android Programming Glossary: dat
Android get image from gallery into ImageView delivering result ResultInfo who null request 1 result 1 data Intent dat content media external images media 1 to activity.. result ResultInfo who null request 1 result 1 data Intent dat content media external images media 1 to activity hotMetter.pack.. onActivityResult int requestCode int resultCode Intent data if resultCode Activity.RESULT_OK if requestCode SELECT_PICTURE..
Android: How to create video player? extends Activity implements OnErrorListener OnBufferingUpdateListener OnCompletionListener OnPreparedListener SurfaceHolder.Callback.. mp.release return false @Override public void onBufferingUpdate MediaPlayer mp int percent TODO Auto generated method stub.. MediaPlayer mp.setOnErrorListener this mp.setOnBufferingUpdateListener this mp.setOnCompletionListener this mp.setOnPreparedListener..
This app won't run unless you update Google Play Services. (via Bazaar) app won't run unless you update Google Play Services. via Bazaar I'm testing out the new Google.. intent filter activity meta data android name android value.. RelativeLayout Clicking Update crashes the app with the following stacktrace E Trace 1034..
Using MediaCodec to save series of images as Video from MediaCodec object fill it with your frame's image data queue the input buffer get coded output buffer write it to.. true if inputBufferIndex 0 if sawInputEOS int samplesiz dat.length inputBuffers inputBufferIndex .put dat codec.queueInputBuffer.. samplesiz dat.length inputBuffers inputBufferIndex .put dat codec.queueInputBuffer inputBufferIndex 0 samplesiz presentationTime..
View the Task's activity stack 10004 Intent act android.intent.action.VIEW dat content contacts lookup 144i148.144i461a29500afc8eeb.. base system app Contacts.apk system app Contacts.apk data data data labelRes 0x7f090012 icon 0x7f02006b.. base system app Contacts.apk system app Contacts.apk data data data labelRes 0x7f090012 icon 0x7f02006b..
Load files bigger than 1M from assets folder a ObjecInputStream File f File.createTempFile mytempfile dat FileOutputStream fos new FileOutputStream f InputStream is mc.getAssets.. path 3 ObjectInputStream ois new ObjectInputStream is byte data byte ois.readObject fos.write data fos.flush fos.close ois.close.. is byte data byte ois.readObject fos.write data fos.flush fos.close ois.close is.close now I have an uncompressed..
How do I handle the browser's “share page” intent in android? category android name android.intent.category.DEFAULT data android mimeType text plain intent filter meta data activity.. data android mimeType text plain intent filter meta data activity I cannot for the life of me get this to be triggered.. cat android.intent.category.DEFAULT dat http typ text plain Error Activity not started unable..
Launching Intent.ACTION_VIEW intent not working on saved image file .getAbsolutePath Android data com.myapp files image.jpg posterFile.createNewFile BufferedOutputStream.. i have a milstone on 2.1 but on the milestone the 2.1 update did not include the 3d gallery so it's the old one and the.. Starting activity Intent act android.intent.action.VIEW dat sdcard Android data com.myapp files image.jpg typ image flg..
Android Launching an application chooser with appropriate list of applications cat android.intent.category.DEFAULT dat file When I do the same in a file browser application downloaded.. category android name android.intent.category.DEFAULT data android scheme file intent filter Explicitly set the type myIntent.setDataAndType..
Android: Starting An Activity For A Different Third Party App found to handle Intent act android.intent.action.VIEW dat http music Rihanna pkg Is it possible.. in my case the info I took from the logcat was dat content applications applications zausan.zdevicetest zausan.zdevicetest.zdevicetest..
how to make phone call using intent in android? Denial starting Intent act android.intent.action.CALL dat tel 111 333 222 4 cmp .OutgoingCallBroadcaster..
make a phone call click on a button found to handle Intent act android.intent.action.CALL dat 9392438004 how can i resolve this problem... please help me..
Sending pause to dialer 92 Starting activity Intent act android.intent.action.DIAL dat tel 8883333 444 cmp .DialtactsActivity.. Put the requested number into the input area String data uri.getSchemeSpecificPart setFormattedDigits data null return.. String data uri.getSchemeSpecificPart setFormattedDigits data null return true Within the setFormattedDigits method the number..
Activity stack ordering problem when launching application from Android app installer and from Home screen logs INFO ActivityManager XXXX Starting activity Intent dat file mnt sdcard download my app .apk cmp
Fetch Contacts in android application my code if resultCode Activity.RESULT_OK Uri contactData data.getData Cursor c managedQuery contactData null null null null.. delivering result ResultInfo who null request 1 result 1 data Intent dat content contacts lookup 0r1.. result ResultInfo who null request 1 result 1 data Intent dat content contacts lookup 0r1 2C2E30 1 has..
How to use custom permissions in Android? category android name android.intent.category.BROWSABLE data android scheme myapp android host intent.. Denial starting Intent act android.intent.action.VIEW dat myapp index cmp your.namespace .DeclaringPermissionActivity..
