android Programming Glossary: done
Android, How to manage start activity for result? this activity. If it device has camera and recording is done completely then after recording video if user clicks on done.. completely then after recording video if user clicks on done button then I'll send result address of recorded video back..
Standard Android Button with a different color improve this question I discovered that this can all be done in one file fairly easily. Put something like the following..
Libraries do not get added to APK anymore after upgrade to ADT 22 Private Libraries'. Then refresh clean rebuild. After you done this 'fix' for a library project you may need to just close..
Android ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE Intent to write the picture taken to a file Edit This is done via the MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE intent just to be clear..
Quitting an application - is that frowned upon? to the device is a pleasant fiction and should not be done by an activity in any case. Use a scheduled task via AlarmManager..
What are the best practices for SQLite on Android? time one will fail. It will not wait till the first is done and then write. It will simply not write your change. Worse..
How to pick an image from gallery (SD Card) for my app in Android? you don't actually need the other fields cursor search is done with a filter. The filter works by specifying the name of the..
Sending images using Http Post using image as the key name. Sending images can be done using the HttpComponents libraries . Download the latest HttpClient..
How to send image via MMS in Android? from android git is required. The request should be done with url from user's apn space...code.. public class APNHelper..
Make a link in the Android browser start up my app? app with the market protocol but can something similar be done with other apps Here is an example of a link that will start..
Adding a library/JAR to an Eclipse Android project your new JAR is converted for use on Android. What you've done here accomplishes two things Includes a Dalvik converted JAR..
How to disable Mobile Data on Android page I find asking about this same issue says it cannot be done. The kicker is they all say to do it like APNDroid. Please someone..
WebView and HTML5 <video> the WebViewClient... until I hit the video. The video is done as HTML5 elements and these work fine and dandy on Chrome iPhones..
Running multiple AsyncTasks at the same time — not possible? .execute foo foo foo System.out.println onCreate is done. The output I expect is onCreate is done. bar bar bar foo foo.. onCreate is done. The output I expect is onCreate is done. bar bar bar foo foo foo bar bar bar foo foo foo And so on... foo foo foo And so on. However what I get is onCreate is done. bar bar bar bar bar bar bar bar bar The second AsyncTask never..
Activity restart on rotation Android and call setContentView to force the GUI layout to be re done in the new orientation. @Override public void onConfigurationChanged..
Strange out of memory issue while loading an image to a Bitmap object image widget. The image preview on the list view is being done with the cursor and ListAdapter . This makes it pretty simple..
How to parse XML using the SAX parser false if we encounter a item tag. To signalize that we are done with that item tag. In this example it is pretty easy to manage..
ActionBar in a DialogFragment Tab 10.1 when creating a new event a dialog comes up with Done and Cancel buttons in the title bar action bar area. I'd like..
Jelly Bean DatePickerDialog — is there a way to cancel? was changed in Jelly Bean and now only provides a Done button. Previous versions included a Cancel button and this..
Merging two or more .wav files in android data out.close in1.close in2.close Toast.makeText this Done Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show catch FileNotFoundException e e.printStackTrace..
Android Alarm Clock UI pipe I am not sure how this was created but is the Done view an ImageButton I am not completely convinced that it is..
Android - Handle “Enter” in an EditText to manipulate the virtual keyboard in such a way that the Done button is labeled something else for example Go and performs.. to manipulate the virtual keyboard in such a way that the Done button is labeled something else for example Go and performs.. method all on TextView . For changing the text of the Done button to a custom string use mEditText.setImeActionLabel Custom..
Android: Can't figure how to use setImeActionLabel setImeActionLabel What I want to do is change the default Done label that appears in the virtual keyboard. Here's what I've..
How to prevent Android bluetooth RFCOMM connection from dying immediately after .connect()? read bytes buf.toString catch IOException e Log.d ZeeTest Done test @Override public void onDestroy try if in null in.close.. 100 catch InterruptedException ie Log.d ZeeTest Done test @Override public void onDestroy try if in null in.close.. Native Method ... 04 19 22 27 05.819 DEBUG ZeeTest 8619 Done test 04 19 22 27 07.155 VERBOSE BluetoothEventRedirector 7499..
