android Programming Glossary: domainadapter
Cursor and Adapter private void displayResultList Cursor databaseCursor null DomainAdapter databaseListAdapter new DomainAdapter this R.layout.list_item.. databaseCursor null DomainAdapter databaseListAdapter new DomainAdapter this R.layout.list_item databaseCursor new String label title.. mounted Alerts.sdCardMissing this My Adapter public class DomainAdapter extends SimpleCursorAdapter private Cursor dataCursor private..
Custom ListView with Date as SectionHeader (Used custom SimpleCursorAdapter) My Custom SimpleCursorAdapter is public class DomainAdapter extends SimpleCursorAdapter private Cursor dataCursor private.. Cursor dataCursor private LayoutInflater mInflater public DomainAdapter Context context int layout Cursor dataCursor String from int.. This works fine. However it was a quick fix. public class DomainAdapter extends SimpleCursorAdapter private Cursor dataCursor private..
Cursor and Adapter 'Cursor databaseCursor null ' needs to be. Thnx The Activity private void displayResultList Cursor databaseCursor null DomainAdapter databaseListAdapter new DomainAdapter this R.layout.list_item databaseCursor new String label title description new int.. be. Thnx The Activity private void displayResultList Cursor databaseCursor null DomainAdapter databaseListAdapter new DomainAdapter this R.layout.list_item databaseCursor new String label title description new int Log.i tag SDCard is NOT writable mounted Alerts.sdCardMissing this My Adapter public class DomainAdapter extends SimpleCursorAdapter private Cursor dataCursor private LayoutInflater mInflater public DomainAdapter Context context..
Custom ListView with Date as SectionHeader (Used custom SimpleCursorAdapter) ListView from sqlite database using custom SimpleCursorAdapter. My Custom SimpleCursorAdapter is public class DomainAdapter extends SimpleCursorAdapter private Cursor dataCursor private LayoutInflater mInflater public DomainAdapter Context context.. class DomainAdapter extends SimpleCursorAdapter private Cursor dataCursor private LayoutInflater mInflater public DomainAdapter Context context int layout Cursor dataCursor String from int to super context layout dataCursor from to this.dataCursor.. to the same. Edited According to Graham Borald's Answer This works fine. However it was a quick fix. public class DomainAdapter extends SimpleCursorAdapter private Cursor dataCursor private LayoutInflater mInflater public DomainAdapter Context context..