android Programming Glossary: dog
new Selectable TextView in android 3 (API <=11) component wrap_content android text Old Buccaneer1The Old Sea dog at the Admiral BenbowSquire Trelawney Dr. Livesey and the rest..
Android and Layouts android text The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog who had been a frog and then got features and ran slowly. android..
Gingerbread emulator instance is much more sluggish than Froyo and below. Why? else noticed it but the Gingerbread emulator runs like a dog with both scrolling navigating interaction all taking much longer..
Android user interface guidelines week yourself on the phone. The advice of eating your own dog food is even more true here because we have not enough experience..
NullPointerException in SharedPreferences Android 39.344 ERROR AndroidRuntime 960 at 344 My code is this public class.. 960 at 344 My code is this public class Prefs extends Activity.. .show Intent intent new Intent Prefs.this dog.class startActivity intent if l.equals uk this.isUk true Toast.makeText..
What is the intent of the methods getItem and getItemId in the Android class BaseAdapter? the underlying data. So if I have an array of names cat dog red and I create an adapter a using that then a.getItem 1 should.. an adapter a using that then a.getItem 1 should return dog correct What should a.getItemId 1 return If you've made use..
Return data from AsyncTask class connect with this many pairs pairs.size for NameValuePair dog pairs Log.d TAG example dog.toString Execute the request.. for NameValuePair dog pairs Log.d TAG example dog.toString Execute the request HttpResponse response try Prepare..
How to read and edit Android calendar events using the new Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich API? The Dog values.put CalendarContract.Events.DESCRIPTION My dog is bored so we're going on a really long walk values.put CalendarContract.Events.CALENDAR_ID..
EditText in ListView without it recycling input after the user finishes typing a word. If the user types dog afterTextChanged will be called three times first with 'd' then.. three times first with 'd' then with 'do' then with 'dog'. A HashMap is simple Map yourMapOfPositionsToValues new HashMap..
Initializing a Loader in an Activity Bundle args return new SampleLoader getBaseContext account dog public void onLoadFinished Loader SampleLoader.SampleLoaderResult..
new Selectable TextView in android 3 (API <=11) component android layout_width match_parent android layout_height wrap_content android text Old Buccaneer1The Old Sea dog at the Admiral BenbowSquire Trelawney Dr. Livesey and the rest of these gentlemen having asked me to write down the whole..
Android and Layouts @id centerpoint TextView android layout_below @id centerpoint android text The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog who had been a frog and then got features and ran slowly. android layout_alignRight @id centerpoint android layout_width..
Gingerbread emulator instance is much more sluggish than Froyo and below. Why? sluggish than Froyo and below. Why I'm not sure if anyone else noticed it but the Gingerbread emulator runs like a dog with both scrolling navigating interaction all taking much longer and being much choppier. I even got an ANR in the browser..
Android user interface guidelines releasing your app without having using it for at least 2 week yourself on the phone. The advice of eating your own dog food is even more true here because we have not enough experience with such devices to rely on intuition. Desktop computer..
NullPointerException in SharedPreferences Android 29 05 13 11 22 39.344 ERROR AndroidRuntime 960 at 344 My code is this public class Prefs extends Activity public static final String PREFS_NAME.. 29 05 13 11 22 39.344 ERROR AndroidRuntime 960 at 344 My code is this public class Prefs extends Activity public static final String PREFS_NAME LocalePrefs private String.. this.isUs true Toast.makeText this Us region P selected Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show Intent intent new Intent Prefs.this dog.class startActivity intent if l.equals uk this.isUk true Toast.makeText this UK region selected Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show..
What is the intent of the methods getItem and getItemId in the Android class BaseAdapter? SDK. From the description it seems that getItem should return the underlying data. So if I have an array of names cat dog red and I create an adapter a using that then a.getItem 1 should return dog correct What should a.getItemId 1 return If.. data. So if I have an array of names cat dog red and I create an adapter a using that then a.getItem 1 should return dog correct What should a.getItemId 1 return If you've made use of these methods in practice could you provide an example android..
Return data from AsyncTask class to connect though pairs is null else Log.d TAG starting connect with this many pairs pairs.size for NameValuePair dog pairs Log.d TAG example dog.toString Execute the request HttpResponse response try Prepare a request object HttpPost.. else Log.d TAG starting connect with this many pairs pairs.size for NameValuePair dog pairs Log.d TAG example dog.toString Execute the request HttpResponse response try Prepare a request object HttpPost httpPost new HttpPost url httpPost.setEntity..
How to read and edit Android calendar events using the new Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich API? timeZone.getID values.put CalendarContract.Events.TITLE Walk The Dog values.put CalendarContract.Events.DESCRIPTION My dog is bored so we're going on a really long walk values.put CalendarContract.Events.CALENDAR_ID 3 Uri uri cr.insert CalendarContract.Events.CONTENT_URI..
EditText in ListView without it recycling input is called every time a LETTER changes not just after the user finishes typing a word. If the user types dog afterTextChanged will be called three times first with 'd' then with 'do' then with 'dog'. A HashMap is simple Map yourMapOfPositionsToValues.. a word. If the user types dog afterTextChanged will be called three times first with 'd' then with 'do' then with 'dog'. A HashMap is simple Map yourMapOfPositionsToValues new HashMap to add or update an item yourMap.put position someText..
Initializing a Loader in an Activity SampleLoader.SampleLoaderResult onCreateLoader int id Bundle args return new SampleLoader getBaseContext account dog public void onLoadFinished Loader SampleLoader.SampleLoaderResult loader SampleLoader.SampleLoaderResult out TextView t..