android Programming Glossary: dos.write
uploading video upto 50MB to the server boundary dos new DataOutputStream conn.getOutputStream dos.writeBytes twoHyphens boundary lineEnd dos.writeBytes Content Disposition.. dos.writeBytes twoHyphens boundary lineEnd dos.writeBytes Content Disposition form data name uploadedfile filename.. data name uploadedfile filename fname . extension lineEnd dos.writeBytes lineEnd bytesAvailable fileInputStream.available System.out.println..
Using MediaCodec to save series of images as Video outputBufferIndex .get array if array null try dos.write array catch IOException e e.printStackTrace codec.releaseOutputBuffer.. outputBufferIndex .get array if array null try dos.write array catch IOException e e.printStackTrace codec.releaseOutputBuffer..
Android file uploader with server-side php dos new DataOutputStream conn.getOutputStream dos.writeBytes twoHyphens boundary lineEnd dos .writeBytes Content Disposition.. name uploadedfile filename exsistingFileName lineEnd dos.writeBytes lineEnd Log.e Tag Headers are written create a buffer.. buffer 0 bytesAvailable while bytesRead 0 dos.write buffer 0 bytesAvailable bytesAvailable fileInputStream.available..
Can't grab progress on http POST file upload (Android) new byte bufferSize bytesRead buffer 0 bufferSize dos.write buffer 0 bytesRead After that I send the multipart form data..
Upload a picture from Android to PHP server boundary dos new DataOutputStream conn.getOutputStream dos.writeBytes twoHyphens boundary lineEnd dos.writeBytes Content Disposition.. dos.writeBytes twoHyphens boundary lineEnd dos.writeBytes Content Disposition form data name uploadedfile filename.. name uploadedfile filename exsistingFileName lineEnd dos.writeBytes lineEnd Log.e MediaPlayer Headers are written create..
AudioRecord object not initializing buffer 0 bufferSize for int a 0 a result a dos.write buffer a if isRecording recorder.stop break dos.flush..
Android httpclient file upload data corruption and timeout issues dos new DataOutputStream conn.getOutputStream dos.writeBytes twoHyphens boundary lineEnd dos .writeBytes Content Disposition.. name uploadedfile filename exsistingFileName lineEnd dos.writeBytes lineEnd Log.e Tag Headers are written create a buffer.. buffer 0 bytesAvailable while bytesRead 0 dos.write buffer 0 bytesAvailable bytesAvailable fileInputStream.available..
Android:How to upload .mp3 file to http server? boundary dos new DataOutputStream conn.getOutputStream dos.writeBytes twoHyphens boundary lineEnd dos.writeBytes Content Disposition.. dos.writeBytes twoHyphens boundary lineEnd dos.writeBytes Content Disposition form data name uploadedfile filename.. data name uploadedfile filename existingFileName lineEnd dos.writeBytes lineEnd create a buffer of maximum size bytesAvailable..
Upload Video from android to server? fileName dos new DataOutputStream conn.getOutputStream dos.writeBytes twoHyphens boundary lineEnd dos.writeBytes Content Disposition.. dos.writeBytes twoHyphens boundary lineEnd dos.writeBytes Content Disposition form data name uploaded_file filename.. form data name uploaded_file filename fileName lineEnd dos.writeBytes lineEnd bytesAvailable fileInputStream.available create..
Upload progress bar in android? 1 dos new DataOutputStream conn.getOutputStream dos.writeBytes twoHyphens boundary lineEnd dos.writeBytes Content Disposition.. dos.writeBytes twoHyphens boundary lineEnd dos.writeBytes Content Disposition form data name uploadedfile filename.. form data name uploadedfile filename fileName lineEnd dos.writeBytes lineEnd bytesAvailable fileInputStream.available create..
Android:How to upload .mp3 file and image to http server? 1 dos new DataOutputStream conn.getOutputStream dos.writeBytes twoHyphens boundary lineEnd dos.writeBytes Content Disposition.. dos.writeBytes twoHyphens boundary lineEnd dos.writeBytes Content Disposition form data name file_name filename .. form data name file_name filename fileName lineEnd dos.writeBytes lineEnd create a buffer of maximum size bytesAvailable..
problem with uploading captured image in android camera dos new DataOutputStream conn.getOutputStream dos.writeBytes twoHyphens boundary lineEnd if serverImageTag.equalsIgnoreCase.. lineEnd if serverImageTag.equalsIgnoreCase courtImage dos.writeBytes Content Disposition post data name courtImage filename.. lineEnd else if serverImageTag.equalsIgnoreCase userImage dos.writeBytes Content Disposition post data name userImage filename ..
