android Programming Glossary: does't
DB File in Assets Folder. Will it be Updated? catch SQLiteException e database does't exist yet. if checkDB null checkDB.close return checkDB null..
Android webview late rendering true no effect. and also ws.enableSmoothTransition which does't solve the problem neither. javascript android webview share..
column _id does not exist catch SQLiteException e database does't exist yet. if checkDB null checkDB.close return checkDB null..
Is it possible to move the internal DB to the SDCard? catch SQLiteException e database does't exist yet. if checkDB null checkDB.close return checkDB null..
Error:Unable to resolve target 'android-2' target 'android 2' and the newproject java and xml files does't have an any error but the project is in error from when i import..
How can I embed an SQLite database into an application? catch SQLiteException e Log.v db log database does't exist if checkDB null exist true checkDB.close return exist..
Database not copying from assets catch SQLiteException e database does't exist yet. if checkDB null checkDB.close return checkDB null..
ImageView one dimension to fit free space and second evaluate to keep aspect ration of ImageView For example android adjustViewBounds true does't do anything for me. android android layout android imageview..
onUpgrade database - oldVersion - newVersion catch SQLiteException e database does't exist yet. if checkDB null checkDB.close return checkDB null..
Why is onUpgrade() not being invoked on Android sqlite database? Log.d TAG db exists catch SQLiteException e database does't exist yet. Log.d TAG db doesn't exist if checkDB null checkDB.close..
Android Database Transaction catch SQLiteException e database does't exist yet. if checkDB null checkDB.close return checkDB null..
DB File in Assets Folder. Will it be Updated? DB_NAME checkDB SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase myPath null SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READONLY catch SQLiteException e database does't exist yet. if checkDB null checkDB.close return checkDB null true false Copies your database from your local assets folder..
Android webview late rendering way to overcome it I tried android hardwareAccelerated false true no effect. and also ws.enableSmoothTransition which does't solve the problem neither. javascript android webview share improve this question Here is my Fix your webview app in..
column _id does not exist checkDB SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase myPath null SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE catch SQLiteException e database does't exist yet. if checkDB null checkDB.close return checkDB null true false public void createDataBase throws IOException..
Is it possible to move the internal DB to the SDCard? checkDB SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase DB_FULL_PATH null SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READONLY catch SQLiteException e database does't exist yet. if checkDB null checkDB.close return checkDB null true false public void openDataBase int mode throws SQLException..
Error:Unable to resolve target 'android-2' 'android 2' 2011 02 10 00 14 34 newproject Unable to resolve target 'android 2' and the newproject java and xml files does't have an any error but the project is in error from when i import what problem in it android share improve this question..
How can I embed an SQLite database into an application?
Database not copying from assets DB_NAME checkDB SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase myPath null SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READONLY catch SQLiteException e database does't exist yet. if checkDB null checkDB.close return checkDB null true false Copies your database from your local assets folder..
ImageView one dimension to fit free space and second evaluate to keep aspect ration But I need some texts under image. It's only way create child of ImageView For example android adjustViewBounds true does't do anything for me. android android layout android imageview share improve this question I found where is problem...
onUpgrade database - oldVersion - newVersion checkDB SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase myPath null SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE catch SQLiteException e database does't exist yet. if checkDB null checkDB.close return checkDB null true false Copies your database from your local assets..
Why is onUpgrade() not being invoked on Android sqlite database? SQLiteDatabase.NO_LOCALIZED_COLLATORS Log.d TAG db exists catch SQLiteException e database does't exist yet. Log.d TAG db doesn't exist if checkDB null checkDB.close return checkDB null true false private void copyDataBase..
Android Database Transaction DB_NAME checkDB SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase myPath null SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READONLY catch SQLiteException e database does't exist yet. if checkDB null checkDB.close return checkDB null true false private void copyDataBase throws IOException..