android Programming Glossary: done..
Set permission for getting User's email ID from Facebook Login android facebook facebook login facebook android sdk share improve this question Solved it Here is what I have done... @Override protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.activity_main..
Custom Class Loading in Dalvik with Gradle (Android New Build System) before the final .jar file is assembled. We do that with a simple line of code jar.dependsOn dexClasses And we're done... Simply invoke Gradle with the usual assemble task and your final .jar file buildDir libs archivesBaseName .jar will contain..
overriding the Home Key Long press in a category.HOME activity you woulg give me. android home share improve this question Everything I have ever read states that this can't be done... Here is a post on Android Beginners where I asked a very similar question http group android beginners..
Play song during call call if we are in same call both should listen that song and call must be disconnected automatically once playing done... present my application behaving like if i call to anyone once call lifted song is playing but i am only hearing that song..
localization of assets files on locale android localization share improve this question This isn't supported directly but here is what I have done... Separate your files into groups by country code like what you would do for normal resource files and then create a localized..
Revision 2: How to pass data from a background Service/thread to some other activity than the MainActivity that created the background service msg1.obj Hello 1 messenger.send msg1 catch RemoteException e e.printStackTrace stop the service when done... BackgroundService.this.stopSelf Or use the unbindBtn in the MainActivity class. @Override public void onDestroy displayNotificationMessage..