Uploading MS Word files from Android to .Net WCF? stream dos new DataOutputStream conn.getOutputStream dos.writeBytes twoHyphens boundary lineEnd dos.writeBytes Content Disposition.. dos.writeBytes twoHyphens boundary lineEnd dos.writeBytes Content Disposition form data name uploadedfile filename.. data name uploadedfile filename existingFileName lineEnd dos.writeBytes lineEnd create a buffer of maximum size bytesAvailable..
how to Upload image into server in Android? BOUNDARY dos new DataOutputStream conn.getOutputStream dos.write boundaryMessage.getBytes File file new File fullfilepath.substring.. buffer 0 bufferSize while bytesRead 0 dos.write buffer 0 bufferSize bytesAvailable fileInputStream.available.. bytesRead buffer 0 bufferSize dos.write endBoundary.getBytes dos.flush dos.close fileInputStream.close..
uploading video upto 50MB to the server Content Type multipart form data boundary boundary dos new DataOutputStream conn.getOutputStream dos.writeBytes twoHyphens boundary lineEnd dos.writeBytes Content Disposition form data name uploadedfile filename fname . extension.. form data boundary boundary dos new DataOutputStream conn.getOutputStream dos.writeBytes twoHyphens boundary lineEnd dos.writeBytes Content Disposition form data name uploadedfile filename fname . extension lineEnd dos.writeBytes lineEnd bytesAvailable.. boundary lineEnd dos.writeBytes Content Disposition form data name uploadedfile filename fname . extension lineEnd dos.writeBytes lineEnd bytesAvailable fileInputStream.available System.out.println BYTES bytesAvailable bufferSize Math.min bytesAvailable..
Using MediaCodec to save series of images as Video outputBufferIndex 0 byte array new byte info.size outputBuffers outputBufferIndex .get array if array null try dos.write array catch IOException e e.printStackTrace codec.releaseOutputBuffer outputBufferIndex false inputBuffers inputBufferIndex.. outputBufferIndex 0 byte array new byte info.size outputBuffers outputBufferIndex .get array if array null try dos.write array catch IOException e e.printStackTrace codec.releaseOutputBuffer outputBufferIndex false inputBuffers inputBufferIndex..
Android file uploader with server-side php Content Type multipart form data boundary boundary DataOutputStream dos new DataOutputStream conn.getOutputStream dos.writeBytes twoHyphens boundary lineEnd dos .writeBytes Content Disposition post data name uploadedfile filename exsistingFileName.. boundary lineEnd dos .writeBytes Content Disposition post data name uploadedfile filename exsistingFileName lineEnd dos.writeBytes lineEnd Log.e Tag Headers are written create a buffer of maximum size int bytesAvailable fileInputStream.available.. read file and write it into form... int bytesRead buffer 0 bytesAvailable while bytesRead 0 dos.write buffer 0 bytesAvailable bytesAvailable fileInputStream.available bytesAvailable Math.min bytesAvailable maxBufferSize..
Can't grab progress on http POST file upload (Android) bufferSize Math.min bytesAvailable maxBufferSize byte buffer new byte bufferSize bytesRead buffer 0 bufferSize dos.write buffer 0 bytesRead After that I send the multipart form data to indicate the end of the file. Then I close the streams in.close..
Upload a picture from Android to PHP server Content Type multipart form data boundary boundary dos new DataOutputStream conn.getOutputStream dos.writeBytes twoHyphens boundary lineEnd dos.writeBytes Content Disposition form data name uploadedfile filename exsistingFileName.. data boundary boundary dos new DataOutputStream conn.getOutputStream dos.writeBytes twoHyphens boundary lineEnd dos.writeBytes Content Disposition form data name uploadedfile filename exsistingFileName lineEnd dos.writeBytes lineEnd Log.e.. lineEnd dos.writeBytes Content Disposition form data name uploadedfile filename exsistingFileName lineEnd dos.writeBytes lineEnd Log.e MediaPlayer Headers are written create a buffer of maximum size bytesAvailable fileInputStream.available..
AudioRecord object not initializing isRecording true try while isRecording result buffer 0 bufferSize for int a 0 a result a dos.write buffer a if isRecording recorder.stop break dos.flush dos.close catch Exception e e.printStackTrace end of record..
Android httpclient file upload data corruption and timeout issues Content Type multipart form data boundary boundary DataOutputStream dos new DataOutputStream conn.getOutputStream dos.writeBytes twoHyphens boundary lineEnd dos .writeBytes Content Disposition post data name uploadedfile filename exsistingFileName.. boundary lineEnd dos .writeBytes Content Disposition post data name uploadedfile filename exsistingFileName lineEnd dos.writeBytes lineEnd Log.e Tag Headers are written create a buffer of maximum size int bytesAvailable fileInputStream.available.. read file and write it into form... int bytesRead buffer 0 bytesAvailable while bytesRead 0 dos.write buffer 0 bytesAvailable bytesAvailable fileInputStream.available bytesAvailable Math.min bytesAvailable maxBufferSize..
Android:How to upload .mp3 file to http server? Content Type multipart form data boundary boundary dos new DataOutputStream conn.getOutputStream dos.writeBytes twoHyphens boundary lineEnd dos.writeBytes Content Disposition form data name uploadedfile filename existingFileName.. form data boundary boundary dos new DataOutputStream conn.getOutputStream dos.writeBytes twoHyphens boundary lineEnd dos.writeBytes Content Disposition form data name uploadedfile filename existingFileName lineEnd dos.writeBytes lineEnd create a buffer.. boundary lineEnd dos.writeBytes Content Disposition form data name uploadedfile filename existingFileName lineEnd dos.writeBytes lineEnd create a buffer of maximum size bytesAvailable fileInputStream.available bufferSize Math.min bytesAvailable..