Android: How can I validate EditText input? behave as desired for the last EditText. If I click on the Done button while typing into the final EditText then the InputMethod..
How can we create iPhone-like spinners in android? id sw header div id sw cancel Cancel ' 'div div id sw done Done ' 'div ' 'div div id sw slots wrapper div id sw slots ' 'div.. 'scroll' this true Reposition SW on page scroll Cancel Done buttons events document.getElementById 'sw cancel' .addEventListener..
Rotate View Hierarchy 90 degrees FrameLayout and call the Layout MyScreen_ContentLayout . Done. Hope that helped someone out took me quite a while to get everything..
Using client/server certificates for two way authentication SSL socket on Android Parse the message and do something with it Done in a different class OtherClass.parseMessageString line while..
How to programmatically tell if a Bluetooth device is connected? (Android 2.2) action ... Done searching else if BluetoothAdapter.ACTION_ACL_DISCONNECT_REQUESTED.equals..
Wifi sleeps, even with Lock public void run Button findViewById .setText Done private void _keepOnStart if _powerManagement null _powerManagement..
Where to stop/destroy threads in Android Service class? message Thread.sleep 200 Log.d TCP C Sent. Log.d TCP C Done. connectionAvailable true catch Exception e Log.e TCP S Error..
Android 2.2 MediaPlayer is working fine with one SHOUTcast URL but not with the other one this mp.prepareAsync Log.d TAG LoadClip Done catch Throwable t Log.d TAG t.toString @Override public void..
Android app fail to start after adding admob FOLDER IS NAMED libs AND NOT lib . THIS MISTAKE IS OFTEN DONE copy the jar file from admob folder into Your project into the..
Android: EfficientAdapter with two different Views listRow Log.i TAG Adapter getView position DONE return convertView private class ViewHolder TextView name TextView.. 755 ListPlaces_Activity I Adapter getView 0 DONE 755 ListPlaces_Activity I Adapter getView 1 ITEM SEPARATOR.. 755 ListPlaces_Activity I Adapter getView 1 DONE 755 ListPlaces_Activity I Adapter getView 2 SEPARATOR..
Display Good-looking Math Formula in Android works I'll consider that as solution also WHAT I VE DONE SO FAR I started with using MathJax to put formula into webview..
Multiline EditText with Done SoftInput Action Label on 2.3 if imeActions EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_DONE 0 clear the existing action outAttrs.imeOptions ^ imeActions.. existing action outAttrs.imeOptions ^ imeActions set the DONE action outAttrs.imeOptions EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_DONE if outAttrs.imeOptions.. the DONE action outAttrs.imeOptions EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_DONE if outAttrs.imeOptions EditorInfo.IME_FLAG_NO_ENTER_ACTION 0..
Android Fragment no view found for ID? .addToBackStack null .commit Log.e Abstract DONE When this code is executed I get the following error in debug....
android http post asynctask response.equals Done Log.v log_tag SticketFunction got a DONE else Log.v log_tag SticketFunction Bad or no response response..
Android HoneyComb DatePicker Text Color style datepicker textcolor share improve this question DONE IT Did it in a Theme in the application styles.xml basically..
NetworkOnMainThread Desc map.put Link parser.getValue e Link menuItems.add map DONE ListAdapter adapter new SimpleAdapter this menuItems R.layout.list_item..
Android, How to manage start activity for result? or MediaPlayer if problem happens then I'll close this activity. If it device has camera and recording is done completely then after recording video if user clicks on done button then I'll send result address of recorded video back.. this activity. If it device has camera and recording is done completely then after recording video if user clicks on done button then I'll send result address of recorded video back to main activity. How to check result from main activity android..
Standard Android Button with a different color color than I'm doing android layout drawable share improve this question I discovered that this can all be done in one file fairly easily. Put something like the following code in a file named custom_button.xml and then set background..
