android Programming Glossary: fail
Determine if running on a rooted device where root is available. Rather than having this feature fail when it is used and then show an appropriate error message to..
App is misconfigured for Facebook login : Android Facebook integration issue the dialog would automatically close without warning and fail silently. We added this error message to visually display that.. description of what is causing the authentication to fail. For example if you use our Hackbook example and did not supply.. is set to true . D Facebook authorize 24739 Login failed invalid_key Android key mismatch. Your key uk3udeH7vrOGNFH2FJjdJbdWJWI..
Android WebView Cookie Problem cookie to make other calls on my server and these never fail authentication. I only observe this problem when trying to load..
Android intent filter for a particular file extension? expect if this was a regular expression. This pattern will fail to match paths that contain a . before the .kdb. For a more..
How should I validate an e-mail address on Android? e mails addresses that conform to RFC 2822 and will still fail on things like as will org.apache.commons.validator.routines.EmailValidator..
Quitting an application - is that frowned upon? the OS is shutting down and then your update process will fail mid stream. Generally that's not a good thing. Either check..
What are the best practices for SQLite on Android? them. There are situations where your update calls will fail even if your database doesn't get corrupted. The basic answer... from actual distinct connections at the same time one will fail. It will not wait till the first is done and then write. It..
Custom SSL handling stopped working on Android 2.2 FroYo will return an exception SSL handshake failure I O error during system call Broken pipe Here is how I initialize.. I have seen messages on Twitter that Seesmic and Twidroid fail with SSL enabled on FroYo as well but am unsure if it's related...
Change the background color of the options menu breaking in future versions. We want a solution that fails gracefully back to the default behavior if it has to fail... fails gracefully back to the default behavior if it has to fail. There are many legitimate reasons why one may need to control.. The suggested hack worked for Android 2.2 and failed for Android 2.3 because the hack made an undocumented assumption..
Is AsyncTask really conceptually flawed or am I just missing something? will have been destroyed and any UI interaction will fail with an exception you even risk creating a memory leak. Unless..
I lost my .keystore file? There must be a way around this.. what about a hard drive fail android keystore android sdk 2.1 share improve this question.. to restore it via deleted files restoring tools but it failed. So there is no other way you should issue another application...
install / uninstall APKs programmatically (PackageManager vs Intents) be posted back to the given observer. An installation will fail if the calling context lacks the @link android.Manifest.permission#INSTALL_PACKAGES.. will be posted back to the given observer. A deletion will fail if the calling context lacks the @link android.Manifest.permission#DELETE_PACKAGES.. platform releases so anything you do trying access it will fail on various other versions of the platform. EDIT Also it is worth..
When to call activity context OR application context? Various things you will try to do with this Context will fail mostly related to the GUI . It can create memory leaks if the..
How to set image as wallpaper using Android Phonegap? Set Success function e navigator.notification.alert Set Fail e with android device permission uses permission android name..
PhoneGap not running in Android function onError contactError alert onError console.log Fail script head body body h1 Example h1 p Find Contacts p html..
Android licensing application not works? Activity is finishing. return Toast.makeText Splash.this Fail Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show createDialog @Override public void applicationError..
Android Studio: Fail to parse SDK may be missing the directory add-ons Studio Fail to parse SDK may be missing the directory add ons I am new..
Android - Fail to connect to camera Fail to connect to camera I'm using the Android APIDemo sample code... says ERROR AndroidRuntime 2949 java.lang.RuntimeException Fail to connect to camera service What can be causing that It happens..
Trying to run trivial Android JUnit tests. Getting: “Test run failed: No test results” What am I missing? AndroidTestCase public void test_testOne fail Just Always Fail When I run I see the following in Logcat stdout INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS..
Good way of getting the user's location in Android TODO Auto generated method stub Log.i LocationCollector Fail Looper l getLooper if l null l.quit Register the listener.. locationToString bestLocation else Log.w LocationCollector Failed to get a location private enum LocationQuality BAD ACCEPTED..
Android Proguard Javascript Interface Fail Proguard Javascript Interface Fail I use in my project a piece of code as described here http..
