android Programming Glossary: data.length
How can you implement multi-selection and Contextual ActionMode in ActionBarSherlock? public void updateData LibraryItem data for int i 0 i data.length i this.items.add data i this.checkedItems.clear this.notifyDataSetChanged..
Android custom Row Item for ListView int getCount TODO Auto generated method stub return data.length @Override public Object getItem int position TODO Auto generated..
Zxing Camera in Portrait mode on Android int height byte rotatedData new byte data.length for int y 0 y height y for int x 0 x width x rotatedData x height..
Caching images and displaying 20 .build public int getCount return data.length public Object getItem int position return position public long..
Android: Get Selected Item Using Checkbox in Listview when I click a Button context data mCheckStates new SparseBooleanArray data.length @Override public View getView int position View convertView..
Android: BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray gives pixelated bitmap Bitmap bitmap BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray data 0 data.length opt I then draw the bitmap onto a canvas in the onDraw method.. final byte data dataStream.toByteArray bfs.write data 0 data.length bfs.flush BitmapFactory.Options opt new BitmapFactory.Options.. bitmap BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray data 0 data.length opt catch IOException e android.util.Log.e LOG_TAG Could not..
How to load an ImageView by URL in Android? 1 bitmap BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray data 0 data.length options catch IOException e Log.e TAG Could not load Bitmap..
android camera surfaceview orientation try Bitmap bitmap BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray data 0 data.length OutputStream out getContentResolver .openOutputStream uri..
Android byte[] to image in Camera.onPreviewFrame camera Bitmap bmp BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray data 0 data.length android image byte decoding share improve this question..
XMPP with Java Asmack library supporting X-FACEBOOK-PLATFORM byte data StringBuilder buf new StringBuilder int len data.length for int i 0 i len i int halfByte data i 4 0xF int twoHalfs.. byte data StringBuilder buf new StringBuilder int len data.length for int i 0 i len i int halfByte data i 4 0xF int twoHalfs..
How to capture the image and save it in sd card c Log.e getClass .getSimpleName PICTURE CALLBACK JPEG data.length data camera.startPreview Camera.ShutterCallback mShutterCallback..
Android: Help in adapting ListView adapter with an ImageLoader Class (LazyList) activity.getApplicationContext public int getCount return data.length public Object getItem int position return position public long..
Android gallery with caption public int getCount return data.length public Object getItem int position return position public..
Apply custom filters to camera output void onPreviewFrame byte data Camera camera final int len data.length for int i 0 i len i data i 2 Although its name contains green.. bmp BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray jdata 0 jdata.length canvas.drawBitmap bmp 0 0 paint invalidate to call ondraw again..
Custom camera android Camera camera bmp BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray data 0 data.length mutableBitmap bmp.copy Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 true savePhoto..
how to retrive Registration id and send message to third-party application in android c2dm0+ con.setRequestProperty Content Length Integer.toString data.length Issue the HTTP POST request OutputStream output con.getOutputStream..
When to clear the cache dir in Android? long size getDirSize cacheDir long newSize data.length size if newSize MAX_SIZE cleanDir cacheDir newSize MAX_SIZE..
How can you implement multi-selection and Contextual ActionMode in ActionBarSherlock? return this.checkedItems public void clear this.items.clear public void updateData LibraryItem data for int i 0 i data.length i this.items.add data i this.checkedItems.clear this.notifyDataSetChanged @Override public int getCount return this.items.size..
Android custom Row Item for ListView Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE @Override public int getCount TODO Auto generated method stub return data.length @Override public Object getItem int position TODO Auto generated method stub return data position @Override public long..
Zxing Camera in Portrait mode on Android before buildLuminanceSource .. in decode byte data int width int height byte rotatedData new byte data.length for int y 0 y height y for int x 0 x width x rotatedData x height height y 1 data x y width int tmp width width height height..
Caching images and displaying .cacheInMemory .cacheOnDisc .displayer new RoundedBitmapDisplayer 20 .build public int getCount return data.length public Object getItem int position return position public long getItemId int position return position public View getView..
