android Programming Glossary: d.setbounds
Contact Bubble EditText c.getResources Drawable d res.getDrawable R.drawable.oval d.setBounds 0 0 100 20 return d Where my oval.xml drawable is defined as.. Drawable d res.getDrawable android.R.drawable.bottom_bar d.setBounds 0 0 100 20 return d Then the .png will show up but the characters.. BitmapDrawable bd BitmapDrawable convertViewToDrawable tv bd.setBounds 0 0 bd.getIntrinsicWidth bd.getIntrinsicHeight sb.append contactName..
ImageSpan on EditText (smileys). With SwiftKey Keyboard doesnt work d.getIntrinsicWidth int dHeight d.getIntrinsicHeight d.setBounds 0 dHeight dWidth 0 ImageSpan span span new ImageSpan d ImageSpan.ALIGN_BASELINE..
How to align TextView around an ImageView? Drawable d getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.myImage d.setBounds 0 0 d.getIntrinsicWidth d.getIntrinsicHeight Very important..
Loading large images without OutOfMemoryError Drawable d Drawable.createFromStream input image d.setBounds ... d.draw canvas It worked like a charm. In this case the InputStream..
Html.ImageGetter TextView .getDrawable R.drawable.ic_launcher d.addLevel 0 0 empty d.setBounds 0 0 empty.getIntrinsicWidth empty.getIntrinsicHeight new LoadImage..
How to maintain multi layers of ImageViews and keep their aspect ratio based on the largest one? d.getIntrinsicWidth int bottom d.getIntrinsicHeight d.setBounds 0 0 right bottom else String detailMessage drawable bounds.. else String detailMessage drawable bounds are empty use d.setBounds throw new RuntimeException detailMessage d.setCallback LayeredImageView.this.. frame2 250 ad.addFrame frame1 250 ad.addFrame frame2 250 ad.setBounds 200 20 300 120 v.addLayer 1 ad new Runnable @Override..
Curl page from left to right android r.left border r.right border border r.bottom border d.setBounds r d.draw c if y null return null else return b @Override..
Is it possible to display inline images from html in an Android TextView? else return null Drawable d getResources .getDrawable id d.setBounds 0 0 d.getIntrinsicWidth d.getIntrinsicHeight return d You'd..
How to Add Smiley/Emojis in Edittext? Drawable d getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.happy d.setBounds 0 0 d.getIntrinsicWidth d.getIntrinsicHeight return d cs Html.fromHtml..
How to Get Text and Smiley from Edittext into String? Drawable d getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.happy d.setBounds 0 0 d.getIntrinsicWidth d.getIntrinsicHeight return d cs Html.fromHtml..
Contact Bubble EditText context @Override public Drawable getDrawable Resources res c.getResources Drawable d res.getDrawable R.drawable.oval d.setBounds 0 0 100 20 return d Where my oval.xml drawable is defined as so xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 shape xmlns android http.. public Drawable getDrawable Resources res c.getResources Drawable d res.getDrawable android.R.drawable.bottom_bar d.setBounds 0 0 100 20 return d Then the .png will show up but the characters in the string that are a part of the span will not show.. TextView tv createContactTextView contactName BitmapDrawable bd BitmapDrawable convertViewToDrawable tv bd.setBounds 0 0 bd.getIntrinsicWidth bd.getIntrinsicHeight sb.append contactName sb.setSpan new ImageSpan bd sb.length contactName.length..
ImageSpan on EditText (smileys). With SwiftKey Keyboard doesnt work Bitmap.createScaledBitmap bitmap size size true int dWidth d.getIntrinsicWidth int dHeight d.getIntrinsicHeight d.setBounds 0 dHeight dWidth 0 ImageSpan span span new ImageSpan d ImageSpan.ALIGN_BASELINE editable.setSpan span index index length..
How to align TextView around an ImageView? builder.append this.getText R.string.lorem__ipsum Drawable d getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.myImage d.setBounds 0 0 d.getIntrinsicWidth d.getIntrinsicHeight Very important otherwise your image won't appear ImageSpan myImage new ImageSpan..
Loading large images without OutOfMemoryError InputStream input getResources .openRawResource R.drawable.huge_image Drawable d Drawable.createFromStream input image d.setBounds ... d.draw canvas It worked like a charm. In this case the InputStream is an AssetManager.AssetInputStream . So now I want..
Html.ImageGetter TextView d new LevelListDrawable Drawable empty getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.ic_launcher d.addLevel 0 0 empty d.setBounds 0 0 empty.getIntrinsicWidth empty.getIntrinsicHeight new LoadImage .execute source d return d class LoadImage extends AsyncTask..
How to maintain multi layers of ImageViews and keep their aspect ratio based on the largest one? if bounds.isEmpty if d instanceof BitmapDrawable int right d.getIntrinsicWidth int bottom d.getIntrinsicHeight d.setBounds 0 0 right bottom else String detailMessage drawable bounds are empty use d.setBounds throw new RuntimeException detailMessage.. bottom d.getIntrinsicHeight d.setBounds 0 0 right bottom else String detailMessage drawable bounds are empty use d.setBounds throw new RuntimeException detailMessage d.setCallback LayeredImageView.this public void startLayerAnimation Animation.. ad.addFrame frame2 250 ad.addFrame frame1 250 ad.addFrame frame2 250 ad.addFrame frame1 250 ad.addFrame frame2 250 ad.setBounds 200 20 300 120 v.addLayer 1 ad new Runnable @Override public void run ad.start int colors 0xeeffffff 0xee0038a8..
Curl page from left to right android Paint p new Paint p.setColor 0xFFC0C0C0 c.drawRect r p r.left border r.right border border r.bottom border d.setBounds r d.draw c if y null return null else return b @Override public void updatePage CurlPage page final int width final int..
Is it possible to display inline images from html in an Android TextView? else if source.equals overflow.jpg id R.drawable.overflow else return null Drawable d getResources .getDrawable id d.setBounds 0 0 d.getIntrinsicWidth d.getIntrinsicHeight return d You'd probably want to figure out something smarter for mapping source..
How to Add Smiley/Emojis in Edittext? new ImageGetter public Drawable getDrawable String source Drawable d getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.happy d.setBounds 0 0 d.getIntrinsicWidth d.getIntrinsicHeight return d cs Html.fromHtml img src ' getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.happy..
How to Get Text and Smiley from Edittext into String? new ImageGetter public Drawable getDrawable String source Drawable d getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.happy d.setBounds 0 0 d.getIntrinsicWidth d.getIntrinsicHeight return d cs Html.fromHtml img src ' getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.happy..