Failed to connect to camera service to connect to camera service I'm trying to access the camera.. Exception e e.printStackTrace throws runtime exception Failed to connect to camera service and my manifest is corrected.. uid 10136 W System.err 5744 java.lang.RuntimeException Fail to connect to camera service W System.err 5744 at android.hardware.Camera.native_setup..
SSL not working on Android 2.2 (only in 2.3) is called SSL handshake failure Failure in SSL library usually a protocol error error 14094412 SSL.. I don't know... I tried using httpclient as well. Fail in every case... private void process throws Exception char..
Determine if running on a rooted device piece of functionality that will only work on a device where root is available. Rather than having this feature fail when it is used and then show an appropriate error message to the user I'd prefer an ability to silently check if root is..
App is misconfigured for Facebook login : Android Facebook integration issue user's sensitive data. Prior to adding this error message the dialog would automatically close without warning and fail silently. We added this error message to visually display that there is an issue with your app configuration in your Facebook.. should be an error message that will display a more technical description of what is causing the authentication to fail. For example if you use our Hackbook example and did not supply your own APP_ID in the source and did not add your hash.. after pressing Okay in the native SSO dialog if Util.ENABLE_LOG is set to true . D Facebook authorize 24739 Login failed invalid_key Android key mismatch. Your key uk3udeH7vrOGNFH2FJjdJbdWJWI does not match the allowed keys specified in your..
Android WebView Cookie Problem intermittently but I have no idea why. I use the same session cookie to make other calls on my server and these never fail authentication. I only observe this problem when trying to load a URL in a WebView and it does not happen every time. Very..
Android intent filter for a particular file extension? pathPattern is that . is not a greedy match like you would expect if this was a regular expression. This pattern will fail to match paths that contain a . before the .kdb. For a more detailed discussion of this issue and a workaround see pathPattern..
How should I validate an e-mail address on Android? the following is a reg ex that correctly validates most e mails addresses that conform to RFC 2822 and will still fail on things like as will org.apache.commons.validator.routines.EmailValidator a z0 9 # ' ^_` ~ . a z0..
Quitting an application - is that frowned upon? know the reason your application is being exited is because the OS is shutting down and then your update process will fail mid stream. Generally that's not a good thing. Either check updates on start or check updates totally asynchronously e.g...
What are the best practices for SQLite on Android? to be careful with how you create your connections and use them. There are situations where your update calls will fail even if your database doesn't get corrupted. The basic answer. The SqliteOpenHelper object holds on to one database connection... And life is good ish . If you try to write to the database from actual distinct connections at the same time one will fail. It will not wait till the first is done and then write. It will simply not write your change. Worse if you don ™t call the..
Custom SSL handling stopped working on Android 2.2 FroYo work for Android 2.2 FroYo. When trying to connect it will return an exception SSL handshake failure I O error during system call Broken pipe Here is how I initialize the HttpClient SchemeRegistry registry new SchemeRegistry.. stopped work or even what the error 'Broken pipe' means. I have seen messages on Twitter that Seesmic and Twidroid fail with SSL enabled on FroYo as well but am unsure if it's related. Thanks for any directions help android ssl android 2.2..
Change the background color of the options menu versions and is designed to minimize the chances of crashing breaking in future versions. We want a solution that fails gracefully back to the default behavior if it has to fail. There are many legitimate reasons why one may need to control.. breaking in future versions. We want a solution that fails gracefully back to the default behavior if it has to fail. There are many legitimate reasons why one may need to control the look of Options menus typically to match a visual style.. Several posters have suggested a hack involving LayoutInflater.Factory. The suggested hack worked for Android 2.2 and failed for Android 2.3 because the hack made an undocumented assumption that one could call LayoutInflater.getView directly without..
Is AsyncTask really conceptually flawed or am I just missing something? you're not only holding on to a useless context object the window will have been destroyed and any UI interaction will fail with an exception you even risk creating a memory leak. Unless my logic is flawed here this translates to onPostExecute..