Libraries do not get added to APK anymore after upgrade to ADT 22 To fix this go to 'Order and Export' and check 'Android Private Libraries'. Then refresh clean rebuild. After you done this 'fix' for a library project you may need to just close and re open any depending project because they may not see this..
Android ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE Intent written. What exactly do we have to do to get ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE to write the picture taken to a file Edit This is done via the MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE intent just to be clear android camera return value android intent share improve..
Quitting an application - is that frowned upon? that always should be there means but the data being PUSHed to the device is a pleasant fiction and should not be done by an activity in any case. Use a scheduled task via AlarmManager to update your data for maximum reliability. Our users..
What are the best practices for SQLite on Android? to the database from actual distinct connections at the same time one will fail. It will not wait till the first is done and then write. It will simply not write your change. Worse if you don ™t call the right version of insert update on the..
How to pick an image from gallery (SD Card) for my app in Android? many of the fields aren't actually used. To save time as you don't actually need the other fields cursor search is done with a filter. The filter works by specifying the name of the column you want MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA which is the..
Sending images using Http Post that you want to upload. Add this string to your NameValuePair using image as the key name. Sending images can be done using the HttpComponents libraries . Download the latest HttpClient currently 4.0.1 binary with dependencies package and..
How to send image via MMS in Android? APNs Note that some classes are from internal packages. Download from android git is required. The request should be done with url from user's apn space...code.. public class APNHelper public class APN public String MMSCenterUrl public String..
Make a link in the Android browser start up my app? to start up I know that this works for the Android Market app with the market protocol but can something similar be done with other apps Here is an example of a link that will start up the Android Market a href market search q pname
Adding a library/JAR to an Eclipse Android project and add it. This incidentally is the moment at which your new JAR is converted for use on Android. What you've done here accomplishes two things Includes a Dalvik converted JAR in your Android project. Makes Java definitions available to..
How to disable Mobile Data on Android it is possible to do it through code even though every page I find asking about this same issue says it cannot be done. The kicker is they all say to do it like APNDroid. Please someone give me some insight. Thanks android share improve..
WebView and HTML5 <video> things frames some of our websites... Pretty simple with the WebViewClient... until I hit the video. The video is done as HTML5 elements and these work fine and dandy on Chrome iPhones and now that we fixed the encoding issues it works great..
Running multiple AsyncTasks at the same time — not possible? R.layout.main new PrinterTask .execute bar bar bar new PrinterTask .execute foo foo foo System.out.println onCreate is done. The output I expect is onCreate is done. bar bar bar foo foo foo bar bar bar foo foo foo And so on. However what I get.. bar bar new PrinterTask .execute foo foo foo System.out.println onCreate is done. The output I expect is onCreate is done. bar bar bar foo foo foo bar bar bar foo foo foo And so on. However what I get is onCreate is done. bar bar bar bar bar.. is onCreate is done. bar bar bar foo foo foo bar bar bar foo foo foo And so on. However what I get is onCreate is done. bar bar bar bar bar bar bar bar bar The second AsyncTask never gets executed. If I change the order of the execute statements..
Activity restart on rotation Android the Activity override the onConfigurationChanged method and call setContentView to force the GUI layout to be re done in the new orientation. @Override public void onConfigurationChanged Configuration newConfig super.onConfigurationChanged..
Strange out of memory issue while loading an image to a Bitmap object to relaunch my new activity which is nothing more than an image widget. The image preview on the list view is being done with the cursor and ListAdapter . This makes it pretty simple but I am not sure how I can put a resized image I.e. Smaller..
How to parse XML using the SAX parser object and in the endElement method we set that flag to false if we encounter a item tag. To signalize that we are done with that item tag. In this example it is pretty easy to manage that but having to parse a more complex structure with repeating..
ActionBar in a DialogFragment in a DialogFragment In the Calendar app on my Galaxy Tab 10.1 when creating a new event a dialog comes up with Done and Cancel buttons in the title bar action bar area. I'd like to implement this in my app. I've tried using setHasOptionsMenu..