Upload Video from android to server? data boundary boundary conn.setRequestProperty uploaded_file fileName dos new DataOutputStream conn.getOutputStream dos.writeBytes twoHyphens boundary lineEnd dos.writeBytes Content Disposition form data name uploaded_file filename fileName lineEnd.. uploaded_file fileName dos new DataOutputStream conn.getOutputStream dos.writeBytes twoHyphens boundary lineEnd dos.writeBytes Content Disposition form data name uploaded_file filename fileName lineEnd dos.writeBytes lineEnd bytesAvailable fileInputStream.available.. twoHyphens boundary lineEnd dos.writeBytes Content Disposition form data name uploaded_file filename fileName lineEnd dos.writeBytes lineEnd bytesAvailable fileInputStream.available create a buffer of maximum size Log.i Huzza Initial .available bytesAvailable..
Upload progress bar in android? conn.setFixedLengthStreamingMode 1024 conn.setChunkedStreamingMode 1 dos new DataOutputStream conn.getOutputStream dos.writeBytes twoHyphens boundary lineEnd dos.writeBytes Content Disposition form data name uploadedfile filename fileName lineEnd.. 1 dos new DataOutputStream conn.getOutputStream dos.writeBytes twoHyphens boundary lineEnd dos.writeBytes Content Disposition form data name uploadedfile filename fileName lineEnd dos.writeBytes lineEnd bytesAvailable fileInputStream.available.. twoHyphens boundary lineEnd dos.writeBytes Content Disposition form data name uploadedfile filename fileName lineEnd dos.writeBytes lineEnd bytesAvailable fileInputStream.available create a buffer of maximum size Log.i Huzza Initial .available bytesAvailable..
Android:How to upload .mp3 file and image to http server? conn.setFixedLengthStreamingMode 1024 conn.setChunkedStreamingMode 1 dos new DataOutputStream conn.getOutputStream dos.writeBytes twoHyphens boundary lineEnd dos.writeBytes Content Disposition form data name file_name filename fileName lineEnd.. 1 dos new DataOutputStream conn.getOutputStream dos.writeBytes twoHyphens boundary lineEnd dos.writeBytes Content Disposition form data name file_name filename fileName lineEnd dos.writeBytes lineEnd create a buffer of.. twoHyphens boundary lineEnd dos.writeBytes Content Disposition form data name file_name filename fileName lineEnd dos.writeBytes lineEnd create a buffer of maximum size bytesAvailable fileInputStream.available int streamSize int sourceFile.length..
problem with uploading captured image in android camera Content Type multipart form data boundary boundary DataOutputStream dos new DataOutputStream conn.getOutputStream dos.writeBytes twoHyphens boundary lineEnd if serverImageTag.equalsIgnoreCase courtImage dos.writeBytes Content Disposition post.. conn.getOutputStream dos.writeBytes twoHyphens boundary lineEnd if serverImageTag.equalsIgnoreCase courtImage dos.writeBytes Content Disposition post data name courtImage filename exsistingFileName lineEnd else if serverImageTag.equalsIgnoreCase.. post data name courtImage filename exsistingFileName lineEnd else if serverImageTag.equalsIgnoreCase userImage dos.writeBytes Content Disposition post data name userImage filename exsistingFileName lineEnd dos.writeBytes lineEnd Log.e Tag..
Uploading MS Word files from Android to .Net WCF? Keep Alive conn.setRequestProperty Content Type application stream dos new DataOutputStream conn.getOutputStream dos.writeBytes twoHyphens boundary lineEnd dos.writeBytes Content Disposition form data name uploadedfile filename existingFileName.. Type application stream dos new DataOutputStream conn.getOutputStream dos.writeBytes twoHyphens boundary lineEnd dos.writeBytes Content Disposition form data name uploadedfile filename existingFileName lineEnd dos.writeBytes lineEnd create a.. boundary lineEnd dos.writeBytes Content Disposition form data name uploadedfile filename existingFileName lineEnd dos.writeBytes lineEnd create a buffer of maximum size bytesAvailable fileInputStream.available bufferSize Math.min bytesAvailable..
how to Upload image into server in Android? Content Type multipart form data boundary BOUNDARY dos new DataOutputStream conn.getOutputStream dos.write boundaryMessage.getBytes File file new File fullfilepath.substring 6 FileInputStream fileInputStream new FileInputStream.. maxBufferSize buffer new byte bufferSize bytesRead buffer 0 bufferSize while bytesRead 0 dos.write buffer 0 bufferSize bytesAvailable fileInputStream.available bufferSize Math.min bytesAvailable maxBufferSize bytesRead.. bufferSize Math.min bytesAvailable maxBufferSize bytesRead buffer 0 bufferSize dos.write endBoundary.getBytes dos.flush dos.close fileInputStream.close catch IOException ioe Log.e SyncUploadDownloadHelper..