I lost my .keystore file? least it is one of three it could be so can I create another There must be a way around this.. what about a hard drive fail android keystore android sdk 2.1 share improve this question Faced the same problem. I was trying to restore it via.. improve this question Faced the same problem. I was trying to restore it via deleted files restoring tools but it failed. So there is no other way you should issue another application. Generally the only advise that exists on keystores always..
install / uninstall APKs programmatically (PackageManager vs Intents) package. Since this may take a little while the result will be posted back to the given observer. An installation will fail if the calling context lacks the @link android.Manifest.permission#INSTALL_PACKAGES permission if the package named in the.. a package. Since this may take a little while the result will be posted back to the given observer. A deletion will fail if the calling context lacks the @link android.Manifest.permission#DELETE_PACKAGES permission if the named package cannot.. function arguments have often changed between platform releases so anything you do trying access it will fail on various other versions of the platform. EDIT Also it is worth pointing out that this installerPackage was only added..
When to call activity context OR application context? a complete Context supporting everything that Activity does. Various things you will try to do with this Context will fail mostly related to the GUI . It can create memory leaks if the Context from getApplicationContext holds onto something created..
How to set image as wallpaper using Android Phonegap? kaka function navigator.notification.alert Set Success function e navigator.notification.alert Set Fail e with android device permission uses permission android name android.permission.SET_WALLPAPER and plugin.xml plugin name..
PhoneGap not running in Android contacts i .displayName alert OK then console.log OK function onError contactError alert onError console.log Fail script head body body h1 Example h1 p Find Contacts p html Nothing show ups No alert no log it just displays an HTML page..
Android licensing application not works? generated method stub if isFinishing Don't update UI if Activity is finishing. return Toast.makeText Splash.this Fail Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show createDialog @Override public void applicationError int errorCode TODO Auto generated method stub..
Android Studio: Fail to parse SDK may be missing the directory add-ons Studio Fail to parse SDK may be missing the directory add ons I am new to android software development. When I try to write the first..
Android - Fail to connect to camera Fail to connect to camera I'm using the Android APIDemo sample code. When I run the CameraPreview example at first it was giving.. sample was working for a while. Now it no longer works. It says ERROR AndroidRuntime 2949 java.lang.RuntimeException Fail to connect to camera service What can be causing that It happens when is called. Thanks Tee android share..
Trying to run trivial Android JUnit tests. Getting: “Test run failed: No test results” What am I missing? public class SimpleTestCaseExample extends AndroidTestCase public void test_testOne fail Just Always Fail When I run I see the following in Logcat stdout INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS numtests 2 stdout INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS test test_testOne..
Good way of getting the user's location in Android onStatusChanged String provider int status Bundle extras TODO Auto generated method stub Log.i LocationCollector Fail Looper l getLooper if l null l.quit Register the listener with the Location Manager to receive location updates locationManager.requestLocationUpdates.. bestLocation LocationQuality.BAD sendUpdate locationToString bestLocation else Log.w LocationCollector Failed to get a location private enum LocationQuality BAD ACCEPTED GOOD public String toString if this GOOD return Good else..
Android Proguard Javascript Interface Fail Proguard Javascript Interface Fail I use in my project a piece of code as described here http 2009 01 extracting html from a webview I create..
Failed to connect to camera service to connect to camera service I'm trying to access the camera on my phone. I'm writing a simple stub app prior to putting.. try Gets to here OK camera i catch Exception e e.printStackTrace throws runtime exception Failed to connect to camera service and my manifest is corrected 20th Oct xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 manifest xmlns android.. 2588 Permission Denial can't use the camera pid 5744 uid 10136 W System.err 5744 java.lang.RuntimeException Fail to connect to camera service W System.err 5744 at android.hardware.Camera.native_setup Native Method W System.err 5744 at..
SSL not working on Android 2.2 (only in 2.3) 2.2 only in 2.3 I'm getting this on LogCat when httpsURLConnection.getInputStream is called SSL handshake failure Failure in SSL library usually a protocol error error 14094412 SSL routines SSL3_READ_BYTES sslv3 alert bad certificate external.. Maybe FROYO does not support this kind of handshake... I don't know... I tried using httpclient as well. Fail in every case... private void process throws Exception char pass clientpass .toCharArray InputStream ksStream getAssets..