android Programming Glossary: data.getextras
how to set the output image use RESULT_OK if requestCode CROP_RESULT Bundle extras data.getExtras if extras null bmp extras.getParcelable data File f new File..
In Android -How directly post tweet to following users of a authenticate user in android without open Tweet dialog (Message Dialog box) resultCode Activity.RESULT_OK String oauthVerifier String data.getExtras .get oauth_verifier AccessToken at null try Pair up our..
Crop image android android PIC_CROP if data null get the returned data Bundle extras data.getExtras get the cropped bitmap Bitmap selectedBitmap extras.getParcelable..
Camera intent not working with Samsung Galaxy S3 if requestCode 1337 resultCode RESULT_OK Bundle extras data.getExtras if extras null BitmapFactory.Options options new BitmapFactory.Options.. if requestCode 1337 resultCode RESULT_OK Bundle extras data.getExtras if extras.keySet .contains data BitmapFactory.Options options..
how to save image taken from camera and show it to listview - crashes with “IllegalStateException” data if resultCode CAMERA_REQUEST Bitmap photo Bitmap data.getExtras .get data imageView.setImageBitmap photo ByteArrayOutputStream.. if resultCode RESULT_OK Bitmap photo Bitmap data.getExtras .get data imageView.setImageBitmap photo ByteArrayOutputStream..
Android: Crop an Image after Taking it With Camera with a Fixed Aspect Ratio come here after the image is cropped. final Bundle extras data.getExtras if extras null Bitmap photo extras.getParcelable data mPhoto..
Using the camera activity in Android Display image received on the view Bundle b data.getExtras Kept as a Bundle to check for other things in my actual code..
Get main gmail account username in Android < 2.0 key accounts System.out.println key Arrays.toString data.getExtras .getStringArray key String accounts data.getExtras .getStringArray.. data.getExtras .getStringArray key String accounts data.getExtras .getStringArray key if accounts null int i 0 for String ac..
Service discovery failed exception using Bluetooth on Android Get the device MAC address String address data.getExtras .getString DeviceListActivity.EXTRA_DEVICE_ADDRESS Get the..
Capture Image from Camera and Display in Activity CAMERA_REQUEST resultCode RESULT_OK Bitmap photo Bitmap data.getExtras .get data imageView.setImageBitmap photo Note that the camera..
onActivityResult not being called in Fragment Intent data if requestCode 1888 Bitmap photo Bitmap data.getExtras .get data ImageView inflatedView.findViewById .setImageBitmap..
Android Camera Intent: how to get full sized photo? CAMERA_PIC_REQUEST and using Bitmap thumbnail Bitmap data.getExtras .get data photoImage.setImageBitmap thumbnail photoImage.setVisibility..
How do I save data from Camera to disk using MediaStore on Android? 0 resultCode Activity.RESULT_OK Bitmap x Bitmap data.getExtras .get data ImageView findViewById .setImageBitmap..
Photo capture Intent causes NullPointerException on Samsung phones only if requestCode CAMERA_PIC_REQUEST Bitmap thumbnail Bitmap data.getExtras .get data ImageView image ImageView findViewById
take picture from camera and choose from gallery and display in Image view data if requestCode 0 if data null Bitmap photo Bitmap data.getExtras .get data photo Bitmap.createScaledBitmap photo 80 80 false..
Fetch Contacts in android application RESULT_OK data null Bundle bundle new Bundle bundle data.getExtras ArrayList list bundle.getStringArrayList contacts Note The..
how to set the output image use int requestCode int resultCode Intent dara if resultCode RESULT_OK if requestCode CROP_RESULT Bundle extras data.getExtras if extras null bmp extras.getParcelable data File f new File selectImageUri.getPath if f.exists f.delete Intent inten3..
In Android -How directly post tweet to following users of a authenticate user in android without open Tweet dialog (Message Dialog box) int requestCode int resultCode Intent data method if resultCode Activity.RESULT_OK String oauthVerifier String data.getExtras .get oauth_verifier AccessToken at null try Pair up our request with the response at mTwitter.getOAuthAccessToken mRequestToken..
Crop image android android requestCode resultCode data if requestCode PIC_CROP if data null get the returned data Bundle extras data.getExtras get the cropped bitmap Bitmap selectedBitmap extras.getParcelable data imgView.setImageBitmap selectedBitmap It is pretty..