Jelly Bean DatePickerDialog — is there a way to cancel? what matters. Problem #1 inconsistency by default DatePickerDialog was changed in Jelly Bean and now only provides a Done button. Previous versions included a Cancel button and this may affect user experience inconsistency muscle memory from..
Merging two or more .wav files in android data 1 out.write data while data 1 out.write data out.close in1.close in2.close Toast.makeText this Done Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show catch FileNotFoundException e e.printStackTrace catch IOException e e.printStackTrace private void..
Android Alarm Clock UI inside a PreferenceScreen xml tag Also the ActionBar has a vertical pipe I am not sure how this was created but is the Done view an ImageButton I am not completely convinced that it is a combination of Preferences since the Alarm app can have multiple..
Android - Handle “Enter” in an EditText the onSubmit HTML event. Also wondering if there is a way to manipulate the virtual keyboard in such a way that the Done button is labeled something else for example Go and performs a certain action when clicked again like onSubmit . android.. onSubmit HTML event. Yes. Also wondering if there is a way to manipulate the virtual keyboard in such a way that the Done button is labeled something else for example Go and performs a certain action when clicked again like onSubmit . Also yes... android imeOptions attributes plus the setOnEditorActionListener method all on TextView . For changing the text of the Done button to a custom string use mEditText.setImeActionLabel Custom text KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ENTER share improve this answer..
Android: Can't figure how to use setImeActionLabel Can't figure how to use setImeActionLabel What I want to do is change the default Done label that appears in the virtual keyboard. Here's what I've tried without any luck mSearchInput.setImeOptions EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_DONE..
How to prevent Android bluetooth RFCOMM connection from dying immediately after .connect()? Integer.toHexString b .append Log.d ZeeTest Read read bytes buf.toString catch IOException e Log.d ZeeTest Done test @Override public void onDestroy try if in null in.close if sock null sock.close catch IOException e e.printStackTrace.. bytes catch IOException e e.printStackTrace try Thread.sleep 100 catch InterruptedException ie Log.d ZeeTest Done test @Override public void onDestroy try if in null in.close if sock null sock.close catch IOException e e.printStackTrace.. 8619 at android.bluetooth.BluetoothSocket.readNative Native Method ... 04 19 22 27 05.819 DEBUG ZeeTest 8619 Done test 04 19 22 27 07.155 VERBOSE BluetoothEventRedirector 7499 Received android.bleutooth.device.action.UUID 04 19 22 27..
Android: How can I validate EditText input? after the user types into each one but this doesn't behave as desired for the last EditText. If I click on the Done button while typing into the final EditText then the InputMethod is disconnected but technically focus is never lost on..
How can we create iPhone-like spinners in android? ' webkit transform' div.innerHTML ' div id sw header div id sw cancel Cancel ' 'div div id sw done Done ' 'div ' 'div div id sw slots wrapper div id sw slots ' 'div ' 'div div id sw frame ' 'div ' div.innerHTML ' div id sw slots.. div @@ 164 8 162 6 @@ window.addEventListener 'scroll' this true Reposition SW on page scroll Cancel Done buttons events document.getElementById 'sw cancel' .addEventListener 'touchstart' this false document.getElementById 'sw..
Rotate View Hierarchy 90 degrees
Using client/server certificates for two way authentication SSL socket on Android output do line input.readLine while line null line input.readLine Parse the message and do something with it Done in a different class OtherClass.parseMessageString line while line.equals exit catch IOException ioe System.out.println..
How to programmatically tell if a Bluetooth device is connected? (Android 2.2) action ... Device is now connected else if BluetoothAdapter.ACTION_DISCOVERY_FINISHED.equals action ... Done searching else if BluetoothAdapter.ACTION_ACL_DISCONNECT_REQUESTED.equals action ... Device is about to disconnect else..
Wifi sleeps, even with Lock e e.printStackTrace _keepOnStop runOnUiThread new Runnable public void run Button findViewById .setText Done private void _keepOnStart if _powerManagement null _powerManagement PowerManager getSystemService Context.POWER_SERVICE..
