android Programming Glossary: f5
How to deal with missing src/test/java source folder in Android/Maven project? in the file system then refresh your project by press F5 and run Maven Update Project Right click project choose Maven..
While Make sign APK of Google map (Failed to load map Could not contact Google servers) this error accured A3 SHA1 B2 68 A7 D6 3A FC 8F 15 8D 3E 1F 4A E8 99 CE 8D F5 28 07 4D SHA256 5B 5B FE 7B 92 7F 06 53 1E 28 BB D0 E5 CB 05.. does not regenerate in any way inside the folder res ctrl shift o remove android.import.R F5 space and then remove the add in manifest check the PACKAGE..
Problem with bluetooth on android 2.1 (samsung spica i5700) where pairing works but connection does not work 0.0 D BluetoothZephyrService 23605 connect to 00 07 80 88 F5 AD D BluetoothSocket 23605 BluetoothSocket created fd 1uuid00001101.. 19147 ... Object Path org bluez 21902 hci0 dev_00_07_80_88_F5_AD I BluetoothService.cpp 19147 ... Pattern 00001101 0000 1000.. on uuid16 0x0011 I DTUN_HCID 21902 bdaddr 00 07 80 88 F5 AD I DTUN_CLNT 21902 Client calling DTUN_METHOD_DM_GET_REMOTE_SERVICE_CHANNEL..
How to attach javadoc or sources to jars in libs folder? Eclipse project Optionally refresh the project by pressing F5 . Select an object of the linked library in the source code...
How to deal with missing src/test/java source folder in Android/Maven project? to fix it the easiest is manually create src test java directory in the file system then refresh your project by press F5 and run Maven Update Project Right click project choose Maven Update Project... this should fix the missing required source..
While Make sign APK of Google map (Failed to load map Could not contact Google servers) this error accured MD5 51 CE 5C 07 05 31 98 6A D5 7C 24 B1 B3 EC 22 A3 SHA1 B2 68 A7 D6 3A FC 8F 15 8D 3E 1F 4A E8 99 CE 8D F5 28 07 4D SHA256 5B 5B FE 7B 92 7F 06 53 1E 28 BB D0 E5 CB 05 46 B0 81 76 CC 61 87 97 FA 19 68 B6 C1 08 E8 D6 D9 Signature.. does not regenerate in any way without any error reported by eclipse in the file inside the folder res ctrl shift o remove android.import.R F5 space and then remove the add in manifest check the PACKAGE of the project restart eclipse restart the pc exclude the project..
Problem with bluetooth on android 2.1 (samsung spica i5700) where pairing works but connection does not work 440b5680 action 1 x 228.28438 y 212.55624 pressure 0.0 size 0.0 D BluetoothZephyrService 23605 connect to 00 07 80 88 F5 AD D BluetoothSocket 23605 BluetoothSocket created fd 1uuid00001101 0000 1000 8000 00805f9b34fbport 1 D BluetoothSocket.cpp.. D BluetoothSocket 23605 doSdp I BluetoothService.cpp 19147 ... Object Path org bluez 21902 hci0 dev_00_07_80_88_F5_AD I BluetoothService.cpp 19147 ... Pattern 00001101 0000 1000 8000 00805f9b34fb strlen 36 I BluetoothZephyr 23605 MESSAGE_STATE_CHANGE.. 21902 dtun_client_get_remote_svc_channel starting discovery on uuid16 0x0011 I DTUN_HCID 21902 bdaddr 00 07 80 88 F5 AD I DTUN_CLNT 21902 Client calling DTUN_METHOD_DM_GET_REMOTE_SERVICE_CHANNEL id 4 I 21889 DTUN_ReceiveCtrlMsg DTUN Received..
How to attach javadoc or sources to jars in libs folder? javadoc .jar in the .properties file. Close and re open the Eclipse project Optionally refresh the project by pressing F5 . Select an object of the linked library in the source code. Open the Javadoc view in Eclipse to check the documentation..