android Programming Glossary: face
How to use custom font with WebView display some unicode characters and I have used tag font face Arial something here font . But it seems that WebView can not.. assets folder then in your CSS file you can put in @font face font family myIPA src url 'IPA.TTF' .phon .unicode display inline..
Making TextView Scrollable in Android this tv.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.splash tv.setTypeface face tv.setTextSize 18 tv.setTextColor R.color.BROWN tv.setGravity.. tv.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.splash tv.setTypeface face tv.setTextSize 18 tv.setTextColor R.color.BROWN tv.setGravity..
JNI bitmap operations , for helping to avoid OOM when using large images [closed] at the end when you finished with all of the operations. face detection rotation in any angle or at least the obvious ones..
Custom Fonts in Android but I failed to do it. My problem is regarding the font face. In Android there are only 4 attributes in android typeface.. In Android there are only 4 attributes in android typeface Normal Sans Serif Monospace. So what do I have to do to use.. a TextView do the following import public class FontSampler extends Activity @Override public void..
How to change font face of Webview in Android? to change font face of Webview in Android I want change the default font of webview.. app for Android. I tried getting an instance of custom typeface by placing my custom font in assets. But still couldn't set.. default font to my font. This is what I tried Typeface font Typeface.createFromAsset getAssets myfont.ttf private WebView..
Face Detection in Android? an experimental camera app. I'm looking into implementing face detection at the moment and am currently weighing up my options... the OpenCV port available for Android and using their face detection functions but from demos I have seen of previous implementations.. to lag a lot. Considering the camera on the HTC Desire has face detection support I know it must be possible to get at least..
Android phone orientation overview including compass of Africa but bear with me. I hold my phone in front of my face so that the bottom of the phone points to my feet I am facing.. Y 'tube'. If the phone is gradually rotated so its screen faces the sky the amount of rain flowing through Y will decrease..
How to play a video in a webview with android? videos for Android webkit. And then... when I had to face this issue I had to research a bit and found some useful answers...
How to create a DataGrid display in android? Book Title Author new Book Clean Code Uncle Bob new Book Face 2.0 Allen Cooper @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState..
Face Recognition on Android Recognition on Android I'm trying to develop a Face Recognition.. Recognition on Android I'm trying to develop a Face Recognition app on Android and since I don't want to use NDK.. project I tried using JavaCV to use the Contrib Module's FaceRecognizer class. there are two classes available called FaceRecognizer..
Android draw on camera preview for its preview. My callback to draw on it would be onFaceDetection like so public class MyActivity extends Activity implements.. extends Activity implements SurfaceHolder.Callback Camera.FaceDetectionListener Camera camera SurfaceView svPreview SurfaceHolder.. try camera.setDisplayOrientation 90 camera.setFaceDetectionListener this camera.setPreviewDisplay previewHolder..
Change the Background of Select/Click listview Item - Android Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE String fontPath fonts Face Your Fears.ttf if convertView null holder new ViewHolder convertView..
Android Phonegap version 2.0 or higher any update for Share plugin for facebook , twitter, message etc version any new or updated plugin for share message on Facebook. I've referred to this documentation and this question How.. message on facebook document .ready function button#sendFacebook .click function var txtsub input#txtsub .attr value var.. Message id txtmsg rows 4 cols 25 textarea br button id sendFacebook Update Status button body html and test this plugin for..
Android Webview - Completely Clear the Cache loads a webpage the page gathers some background data from Facebook. What I'm seeing though is the page displayed in the application.. question The edited code snippet above posted by Gaunt Face contains an error in that if a directory fails to delete because..
Face Detection in Android? Detection in Android I am currently working on an experimental.. face recognition share improve this question Try FaceDetector in the Android SDK. It returns face positions and angles.. very fast. Here's a realtime face detection sample using FaceDetector and OpenGL draws rectangles which works in Android 2.2...
How to crop image in android public void onClick View v onSaveClicked startFaceDetection private Uri getImageUri String path return Uri.fromFile.. TAG file path not found return null private void startFaceDetection if isFinishing Toast.makeText this Inside Face Detection.. if isFinishing Toast.makeText this Inside Face Detection Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show return Toast.makeText this..
Face recognition API for java android recognition API for java android i tried to find a way to do.. are some links that I found on face recognition libraries. FaceDetector.Face OpenCV Facerecog UPDATE Image Identification links.. that I found on face recognition libraries. FaceDetector.Face OpenCV Facerecog UPDATE Image Identification links Koaba Imaging..
