android Programming Glossary: facebook.request
Android facebook SDK, upload pictures to wall with profile in different language? photos.upload parameters.putByteArray picture data facebook.request null parameters POST time Calendar.getInstance .getTime .getHours..
Facebook sdk 3.0.1 is not working properly message parameters.putString description topic share try facebook.request me String response facebook.request me feed parameters POST.. topic share try facebook.request me String response facebook.request me feed parameters POST Log.d Tests got response response if..
Post to facebook after login fails Android Log.i onComplete onFacebookError try String response facebook.request me Bundle parameters new Bundle parameters.putString caption.. parameters.putString method stream.publish response facebook.request me feed parameters POST Utility.mAsyncRunner.request me params.. public void postOnWall String link try String response facebook.request me Bundle parameters new Bundle parameters.putString caption..
android facebook api post b.putString message this is just a test... try String ret facebook.request path b Toast.makeText fmasterActivity.this ret Toast.LENGTH_LONG..
Android Facebook Graph API to update status Facebook.TOKEN accessToken String response facebook.request me feed bundle POST Log.d UPDATE RESPONSE response catch MalformedURLException..
Android post picture to Facebook wall picture getIntent .getExtras .getByteArray data try facebook.request me photos params POST catch FileNotFoundException fileNotFoundException..
Android photo upload to facebook using graph api? wp content uploads kanji_luck.png String response facebook.request me photos bundle POST but i got the following error 04 26 15.. wp content uploads kanji_luck.png String response facebook.request me feed bundle POST for post in album.. bundle.putByteArray.. album.. bundle.putByteArray picture byte String response facebook.request me photos bundle POST where byte bytearray of image.. share..
Get user image from Facebook Graph-API Facebook.TOKEN facebook.getAccessToken Object picture facebook.request userId picture bundle GET When I do the same call in the browser..
How to get user information from twitter in android app? last name email etc. I had done this for facebook with facebook.request me Now how to get user info from twitter I am using twitter4j..
Facebook post to wall on Android, message only description Description String response facebook.request me feed parameters POST Log.v response response catch Exception..
Android - How to upload photo from the SD card to the Facebook wall to user's Wall photos album. How Code snippet Beware The facebook.request call should be replaced with async call so the operation doesn't.. the UI thread String wallAlbumID null String response facebook.request me albums JSONObject json Util.parseJson response JSONArray..
Facebook Score API calls from Android not displaying high scores on Timeline/ticker appAccessToken String response null try response facebook.request userId scores params POST catch IOException e e.printStackTrace..
Android facebook SDK, upload pictures to wall with profile in different language? parameters.putString message strmsg parameters.putString method photos.upload parameters.putByteArray picture data facebook.request null parameters POST time Calendar.getInstance .getTime .getHours Calendar.getInstance .getTime .getMinutes currentTime..
Facebook sdk 3.0.1 is not working properly Bundle parameters new Bundle parameters.putString message message parameters.putString description topic share try facebook.request me String response facebook.request me feed parameters POST Log.d Tests got response response if response null response.equals.. message message parameters.putString description topic share try facebook.request me String response facebook.request me feed parameters POST Log.d Tests got response response if response null response.equals response.equals false showToast..
Post to facebook after login fails Android state TODO Auto generated method stub e.printStackTrace Log.i onComplete onFacebookError try String response facebook.request me Bundle parameters new Bundle parameters.putString caption Test Caption parameters.putString link http parameters.putString caption Test Caption http parameters.putString method stream.publish response facebook.request me feed parameters POST Utility.mAsyncRunner.request me params new UserRequestListener Util.mAsyncRunner.request me parameters.. Blank response catch Exception e e.printStackTrace params public void postOnWall String link try String response facebook.request me Bundle parameters new Bundle parameters.putString caption Test Caption System.out.println response link link parameters.putString..
android facebook api post tried this b.putString access_token facebook.getAccessToken b.putString message this is just a test... try String ret facebook.request path b Toast.makeText fmasterActivity.this ret Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show catch MalformedURLException e TODO Auto generated..
Android Facebook Graph API to update status bundle new Bundle bundle.putString message test update bundle.putString Facebook.TOKEN accessToken String response facebook.request me feed bundle POST Log.d UPDATE RESPONSE response catch MalformedURLException e Log.e MALFORMED URL e.getMessage catch..
Android post picture to Facebook wall The byte array is the data of a picture. params.putByteArray picture getIntent .getExtras .getByteArray data try facebook.request me photos params POST catch FileNotFoundException fileNotFoundException makeToast fileNotFoundException.getMessage catch..
Android photo upload to facebook using graph api? accessToken bundle.putString image http wp content uploads kanji_luck.png String response facebook.request me photos bundle POST but i got the following error 04 26 15 01 02.005 DEBUG UPDATE RESPONSE 9405 error type OAuthException.. just try this bundle.putString picture http wp content uploads kanji_luck.png String response facebook.request me feed bundle POST for post in album.. bundle.putByteArray picture byte String response facebook.request me photos bundle..
Get user image from Facebook Graph-API Bundle bundle new Bundle bundle.putString Facebook.TOKEN facebook.getAccessToken Object picture facebook.request userId picture bundle GET When I do the same call in the browser https picture access_token then I get..
How to get user information from twitter in android app? the API which gives me logged users information like first name last name email etc. I had done this for facebook with facebook.request me Now how to get user info from twitter I am using twitter4j core android2.2.3.jar. Plz let me know is there a way to get..
Facebook post to wall on Android, message only
Android - How to upload photo from the SD card to the Facebook wall photos on user's wall is to add photos and related comments to user's Wall photos album. How Code snippet Beware The facebook.request call should be replaced with async call so the operation doesn't block the UI thread String wallAlbumID null String response.. be replaced with async call so the operation doesn't block the UI thread String wallAlbumID null String response facebook.request me albums JSONObject json Util.parseJson response JSONArray albums json.getJSONArray data for int i 0 i albums.length i..
Facebook Score API calls from Android not displaying high scores on Timeline/ticker 100 appAccessToken is temporarily a constant facebook.setAccessToken appAccessToken String response null try response facebook.request userId scores params POST catch IOException e e.printStackTrace Logs true if successful Log.d TAG response Open Facebook..