android Programming Glossary: darker
How to capture raw image from android camera 10 bit where a brighter image might use higher values and darker lower. This allows the image processing software to create a..
Android: customize application's menu (e.g background color) the background color from the standard light gray into a darker gray how the menu items are aligned. I have 4 items and they..
How to change the color of an indefinite ProgressBar? of that. How can I change the color of the progressbar A darker grey would be great. android layout progress bar share improve..
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? color before color color correction for dining make it darker if color Color.parseColor #add331 color Color.parseColor #6C8715..
Android - How to programmatically set button color effect at all the text color on the button seems to be a darker shade of the button's background color. If anyone could give..
Gradients and shadows on buttons a sharp border line between the upper brighter and lower darker gradients. Also there are inner and outer shadows for that embossed..
Android VideoView: Video view is much darker in a dialog view VideoView Video view is much darker in a dialog view Hi all I have a problem with embedding a video.. fine except that the video displayed in the Dialog is much darker that if displayed in the rest of the activity any ideas here..
Set EditText cursor color field.. . Does anyone know how I can get EditText to use a darker cursor color I've tried setting the style of the EditText to..
How to capture raw image from android camera The image data is roughly 8 bit but floats within the 10 bit where a brighter image might use higher values and darker lower. This allows the image processing software to create a histogram and capture the useful range of the image. Because..
Android: customize application's menu (e.g background color) the phone . I'm especially interested in two things changing the background color from the standard light gray into a darker gray how the menu items are aligned. I have 4 items and they are automatically aligned 2x2 but I would prefer to have them..
How to change the color of an indefinite ProgressBar? white background. The progressbar is nearly invisible because of that. How can I change the color of the progressbar A darker grey would be great. android layout progress bar share improve this question The reason why the bar is of that color..
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? navSet int color MapView mMapView01 Log.d myapp.APP map color before color color correction for dining make it darker if color Color.parseColor #add331 color Color.parseColor #6C8715 Log.d myapp.APP map color after color Collection overlaysToAddAgain..
Android - How to programmatically set button color you IntelliJ . But setting the text color like this has no effect at all the text color on the button seems to be a darker shade of the button's background color. If anyone could give me some advice as to what to try next I would be most appreciative...
Gradients and shadows on buttons as seen on Springpad widget If you look closely there's a sharp border line between the upper brighter and lower darker gradients. Also there are inner and outer shadows for that embossed area on the right. I know how to set gradient background..
Android VideoView: Video view is much darker in a dialog view VideoView Video view is much darker in a dialog view Hi all I have a problem with embedding a video view inside a dialog view everything works fine except.. a video view inside a dialog view everything works fine except that the video displayed in the Dialog is much darker that if displayed in the rest of the activity any ideas here is some code button1main.setOnClickListener new OnClickListener..
Set EditText cursor color invisible on screen I can spot it faintly in the edittext field.. . Does anyone know how I can get EditText to use a darker cursor color I've tried setting the style of the EditText to @android style Widget.Holo.Light.EditText with no positive..