android Programming Glossary: fadescrollbars
Custom scrollbar Android name android scrollbars vertical item item name android fadeScrollbars false item item name android scrollbarThumbVertical @drawable.. scroller thumb. also note the following attributes android fadeScrollbars which is set to false to make the thumb image stay permanently...
Android ListView selected item stay highlighted 512dp android layout_height wrap_content android fadeScrollbars false ListView ListView android id @ id cli_lista_det android.. android layout_toRightOf @ id cli_lista android fadeScrollbars false ListView Java Cursor cursor db.rawQuery Select NrCl '..
Android: Enable Scrollbars on Canvas-Based View attr name android duplicateParentState attr name android fadeScrollbars attr name android fadingEdge attr name android fadingEdgeLength..
How to always show scrollbar this question As of now the best way is to use android fadeScrollbars false in xml which is equivalent to ScrollView.setScrollbarFadingEnabled..
How to combine two array list and show in a listview in android true android background @android color transparent android fadeScrollbars true android layout_gravity top android padding 2dp ListView..
How can I show ellipses on my TextView if it is greater than the 1 line? lines 1 android maxLines 1 android singleLine true android fadeScrollbars false TextView LinearLayout java android textview android linearlayout..
Android: Enable Scrollbars in Custom View attr name android duplicateParentState attr name android fadeScrollbars attr name android fadingEdge attr name android fadingEdgeLength..
Custom scrollbar Android item item name android scrollbarStyle outsideOverlay item item name android scrollbars vertical item item name android fadeScrollbars false item item name android scrollbarThumbVertical @drawable scroller_thumb item style where scroller_thumb is your custom.. style where scroller_thumb is your custom image for the scroller thumb. also note the following attributes android fadeScrollbars which is set to false to make the thumb image stay permanently. android scrollbarStyle which is set to outsideOverlay to..
Android ListView selected item stay highlighted details. XML ListView android id @ id cli_lista android layout_width 512dp android layout_height wrap_content android fadeScrollbars false ListView ListView android id @ id cli_lista_det android layout_width 512dp android layout_height wrap_content android.. android layout_width 512dp android layout_height wrap_content android layout_toRightOf @ id cli_lista android fadeScrollbars false ListView Java Cursor cursor db.rawQuery Select NrCl ' ' Nome From Clientes null final ListView t ListView findViewById..
Android: Enable Scrollbars on Canvas-Based View contentDescription attr name android drawingCacheQuality attr name android duplicateParentState attr name android fadeScrollbars attr name android fadingEdge attr name android fadingEdgeLength attr name android fitsSystemWindows attr name android focusable..
How to always show scrollbar How can I always show it android scrollview share improve this question As of now the best way is to use android fadeScrollbars false in xml which is equivalent to ScrollView.setScrollbarFadingEnabled false in java code. share improve this answer..
How to combine two array list and show in a listview in android android cacheColorHint #00000000 android fastScrollEnabled true android background @android color transparent android fadeScrollbars true android layout_gravity top android padding 2dp ListView LinearLayout and now Activity as public..
How can I show ellipses on my TextView if it is greater than the 1 line? layout_width wrap_content android ellipsize end android lines 1 android maxLines 1 android singleLine true android fadeScrollbars false TextView LinearLayout java android textview android linearlayout android textview share improve this question ..
Android: Enable Scrollbars in Custom View contentDescription attr name android drawingCacheQuality attr name android duplicateParentState attr name android fadeScrollbars attr name android fadingEdge attr name android fadingEdgeLength attr name android fitsSystemWindows attr name android focusable..