Where to stop/destroy threads in Android Service class? true String message Measurements.remove out.println message Thread.sleep 200 Log.d TCP C Sent. Log.d TCP C Done. connectionAvailable true catch Exception e Log.e TCP S Error e connectionAvailable false finally socket.close announceNetworkAvailability..
Android 2.2 MediaPlayer is working fine with one SHOUTcast URL but not with the other one this mp.setOnBufferingUpdateListener this mp.setOnErrorListener this mp.prepareAsync Log.d TAG LoadClip Done catch Throwable t Log.d TAG t.toString @Override public void onPrepared MediaPlayer mp Log.d TAG Stream is prepared mp.start..
Android app fail to start after adding admob libs folder inside your project in Eclispe. BE SURE THAT THE FOLDER IS NAMED libs AND NOT lib . THIS MISTAKE IS OFTEN DONE copy the jar file from admob folder into Your project into the libs folder click right mouse button on jar file inside lib..
Android: EfficientAdapter with two different Views cat ... and many more TextViews and ImageViews to be set listRow_previous listRow Log.i TAG Adapter getView position DONE return convertView private class ViewHolder TextView name TextView category ... many more TextViews and ImageViews TextView.. ID 2131296317 Resource android.content.res.Resources@437613e0 755 ListPlaces_Activity I Adapter getView 0 DONE 755 ListPlaces_Activity I Adapter getView 1 ITEM SEPARATOR START 755 ListPlaces_Activity I convertView null at.. ID 2131296317 Resource android.content.res.Resources@437613e0 755 ListPlaces_Activity I Adapter getView 1 DONE 755 ListPlaces_Activity I Adapter getView 2 SEPARATOR ITEM START 755 ListPlaces_Activity I convertView null at..
Display Good-looking Math Formula in Android same webview anyone comes out with other methods which obviously works I'll consider that as solution also WHAT I VE DONE SO FAR I started with using MathJax to put formula into webview I dunno if there is any successful jqMath use case out there..
Multiline EditText with Done SoftInput Action Label on 2.3 outAttrs int imeActions outAttrs.imeOptions EditorInfo.IME_MASK_ACTION if imeActions EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_DONE 0 clear the existing action outAttrs.imeOptions ^ imeActions set the DONE action outAttrs.imeOptions EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_DONE.. if imeActions EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_DONE 0 clear the existing action outAttrs.imeOptions ^ imeActions set the DONE action outAttrs.imeOptions EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_DONE if outAttrs.imeOptions EditorInfo.IME_FLAG_NO_ENTER_ACTION 0 outAttrs.imeOptions.. the existing action outAttrs.imeOptions ^ imeActions set the DONE action outAttrs.imeOptions EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_DONE if outAttrs.imeOptions EditorInfo.IME_FLAG_NO_ENTER_ACTION 0 outAttrs.imeOptions ~EditorInfo.IME_FLAG_NO_ENTER_ACTION return..
Android Fragment no view found for ID? content .setTransition FragmentTransaction.TRANSIT_FRAGMENT_OPEN .addToBackStack null .commit Log.e Abstract DONE When this code is executed I get the following error in debug.. java.lang.IllegalArgumentException No view found for id..
android http post asynctask response Sticket.execute postMethod res .replaceAll . n if response.equals Done Log.v log_tag SticketFunction got a DONE else Log.v log_tag SticketFunction Bad or no response response catch ClientProtocolException e TODO Auto generated catch..
Android HoneyComb DatePicker Text Color is light grey. Anyone know how to fix this android coding style datepicker textcolor share improve this question DONE IT Did it in a Theme in the application styles.xml basically set a style on all EditText fields I have this in values v11..
NetworkOnMainThread Name parser.getValue e Name map.put Desc parser.getValue e Desc map.put Link parser.getValue e Link menuItems.add map DONE ListAdapter adapter new SimpleAdapter this menuItems R.layout.list_item new String Name Desc Link new int