Android Face Detection Face Detection I am trying to do face detection on android and I.. all faces from a given picture public class AndroidFaceDetector extends Activity Called when the activity is first created... private int imageWidth imageHeight private int numberOfFace 5 private FaceDetector myFaceDetect private FaceDetector.Face..
Android face detector using android camera share improve this question Its possible with the Face Detection APIs in ICS. Refer the camera section on this page.. sdk android 4.0.html You must register a FaceDetectionListener and then call camera.startFaceDetection . Please.. register a FaceDetectionListener and then call camera.startFaceDetection . Please read the link above for more details. I wrote..
How to use custom font with WebView How to use custom font with WebView Now I want to display some unicode characters and I have used tag font face Arial something here font . But it seems that WebView can not find the Arial font because I can only see UFO characters... 1.6 and 2.2. You can put your custom font TTF file in your assets folder then in your CSS file you can put in @font face font family myIPA src url 'IPA.TTF' .phon .unicode display inline font family 'myIPA' Verdana sans serif font size 14pt..
Making TextView Scrollable in Android i do that Here is the code final TextView tv new TextView this tv.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.splash tv.setTypeface face tv.setTextSize 18 tv.setTextColor R.color.BROWN tv.setGravity Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL tv.setOnTouchListener.. do that Here is the code final TextView tv new TextView this tv.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.splash tv.setTypeface face tv.setTextSize 18 tv.setTextColor R.color.BROWN tv.setGravity Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL tv.setOnTouchListener..
JNI bitmap operations , for helping to avoid OOM when using large images [closed] not use the heap on the java world from the beginning only at the end when you finished with all of the operations. face detection rotation in any angle or at least the obvious ones . currently i only added rotation of 90 degrees counter clock..
Custom Fonts in Android I have already read some articles and searched on Google but I failed to do it. My problem is regarding the font face. In Android there are only 4 attributes in android typeface Normal Sans Serif Monospace. So what do I have to do to use.. but I failed to do it. My problem is regarding the font face. In Android there are only 4 attributes in android typeface Normal Sans Serif Monospace. So what do I have to do to use Verdana in my application Please suggest me a correct way to.. case Verdana.ttf . Then if you want to apply that font to say a TextView do the following import public class FontSampler extends Activity @Override public void onCreate Bundle icicle super.onCreate icicle setContentView..
How to change font face of Webview in Android? to change font face of Webview in Android I want change the default font of webview to a custom font. I'm using webview in developing an bilingual.. font. I'm using webview in developing an bilingual browser app for Android. I tried getting an instance of custom typeface by placing my custom font in assets. But still couldn't set webview's default font to my font. This is what I tried Typeface.. placing my custom font in assets. But still couldn't set webview's default font to my font. This is what I tried Typeface font Typeface.createFromAsset getAssets myfont.ttf private WebView webview WebSettings webSettings webView.getSettings webSettings.setFixedFontFamily..
Face Detection in Android? Detection in Android I am currently working on an experimental camera app. I'm looking into implementing face detection at the moment and am currently weighing up my options. I have considered the OpenCV port available for Android.. and am currently weighing up my options. I have considered the OpenCV port available for Android and using their face detection functions but from demos I have seen of previous implementations the camera seems to lag a lot. Considering the.. I have seen of previous implementations the camera seems to lag a lot. Considering the camera on the HTC Desire has face detection support I know it must be possible to get at least a semi decent face detection system in place. I was just wondering..
Android phone orientation overview including compass . This location is actually in the sea off the coast of Africa but bear with me. I hold my phone in front of my face so that the bottom of the phone points to my feet I am facing North looking toward Greenwich so therefore the right hand.. the phone held upright all the rain will flow through the Y 'tube'. If the phone is gradually rotated so its screen faces the sky the amount of rain flowing through Y will decrease to zero while the volume through Z will steadily increase until..
How to play a video in a webview with android? an article with a working example and some guidelines to encode videos for Android webkit. And then... when I had to face this issue I had to research a bit and found some useful answers. Basically you have to open the video the way the native..
How to create a DataGrid display in android? extends Activity Context mContext Book books new Book Title Author new Book Clean Code Uncle Bob new Book Face 2.0 Allen Cooper @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState mContext this..
Face Recognition on Android Recognition on Android I'm trying to develop a Face Recognition app on Android and since I don't want to use NDK on the.. Recognition on Android I'm trying to develop a Face Recognition app on Android and since I don't want to use NDK on the project simply don't have the time to switch I'm sticking.. included in OpenCV 2.4.2 . is there anyway to use it in the project I tried using JavaCV to use the Contrib Module's FaceRecognizer class. there are two classes available called FaceRecognizer FaceRecognizerPtr . does anybody know what the difference..
