android Programming Glossary: faces
OutOfMemoryError in game with many small images tile.setCallback null mCardimages contains all the card faces. Then I use this file to create the single cards by cropping..
Android getOrientation() method returns bad results for our rendered pyramid private void initTriangles Side faces triangles float coords 0.25f 0.5f 0.25f 0.25f 0.5f 0.25f 0f.. _angleZ 0f 0f 1f AZIMUTH Draw our pyramid 4 side faces gl.glColor4f 0.5f 0f 0f 0.5f gl.glVertexPointer 3 GL10.GL_FLOAT..
Face Recognition on Android The path to the directory containing the training faces and the path to the image you want to classify. Not that all.. that all images has to be of the same size and that the faces already has to be cropped out of their original images Take.. let's see how far we can get by just looking at the interfaces The project is on googlecode which makes it easy to browse the..
Google map android API V2 crashed api android maps v2 share improve this question I also faces this kind of the problem when first time coding for the map..
How to parse Sub JSONArray and display image? summary This door bell will detect faces of known people and change music if unknown state good image..
Animating and rotating an image in a Surface View a car facing North. If I wanted to animate it so that it faces South for a duration of 500ms how could I do that I am using..
OpenGL ES - texture map all faces of an 8 vertex cube? ES texture map all faces of an 8 vertex cube Working through some OpenGL ES tutorials.. mapping to a cube. Is it possible to map a texture to all faces of a cube that has 8 vertices and 12 triangles for the 6 faces.. of a cube that has 8 vertices and 12 triangles for the 6 faces as described below Use half as we are going for a 0 0 0 centre...
Inserting contacts in Android 2.2 Since someone upvoted it I am assuming someone else also faces the same problem as me. After a little struggle I was able to..
Android phone orientation overview including compass Y 'tube'. If the phone is gradually rotated so its screen faces the sky the amount of rain flowing through Y will decrease to..
Android: How to rotate a moving animated sprite based on the coordinates of its destination be able to rotate the sprite around its center so that it faces its destination coordinates. I am using a sprite sheet and have..
NFC card emulation Android All are rumors. The same happens with Nexus S which faces several problems. Obviously though applications could access..
Sending SMS using Intent does not add recipients on some devices
Android Face Detection the image on Android although the exact code returns 2 faces using the netbeans code. The difference is only in the type.. this question Go for this its working and detecting all faces from a given picture public class AndroidFaceDetector extends..
Android face detection MaxNumDetectedFaces face detection type 0 I read in the documents it means 0 faces are able to be detected or supported but does this mean my device.. or supported but does this mean my device cant detect faces at all or is it something i can change Also its using the back..
OutOfMemoryError in game with many small images tile.setBounds 0 0 widthPixels heightPixels tile.draw canvas tile.setCallback null mCardimages contains all the card faces. Then I use this file to create the single cards by cropping the needed card from the file. After this loadings I load some..
Android getOrientation() method returns bad results inBuf bb.asShortBuffer inBuf.put src return inBuf Init data for our rendered pyramid private void initTriangles Side faces triangles float coords 0.25f 0.5f 0.25f 0.25f 0.5f 0.25f 0f 0.5f 0f float coords1 0.25f 0.5f 0.25f 0.25f 0.5f 0.25f 0f.. 0f 1f 0f ROLL gl.glRotatef _angleX 1f 0f 0f ELEVATION gl.glRotatef _angleZ 0f 0f 1f AZIMUTH Draw our pyramid 4 side faces gl.glColor4f 0.5f 0f 0f 0.5f gl.glVertexPointer 3 GL10.GL_FLOAT 0 _vertexBuffer0 gl.glDrawElements GL10.GL_TRIANGLES _numVertices..
Face Recognition on Android what ™s needed to make it work. The class below takes two arguments The path to the directory containing the training faces and the path to the image you want to classify. Not that all images has to be of the same size and that the faces already.. faces and the path to the image you want to classify. Not that all images has to be of the same size and that the faces already has to be cropped out of their original images Take a look here if you haven ™t done the face detection yet . For.. the contrib module problem . Without ever having used javacv let's see how far we can get by just looking at the interfaces The project is on googlecode which makes it easy to browse the code http p javacv . First have a look at..
Google map android API V2 crashed Eclipse and everything work fine android crash google api android maps v2 share improve this question I also faces this kind of the problem when first time coding for the map with API V2. Just try using the extends with FragmentActivity..
How to parse Sub JSONArray and display image? address Merchant address 1 address merchant address 2 url http summary This door bell will detect faces of known people and change music if unknown state good image http images DoorbellHeader.jpg title Special..
Animating and rotating an image in a Surface View once the animation had finished. For example I might have a car facing North. If I wanted to animate it so that it faces South for a duration of 500ms how could I do that I am using a SurfaceView so all animation must be handled manually I don't..
OpenGL ES - texture map all faces of an 8 vertex cube? ES texture map all faces of an 8 vertex cube Working through some OpenGL ES tutorials using the Android emulator. I've gotten up to texture mapping.. I've gotten up to texture mapping and am having some trouble mapping to a cube. Is it possible to map a texture to all faces of a cube that has 8 vertices and 12 triangles for the 6 faces as described below Use half as we are going for a 0 0 0 centre... to a cube. Is it possible to map a texture to all faces of a cube that has 8 vertices and 12 triangles for the 6 faces as described below Use half as we are going for a 0 0 0 centre. width 2 height 2 depth 2 float vertices width height depth..
Inserting contacts in Android 2.2 this question I thought this Q was long forgotten but Since someone upvoted it I am assuming someone else also faces the same problem as me. After a little struggle I was able to figure out the problem and insert contacts Hope this helps..
Android phone orientation overview including compass the phone held upright all the rain will flow through the Y 'tube'. If the phone is gradually rotated so its screen faces the sky the amount of rain flowing through Y will decrease to zero while the volume through Z will steadily increase until..
Android: How to rotate a moving animated sprite based on the coordinates of its destination across the screen towards a x y coordinate. I would like to be able to rotate the sprite around its center so that it faces its destination coordinates. I am using a sprite sheet and have had issues with clipping. I have also found a lot of good..
NFC card emulation Android the time being. No one knows a thing about SGII SWP capabilities. All are rumors. The same happens with Nexus S which faces several problems. Obviously though applications could access embedded SE it would be worthless since keys are expected to..
Sending SMS using Intent does not add recipients on some devices
Android Face Detection It seems that pushAndReturn is only returning one face from the image on Android although the exact code returns 2 faces using the netbeans code. The difference is only in the type of the image RgbImage on android and RgbImageJ2se on netbeans.. than one face. java android face detection share improve this question Go for this its working and detecting all faces from a given picture public class AndroidFaceDetector extends Activity Called when the activity is first created. @Override..
Android face detection MaxNumDetectedFaces 1755 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException invalid face detection type 0 I read in the documents it means 0 faces are able to be detected or supported but does this mean my device cant detect faces at all or is it something i can change.. I read in the documents it means 0 faces are able to be detected or supported but does this mean my device cant detect faces at all or is it something i can change Also its using the back camera would changing it to the other camera change anything..