android Programming Glossary: donut
How AsyncTask works in Android operations with a single additional thread one by one . In Donut 1.6 it was changed so that a pool of thread had begun to be..
How to make page turning effect in Android?
Version of SQLite used in Android? Gingerbread 8 2.2 Froyo SQLite 3.5.9 7 2.1 Eclair 4 1.6 Donut 3 1.5 Cupcake Note Android SDK level links show where the android.database.sqlite..
Retrieving Android API version programmatically an SDK before froyo Edit This SDK_INT is available since Donut android 1.6 API4 so make sure your application is not retro..
Get android api level of phone currently running my application [duplicate] release. If you are on at least API version 4 Android 1.6 Donut the current suggested way of getting the API level would be.. 1.1 3 CUPCAKE Android 1.5 Cupcake 4 DONUT Android 1.6 Donut 5 ECLAIR Android 2.0 Eclair 6 ECLAIR_0_1 Android 2.0.1 Eclair..
How to programatically create and read WEP/EAP WiFi configurations in Android? wcEnterpriseField null noEnterpriseFieldType true Cupcake Donut access enterprise settings directly Field wcefAnonymousId null..
TTS doesn't speak from a service whereas it does it from an activity in android use a Factory to check if the Android Version is at least Donut and reuse it see method init Context context . Please notice..
Android Launching Contacts Application startActivity i This should work in everything from Donut through to Gingerbread not sure about Honeycomb. share improve..
How AsyncTask works in Android When it first appeared in Cupcake 1.5 it handled background operations with a single additional thread one by one . In Donut 1.6 it was changed so that a pool of thread had begun to be used. And operations could be processed simultaneously until..
How to make page turning effect in Android?
Version of SQLite used in Android? 11 3.0 Honeycomb SQLite 3.6.22 10 2.3.3 Gingerbread 9 2.3.1 Gingerbread 8 2.2 Froyo SQLite 3.5.9 7 2.1 Eclair 4 1.6 Donut 3 1.5 Cupcake Note Android SDK level links show where the android.database.sqlite package has changed. Where there is no..
Retrieving Android API version programmatically froyo and above versions else do something for phones running an SDK before froyo Edit This SDK_INT is available since Donut android 1.6 API4 so make sure your application is not retro compatible with Cupcake android 1.5 API3 when you use it or..
Get android api level of phone currently running my application [duplicate] is a String that can be converted to the integer of the release. If you are on at least API version 4 Android 1.6 Donut the current suggested way of getting the API level would be to check the value of android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT which.. Human Version Name 1 BASE Android 1.0 2 BASE_1_1 Android 1.1 3 CUPCAKE Android 1.5 Cupcake 4 DONUT Android 1.6 Donut 5 ECLAIR Android 2.0 Eclair 6 ECLAIR_0_1 Android 2.0.1 Eclair 7 ECLAIR_MR1 Android 2.1 Eclair 8 FROYO Android 2.2..
How to programatically create and read WEP/EAP WiFi configurations in Android? wcClass break boolean noEnterpriseFieldType false if wcEnterpriseField null noEnterpriseFieldType true Cupcake Donut access enterprise settings directly Field wcefAnonymousId null wcefCaCert null wcefClientCert null wcefEap null wcefIdentity..
TTS doesn't speak from a service whereas it does it from an activity in android Object in a separate Class in my case I furthermore use a Factory to check if the Android Version is at least Donut and reuse it see method init Context context . Please notice that the onInit int status is far from being ready to release...
Android Launching Contacts Application