android Programming Glossary: fall
onClick on ViewPager not triggered just always return false to allow the touch events to fall through. I would also recommend calling super.onInterceptTouchEvent..
Remove Fragment Page from ViewPager in Android Where the FragmentStatePagerAdapter disposes of views that fall outside the current and traversable views. Override the adapter..
More efficient way for pausing loop wanted blockIfPaused Do my work. step catch Exception ex Just fall out when exception is thrown. thrown ex Block if pause has..
Detect rotation of Android phone in the browser with javascript whether device supports orientationchange event otherwise fall back to the resize event. var supportsOrientationChange onorientationchange..
Fixing Eclipse after ADT breaks as I already have it installed. Thanks. Why does Eclipse fall over every time a plugin installation update is involved well..
Android: Storing username and password? If this is not an option to you for some reason you can fall back to persisting credentials using the Preferences mechanism...
Android: How to detect when a scroll has ended until the final onScroll call when the pressure seems to fall to about 0.13. I suppose I could detect this reduction in pressure..
Prevent onPause from trashing OpenGL Context on supporting devices. However you would still need to fall back to recreating the context for the rest. In my opinion until..
Android: I want to shake it when the application starts and hits the ground from free fall. However the code gets used to the gravitation due to the low..
Change the background color of the options menu it is possible to do the hack in a careful way that will fall back if does..
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? try pedestrian route calculation first if it fails fall back to car route if mode MODE_ANY mode MODE_WALKING navSet..
how to hide soft keyboard on android after clicking outside EditText? a setOnTouchListener to that component and everything will fall in place. In case you are wondering how to do that it is in..
Apache http client or URLConnection However there are some situations and edge cases where I'd fall back to a URLConnection . Examples of edge cases here and here..
Android phone orientation overview including compass roundabout. If someone shoves you in the back you will fall forward toward North and put both hands out to break your fall... forward toward North and put both hands out to break your fall. Similarly if someone shoves you left shoulder you will fall.. Similarly if someone shoves you left shoulder you will fall over on your right hand. Your inner ear has gravitational sensors..
Flash video not displaying in WebView for Android 3.0.1 then show up correctly in Fullscreen mode. But when I fall back to the WebView it again fails to show up and only plays..
android AlarmManager not waking phone up device will wake up when the alarm is received but will fall asleep again before context.startActivity newIntent is called...
How to use Holo.Light theme, and fall back to 'Light' on pre-honeycomb devices? to use Holo.Light theme and fall back to 'Light' on pre honeycomb devices I'd like to use the.. to use the Holo.Light theme on devices that support it and fall back to the regular Light theme on other devices. At the moment..
onClick on ViewPager not triggered ViewGroup.onInterceptTouchEvent MotionEvent ev method. You could just always return false to allow the touch events to fall through. I would also recommend calling super.onInterceptTouchEvent ev to allow swipes to keep working. It passes in a MotionEvent..
Remove Fragment Page from ViewPager in Android will keep all the views that it loads into memory forever. Where the FragmentStatePagerAdapter disposes of views that fall outside the current and traversable views. Override the adapter method getItemPosition shown below . When we call mAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged..
More efficient way for pausing loop wanted void run try while cancelled Block here if we're paused. blockIfPaused Do my work. step catch Exception ex Just fall out when exception is thrown. thrown ex Block if pause has been called without a matching resume. private void blockIfPaused..
Detect rotation of Android phone in the browser with javascript the 'orientationchange' or 'resize' event on window Detect whether device supports orientationchange event otherwise fall back to the resize event. var supportsOrientationChange onorientationchange in window orientationEvent supportsOrientationChange..
Fixing Eclipse after ADT breaks following error after confirming I wish to perform an update as I already have it installed. Thanks. Why does Eclipse fall over every time a plugin installation update is involved well it does for me An error occurred while collecting items to..
Android: Storing username and password? The SampleSyncAdapter provides an example of how to use it. If this is not an option to you for some reason you can fall back to persisting credentials using the Preferences mechanism. Other applications won't be able to access your preferences..
Android: How to detect when a scroll has ended seems to return fairly constant values around 0.25 until the final onScroll call when the pressure seems to fall to about 0.13. I suppose I could detect this reduction in pressure but this will be far from foolproof. There must be a..
Prevent onPause from trashing OpenGL Context capabilities it may be possible to make use of this function on supporting devices. However you would still need to fall back to recreating the context for the rest. In my opinion until more devices run Android 3 it would be better to hold off..
Android: I want to shake it to earth gravity. Otherwise you would get a strong shake when the application starts and hits the ground from free fall. However the code gets used to the gravitation due to the low cut filter and would work also on other planets or in free..
Change the background color of the options menu to avoid this and still accomplish the stated goal. However it is possible to do the hack in a careful way that will fall back if does not appear on the current system. Again understand that this..
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? urlCarMode urlCarMode NavigationDataSet navSet null for mode_any try pedestrian route calculation first if it fails fall back to car route if mode MODE_ANY mode MODE_WALKING navSet MapService.getNavigationDataSet urlPedestrianMode if mode MODE_ANY..
how to hide soft keyboard on android after clicking outside EditText? check if it is an instanceof EditText if it is not register a setOnTouchListener to that component and everything will fall in place. In case you are wondering how to do that it is in fact quite simple. Here is what you do you write a recursive..
Apache http client or URLConnection For most things I'd say that HttpClient is the way to go. However there are some situations and edge cases where I'd fall back to a URLConnection . Examples of edge cases here and here EDIT A similar question has been asked before httpclient..
Android phone orientation overview including compass you are blindfolded and your shoes are fixed to a playground roundabout. If someone shoves you in the back you will fall forward toward North and put both hands out to break your fall. Similarly if someone shoves you left shoulder you will fall.. roundabout. If someone shoves you in the back you will fall forward toward North and put both hands out to break your fall. Similarly if someone shoves you left shoulder you will fall over on your right hand. Your inner ear has gravitational sensors.. forward toward North and put both hands out to break your fall. Similarly if someone shoves you left shoulder you will fall over on your right hand. Your inner ear has gravitational sensors youtube clip which allow you to detect if you are falling..
Flash video not displaying in WebView for Android 3.0.1 left where the new Flash 'Fullscreen' button SHOULD be and it'll then show up correctly in Fullscreen mode. But when I fall back to the WebView it again fails to show up and only plays the audio. Any thoughts are appreciated Please don't just refer..
android AlarmManager not waking phone up be done preferably as the 1st thing in the receiver or the device will wake up when the alarm is received but will fall asleep again before context.startActivity newIntent is called. I have also observed behavior when that does not happen so..
How to use Holo.Light theme, and fall back to 'Light' on pre-honeycomb devices? to use Holo.Light theme and fall back to 'Light' on pre honeycomb devices I'd like to use the Holo.Light theme on devices that support it and fall back.. and fall back to 'Light' on pre honeycomb devices I'd like to use the Holo.Light theme on devices that support it and fall back to the regular Light theme on other devices. At the moment referencing Holo.Light works fine on 3.0 but older APIs..