Camera intent not working with Samsung Galaxy S3 onActivityResult int requestCode int resultCode Intent data if requestCode 1337 resultCode RESULT_OK Bundle extras data.getExtras if extras null BitmapFactory.Options options new BitmapFactory.Options thumbnail Bitmap extras.get data image thumbnail.. this uriThumbnailImage Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show if requestCode 1337 resultCode RESULT_OK Bundle extras data.getExtras if extras.keySet .contains data BitmapFactory.Options options new BitmapFactory.Options thumbnail Bitmap extras.get data..
how to save image taken from camera and show it to listview - crashes with “IllegalStateException” void onActivityResult int requestCode int resultCode Intent data if resultCode CAMERA_REQUEST Bitmap photo Bitmap data.getExtras .get data imageView.setImageBitmap photo ByteArrayOutputStream stream new ByteArrayOutputStream photo.compress Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG.. requestCode resultCode data if requestCode CAMERA_REQUEST if resultCode RESULT_OK Bitmap photo Bitmap data.getExtras .get data imageView.setImageBitmap photo ByteArrayOutputStream stream new ByteArrayOutputStream photo.compress Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG..
Android: Crop an Image after Taking it With Camera with a Fixed Aspect Ratio is taken it will go to PICK_FROM_CAMERA which will then come here after the image is cropped. final Bundle extras data.getExtras if extras null Bitmap photo extras.getParcelable data mPhoto photo mPhotoChanged true mPhotoImageView.setImageBitmap photo..
Using the camera activity in Android method if requestCode PICTURE_RESULT if resultCode Activity.RESULT_OK Display image received on the view Bundle b data.getExtras Kept as a Bundle to check for other things in my actual code Bitmap pic Bitmap b.get data if pic null Display your image..
Get main gmail account username in Android < 2.0 data if requestCode 123 System.out.println resultCode String key accounts System.out.println key Arrays.toString data.getExtras .getStringArray key String accounts data.getExtras .getStringArray key if accounts null int i 0 for String ac accounts.. String key accounts System.out.println key Arrays.toString data.getExtras .getStringArray key String accounts data.getExtras .getStringArray key if accounts null int i 0 for String ac accounts each account is the full email address registered..
Service discovery failed exception using Bluetooth on Android returns with a device to connect if resultCode Activity.RESULT_OK Get the device MAC address String address data.getExtras .getString DeviceListActivity.EXTRA_DEVICE_ADDRESS Get the BLuetoothDevice object BluetoothDevice device m_BluetoothAdapter.getRemoteDevice..
Capture Image from Camera and Display in Activity int requestCode int resultCode Intent data if requestCode CAMERA_REQUEST resultCode RESULT_OK Bitmap photo Bitmap data.getExtras .get data imageView.setImageBitmap photo Note that the camera app itself gives you the ability to review retake the image..
onActivityResult not being called in Fragment public void onActivityResult int requestCode int resultCode Intent data if requestCode 1888 Bitmap photo Bitmap data.getExtras .get data ImageView inflatedView.findViewById .setImageBitmap photo android android fragments android activity..
Android Camera Intent: how to get full sized photo? getParent .startActivityForResult cameraIntent CAMERA_PIC_REQUEST and using Bitmap thumbnail Bitmap data.getExtras .get data photoImage.setImageBitmap thumbnail photoImage.setVisibility View.VISIBLE But it is only a thumbnail how do I..
How do I save data from Camera to disk using MediaStore on Android? int requestCode int resultCode Intent data if requestCode 0 resultCode Activity.RESULT_OK Bitmap x Bitmap data.getExtras .get data ImageView findViewById .setImageBitmap x ContentValues values new ContentValues values.put Images.Media.TITLE..
Photo capture Intent causes NullPointerException on Samsung phones only onActivityResult int requestCode int resultCode Intent data if requestCode CAMERA_PIC_REQUEST Bitmap thumbnail Bitmap data.getExtras .get data ImageView image ImageView findViewById image.setImageBitmap thumbnail android camera nullpointerexception..
take picture from camera and choose from gallery and display in Image view Intent data super.onActivityResult requestCode resultCode data if requestCode 0 if data null Bitmap photo Bitmap data.getExtras .get data photo Bitmap.createScaledBitmap photo 80 80 false imageView.setImageBitmap photo else share improve this..
Fetch Contacts in android application super.onActivityResult requestCode resultCode data if resultCode RESULT_OK data null Bundle bundle new Bundle bundle data.getExtras ArrayList list bundle.getStringArrayList contacts Note The above code was tested over 2.3.3. share improve this answer..