android Programming Glossary: double.parsedouble
achartengine - can't figure how to use dates as x axis - the file I save is empty generated catch block e.printStackTrace double thedata Double.parseDouble value.getText .toString .trim mydata.add thedata .. BufferedWriter.. if s null String splitLine s.split date.add d Double.parseDouble splitLine 0 data.add Double.parseDouble splitLine 1 I have.. date.add d Double.parseDouble splitLine 0 data.add Double.parseDouble splitLine 1 I have these problems 1 The file I receive is empty..
Android - Get Altitude By Longitude and Latitude? tagClose String value respStr.substring start end result Double.parseDouble value instream.close catch ClientProtocolException e catch..
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? seconds pair TODO try GeoPoint startGP new GeoPoint int Double.parseDouble lngLat 1 1E6 int Double.parseDouble lngLat 0 1E6 mMapView01.getOverlays.. new GeoPoint int Double.parseDouble lngLat 1 1E6 int Double.parseDouble lngLat 0 1E6 mMapView01.getOverlays .add new RouteOverlay startGP.. first latitude second longitude gp2 new GeoPoint int Double.parseDouble lngLat 1 1E6 int Double.parseDouble lngLat 0 1E6 if gp2.getLatitudeE6..
Decimal separator comma (',') with numberDecimal inputType in EditText Editable s double doubleValue 0 if s null try doubleValue Double.parseDouble s.toString .replace ' ' '.' catch NumberFormatException e Error..
Android draw route on a Mapview with twoo POI-s lngLat 2 height src GeoPoint startGP new GeoPoint int Double.parseDouble lngLat 1 1E6 int Double.parseDouble lngLat 0 1E6 mMapView01.getOverlays.. new GeoPoint int Double.parseDouble lngLat 1 1E6 int Double.parseDouble lngLat 0 1E6 mMapView01.getOverlays .add overlayitem GeoPoint.. first latitude second longitude gp2 new GeoPoint int Double.parseDouble lngLat 1 1E6 int Double.parseDouble lngLat 0 1E6 mMapView01.getOverlays..
Get and Parse CSV file in android price RowData 1 String change RowData 2 stock.setPrice Double.parseDouble price stock.setTicker name stock.setChange change android..
Can't mark while showing the current location in 'mapview' getApplicationContext GeoPoint srcpoint new GeoPoint int Double.parseDouble lat 1E6 int Double.parseDouble lng 1E6 OverlayItem srcoverlayitem.. srcpoint new GeoPoint int Double.parseDouble lat 1E6 int Double.parseDouble lng 1E6 OverlayItem srcoverlayitem new OverlayItem srcpoint.. forloop setoflocations GeoPoint srcpoint new GeoPoint int Double.parseDouble lat 1E6 int Double.parseDouble lng 1E6 OverlayItem srcoverlayitem..
achartengine - can't figure how to use dates as x axis - the file I save is empty filename mydate.add d catch ParseException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace double thedata Double.parseDouble value.getText .toString .trim mydata.add thedata .. BufferedWriter bw new BufferedWriter new OutputStreamWriter fos for.. br new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader fis do s br.readLine if s null String splitLine s.split date.add d Double.parseDouble splitLine 0 data.add Double.parseDouble splitLine 1 I have these problems 1 The file I receive is empty some problem with.. fis do s br.readLine if s null String splitLine s.split date.add d Double.parseDouble splitLine 0 data.add Double.parseDouble splitLine 1 I have these problems 1 The file I receive is empty some problem with the Date because the method for saving..
Android - Get Altitude By Longitude and Latitude? tagOpen tagOpen.length int end respStr.indexOf tagClose String value respStr.substring start end result Double.parseDouble value instream.close catch ClientProtocolException e catch IOException e return result And example of use right in HelloMapView..
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? 1 .split if first pair is not transferred completely take seconds pair TODO try GeoPoint startGP new GeoPoint int Double.parseDouble lngLat 1 1E6 int Double.parseDouble lngLat 0 1E6 mMapView01.getOverlays .add new RouteOverlay startGP startGP 1 GeoPoint.. completely take seconds pair TODO try GeoPoint startGP new GeoPoint int Double.parseDouble lngLat 1 1E6 int Double.parseDouble lngLat 0 1E6 mMapView01.getOverlays .add new RouteOverlay startGP startGP 1 GeoPoint gp1 GeoPoint gp2 startGP for int.. 0 gp2.getLatitudeE6 0 gp2.getLongitudeE6 0 for GeoPoint first latitude second longitude gp2 new GeoPoint int Double.parseDouble lngLat 1 1E6 int Double.parseDouble lngLat 0 1E6 if gp2.getLatitudeE6 22200000 mMapView01.getOverlays .add new RouteOverlay..
Decimal separator comma (',') with numberDecimal inputType in EditText the following afterTextChanged public void afterTextChanged Editable s double doubleValue 0 if s null try doubleValue Double.parseDouble s.toString .replace ' ' '.' catch NumberFormatException e Error Do something with doubleValue share improve this answer..
Android draw route on a Mapview with twoo POI-s lngLat pairs 0 .split lngLat 0 longitude lngLat 1 latitude lngLat 2 height src GeoPoint startGP new GeoPoint int Double.parseDouble lngLat 1 1E6 int Double.parseDouble lngLat 0 1E6 mMapView01.getOverlays .add overlayitem GeoPoint gp1 GeoPoint gp2 startGP.. longitude lngLat 1 latitude lngLat 2 height src GeoPoint startGP new GeoPoint int Double.parseDouble lngLat 1 1E6 int Double.parseDouble lngLat 0 1E6 mMapView01.getOverlays .add overlayitem GeoPoint gp1 GeoPoint gp2 startGP for int i 1 i pairs.length i the.. be crash lngLat pairs i .split gp1 gp2 watch out For GeoPoint first latitude second longitude gp2 new GeoPoint int Double.parseDouble lngLat 1 1E6 int Double.parseDouble lngLat 0 1E6 mMapView01.getOverlays .add new MapRouteOverlay gp1 gp2 2 color Log.d xxx..
Get and Parse CSV file in android String RowData result.split n String name RowData 0 String price RowData 1 String change RowData 2 stock.setPrice Double.parseDouble price stock.setTicker name stock.setChange change android parsing csv share improve this question Try something..
Can't mark while showing the current location in 'mapview' srcitemizedOverlay new CustomItemizedOverlay srcdrawable getApplicationContext GeoPoint srcpoint new GeoPoint int Double.parseDouble lat 1E6 int Double.parseDouble lng 1E6 OverlayItem srcoverlayitem new OverlayItem srcpoint Hello This is your Location... srcdrawable getApplicationContext GeoPoint srcpoint new GeoPoint int Double.parseDouble lat 1E6 int Double.parseDouble lng 1E6 OverlayItem srcoverlayitem new OverlayItem srcpoint Hello This is your Location. srcitemizedOverlay.addOverlay srcoverlayitem.. new CustomItemizedOverlay srcdrawable getApplicationContext forloop setoflocations GeoPoint srcpoint new GeoPoint int Double.parseDouble lat 1E6 int Double.parseDouble lng 1E6 OverlayItem srcoverlayitem new OverlayItem srcpoint Hello This is your Location...