android Programming Glossary: data.xml
How to store large blobs in an android content provider? cache root.mkdirs File path new File root uri.getEncodedPath So if the uri was content com.example.myapp some data.xml we'll end up accessing Android data com.example.myapp cache some data.xml int imode 0 if mode.contains w imode ParcelFileDescriptor.MODE_WRITE_ONLY.. the uri was content com.example.myapp some data.xml we'll end up accessing Android data com.example.myapp cache some data.xml int imode 0 if mode.contains w imode ParcelFileDescriptor.MODE_WRITE_ONLY if path.exists try path.createNewFile catch..
Open XML file from res/xml in Android canine mammal color blue color animal ... AnimalTree And I can open it using File fXmlFile getResources.getXml res xml data.xml DocumentBuilderFactory dbFactory DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance DocumentBuilder dBuilder dbFactory.newDocumentBuilder.. getTagValue mammal eElement ... Plain and simple Now only in Android I cannot simply read the file res xml data.xml because File requires a String not an integer id . This is where I am lost. Is there some way I can make File open the file..
R.raw.anything cannot be resolved [duplicate] resolved Android error 78 answers I'm developing an android apps with Eclipse. In my app I try to read a file data.xml. I put it in res raw and to access it i'm supposed to use getRessources .openRawResource But Eclipse show me..
Check if a file exists before calling openFileInput FILE_NAME if file.exists ... Hope this helps you out EDIT Also here is another way. tring fileUrl appname data.xml String file android.os.Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory .getPath fileUrl File f new File file if f.exists return..