Android: Get Selected Item Using Checkbox in Listview when I click a Button data this.layoutResourceId layoutResourceId this.context context data mCheckStates new SparseBooleanArray data.length @Override public View getView int position View convertView ViewGroup parent View row convertView AppInfoHolder holder null..
Android: BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray gives pixelated bitmap opt.inDither true opt.inPreferredConfig Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 Bitmap bitmap BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray data 0 data.length opt I then draw the bitmap onto a canvas in the onDraw method of a View object Paint paint new Paint Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG.. dataStream IO_BUFFER_SIZE copy in out out.flush final byte data dataStream.toByteArray bfs.write data 0 data.length bfs.flush BitmapFactory.Options opt new BitmapFactory.Options bitmap BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray data 0 data.length.. bfs.flush BitmapFactory.Options opt new BitmapFactory.Options bitmap BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray data 0 data.length opt catch IOException e android.util.Log.e LOG_TAG Could not load photo this e finally closeStream in closeStream out closeStream..
How to load an ImageView by URL in Android? options new BitmapFactory.Options options.inSampleSize 1 bitmap BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray data 0 data.length options catch IOException e Log.e TAG Could not load Bitmap from url finally closeStream in closeStream out return bitmap..
android camera surfaceview orientation getContentResolver .insert Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI image try Bitmap bitmap BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray data 0 data.length OutputStream out getContentResolver .openOutputStream uri boolean success bitmap.compress Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG..
Android byte[] to image in Camera.onPreviewFrame is my code public void onPreviewFrame byte data Camera camera Bitmap bmp BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray data 0 data.length android image byte decoding share improve this question This has been hard to find But since API 8 there is a YuvImage..
XMPP with Java Asmack library supporting X-FACEBOOK-PLATFORM return convertToHex md.digest private String convertToHex byte data StringBuilder buf new StringBuilder int len data.length for int i 0 i len i int halfByte data i 4 0xF int twoHalfs 0 do if 0 halfByte halfByte 9 buf.append char '0' halfByte.. return convertToHex md.digest private String convertToHex byte data StringBuilder buf new StringBuilder int len data.length for int i 0 i len i int halfByte data i 4 0xF int twoHalfs 0 do if 0 halfByte halfByte 9 buf.append char '0' halfByte..
How to capture the image and save it in sd card public void onPictureTaken byte data Camera c Log.e getClass .getSimpleName PICTURE CALLBACK JPEG data.length data camera.startPreview Camera.ShutterCallback mShutterCallback new Camera.ShutterCallback public void onShutter Log.e..
Android: Help in adapting ListView adapter with an ImageLoader Class (LazyList) Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE imageLoader new ImageLoader activity.getApplicationContext public int getCount return data.length public Object getItem int position return position public long getItemId int position return position public static class..
Android gallery with caption a inflater LayoutInflater activity.getSystemService Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE public int getCount return data.length public Object getItem int position return position public long getItemId int position return position public static..
Apply custom filters to camera output implements PreviewCallback @Override public void onPreviewFrame byte data Camera camera final int len data.length for int i 0 i len i data i 2 Although its name contains green I actually want to just modify the values somehow in this.. width height 80 baos width and height of the screen jdata baos.toByteArray bmp BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray jdata 0 jdata.length canvas.drawBitmap bmp 0 0 paint invalidate to call ondraw again To make this work you need to call setWillNotDraw false..
Custom camera android data camera .start public void onPictureTake byte data Camera camera bmp BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray data 0 data.length mutableBitmap bmp.copy Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 true savePhoto mutableBitmap dialog.dismiss class SavePhotoTask extends..
how to retrive Registration id and send message to third-party application in android c2dm0+ Content Type application x www form urlencoded con.setRequestProperty Content Length Integer.toString data.length Issue the HTTP POST request OutputStream output con.getOutputStream output.write data output.close Read the response BufferedReader..
When to clear the cache dir in Android? byte data String name throws IOException File cacheDir context.getCacheDir long size getDirSize cacheDir long newSize data.length size if newSize MAX_SIZE cleanDir cacheDir newSize MAX_SIZE File file new File cacheDir name FileOutputStream os new FileOutputStream..