Android draw on camera preview trying to draw on the same SurfaceView where the camera is using for its preview. My callback to draw on it would be onFaceDetection like so public class MyActivity extends Activity implements SurfaceHolder.Callback Camera.FaceDetectionListener.. it would be onFaceDetection like so public class MyActivity extends Activity implements SurfaceHolder.Callback Camera.FaceDetectionListener Camera camera SurfaceView svPreview SurfaceHolder previewHolder TextView tvInfo Paint red @Override public.. public void surfaceCreated SurfaceHolder arg0 camera try camera.setDisplayOrientation 90 camera.setFaceDetectionListener this camera.setPreviewDisplay previewHolder catch IOException e e.printStackTrace public void surfaceChanged..
Change the Background of Select/Click listview Item - Android this.inflater LayoutInflater context.getSystemService Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE String fontPath fonts Face Your Fears.ttf if convertView null holder new ViewHolder convertView inflater.inflate R.layout.quiz_questions_listitem..
Android Phonegap version 2.0 or higher any update for Share plugin for facebook , twitter, message etc work properly. This plugin is written in PhoneGap 1.0 and later version any new or updated plugin for share message on Facebook. I've referred to this documentation and this question How to implement facebook send twitter share send sms send email.. function alert 'Share failed' Failure function Send message on facebook document .ready function button#sendFacebook .click function var txtsub input#txtsub .attr value var txtmsg #txtmsg .val share txtsub txtmsg script head body input.. maxlength 20 required br br textarea placeholder Enter Message id txtmsg rows 4 cols 25 textarea br button id sendFacebook Update Status button body html and test this plugin for Face book twitter gmail etc. enjoy . Let me know if you have..
Android Webview - Completely Clear the Cache Cache I have a WebView in one of my Activities and when it loads a webpage the page gathers some background data from Facebook. What I'm seeing though is the page displayed in the application is the same on each time the app is opened and refreshed... repsonse android caching webview clear share improve this question The edited code snippet above posted by Gaunt Face contains an error in that if a directory fails to delete because one of its files cannot be deleted the code will keep retrying..
Face Detection in Android? Detection in Android I am currently working on an experimental camera app. I'm looking into implementing face detection.. Implementing a particular algorithm myself android opencv camera face recognition share improve this question Try FaceDetector in the Android SDK. It returns face positions and angles in BMPs. But it's not very fast. Here's a realtime face.. It returns face positions and angles in BMPs. But it's not very fast. Here's a realtime face detection sample using FaceDetector and OpenGL draws rectangles which works in Android 2.2. OpenCV in Android You'd better try this on Linux I've tried..
How to crop image in android findViewById .setOnClickListener new View.OnClickListener public void onClick View v onSaveClicked startFaceDetection private Uri getImageUri String path return Uri.fromFile new File path private Bitmap getBitmap String path Uri.. in catch FileNotFoundException e Log.e TAG file path not found return null private void startFaceDetection if isFinishing Toast.makeText this Inside Face Detection Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show return Toast.makeText this Outside.. e Log.e TAG file path not found return null private void startFaceDetection if isFinishing Toast.makeText this Inside Face Detection Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show return Toast.makeText this Outside Face Detection Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show mImageView.setImageBitmapResetBase..
Face recognition API for java android recognition API for java android i tried to find a way to do recognition of the face with camera given a picture. if any.. face recognition share improve this question Here are some links that I found on face recognition libraries. FaceDetector.Face OpenCV Facerecog UPDATE Image Identification links Koaba Imaging Solution Ltutech share improve this answer..
Android Face Detection Face Detection I am trying to do face detection on android and I am following the guide http 2011 01.. share improve this question Go for this its working and detecting all faces from a given picture public class AndroidFaceDetector extends Activity Called when the activity is first created. @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState.. new myView this private class myView extends View private int imageWidth imageHeight private int numberOfFace 5 private FaceDetector myFaceDetect private FaceDetector.Face myFace float myEyesDistance int numberOfFaceDetected Bitmap..
Android face detector using android camera any examples of doing this using the camera as an input android share improve this question Its possible with the Face Detection APIs in ICS. Refer the camera section on this page http sdk android 4.0.html You must register.. APIs in ICS. Refer the camera section on this page http sdk android 4.0.html You must register a FaceDetectionListener and then call camera.startFaceDetection . Please read the link above for more details. I wrote some sample.. http sdk android 4.0.html You must register a FaceDetectionListener and then call camera.startFaceDetection . Please read the link above for more details. I wrote some sample code. It isn't perfect since its Work In Progress..