag.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 RelativeLayout xmlns android http apk res.. SecondFragment newInstance String text SecondFragment f new SecondFragment Bundle b new Bundle b.putString msg text f.setArguments b return f second_frag.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 RelativeLayout xmlns android http apk res..
ViewPager with Fragments inside PopupWindow (or DialogFragment) - Error no view found for id for fragment f new FragmentAcoesMusculares Bundle bdl new Bundle item f.item item bdl.putString EXTRA_MESSAGE message f.setArguments bdl return f private int item private ImageView images private String urlString int i 0 @Override public View onCreateView..
(ActionBar) Tabs + Pager + detail Fragments inside ViewPager container Supply index input as an argument. Bundle args new Bundle args.putInt index index args.putString type TYPE_FRAGMENT f.setArguments args return f public int getShownIndex return getArguments .getInt index 0 public String getTypeFragment String a getArguments..
Action items from Viewpager initial fragment not being displayed int num Fragment1 f new Fragment1 Supply num input as an argument. Bundle args new Bundle args.putInt num num f.setArguments args return f @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setHasOptionsMenu..