Android get image from gallery into ImageView but I get this error java.lang.RuntimeException Failure delivering result ResultInfo who null request 1 result 1 data Intent dat content media external images media 1 to activity hotMetter.pack hotMetter.pack.GetPhoto java.lang.NullPointerException.. get this error java.lang.RuntimeException Failure delivering result ResultInfo who null request 1 result 1 data Intent dat content media external images media 1 to activity hotMetter.pack hotMetter.pack.GetPhoto java.lang.NullPointerException.. Select Picture SELECT_PICTURE Bitmap bitmap null public void onActivityResult int requestCode int resultCode Intent data if resultCode Activity.RESULT_OK if requestCode SELECT_PICTURE Uri selectedImageUri data.getData selectedImagePath getPath..
Android: How to create video player? class the following way public class MediaPreview extends Activity implements OnErrorListener OnBufferingUpdateListener OnCompletionListener OnPreparedListener SurfaceHolder.Callback private static final String TAG MediaPreview private.. MediaPlayer mp int what int extra if mp null mp.stop mp.release return false @Override public void onBufferingUpdate MediaPlayer mp int percent TODO Auto generated method stub @Override public void onCompletion MediaPlayer mp TODO Auto.. Auto generated method stub private void playVideo try mp new MediaPlayer mp.setOnErrorListener this mp.setOnBufferingUpdateListener this mp.setOnCompletionListener this mp.setOnPreparedListener this mp.setAudioStreamType 2 mp.setDisplay mPreview.getHolder..
This app won't run unless you update Google Play Services. (via Bazaar) app won't run unless you update Google Play Services. via Bazaar I'm testing out the new Google Maps API V2 for Android and I'm getting this message when.. name android.intent.action.MAIN category android name android.intent.category.LAUNCHER intent filter activity meta data android name android value ##myapikey## application public class MainActivity.. android layout_height match_parent class RelativeLayout Clicking Update crashes the app with the following stacktrace E Trace 1034 error opening trace file No such file or directory 2 W GooglePlayServicesUtil..
Using MediaCodec to save series of images as Video I understand please correct me if I am wrong Get InputBuffers from MediaCodec object fill it with your frame's image data queue the input buffer get coded output buffer write it to a file increase presentation time and repeat However I have.. codec.dequeueInputBuffer WAITTIME if bytesread 0 sawInputEOS true if inputBufferIndex 0 if sawInputEOS int samplesiz dat.length inputBuffers inputBufferIndex .put dat codec.queueInputBuffer inputBufferIndex 0 samplesiz presentationTime 0 .. 0 sawInputEOS true if inputBufferIndex 0 if sawInputEOS int samplesiz dat.length inputBuffers inputBufferIndex .put dat codec.queueInputBuffer inputBufferIndex 0 samplesiz presentationTime 0 presentationTime 100 info new BufferInfo outputBufferIndex..
View the Task's activity stack 10004 app ProcessRecord 44c4f348 1168 android.process.acore 10004 Intent act android.intent.action.VIEW dat content contacts lookup 144i148.144i461a29500afc8eeb 1927 cmp .ViewContactActivity.. realActivity .ViewContactActivity base system app Contacts.apk system app Contacts.apk data data data labelRes 0x7f090012 icon 0x7f02006b theme 0x7f0e0004 stateNotNeeded false componentSpecified.. realActivity .ViewContactActivity base system app Contacts.apk system app Contacts.apk data data data labelRes 0x7f090012 icon 0x7f02006b theme 0x7f0e0004 stateNotNeeded false componentSpecified..
Load files bigger than 1M from assets folder is a file 18.9M large. This is my code for read 1 object from a ObjecInputStream File f File.createTempFile mytempfile dat FileOutputStream fos new FileOutputStream f InputStream is mc.getAssets .open path 3 ObjectInputStream ois new ObjectInputStream.. new FileOutputStream f InputStream is mc.getAssets .open path 3 ObjectInputStream ois new ObjectInputStream is byte data byte ois.readObject fos.write data fos.flush fos.close ois.close is.close now I have an uncompressed file and I can use.. is mc.getAssets .open path 3 ObjectInputStream ois new ObjectInputStream is byte data byte ois.readObject fos.write data fos.flush fos.close ois.close is.close now I have an uncompressed file and I can use it without worrying about the error..
How do I handle the browser's “share page” intent in android? intent filter action android name android.intent.action.SEND category android name android.intent.category.DEFAULT data android mimeType text plain intent filter meta data activity I cannot for the life of me get this to be triggered though... category android name android.intent.category.DEFAULT data android mimeType text plain intent filter meta data activity I cannot for the life of me get this to be triggered though. When I share a link in the android browser the emulator.. but the response I get is Starting Intent act android.intent.action.SEND cat android.intent.category.DEFAULT dat http typ text plain Error Activity not started unable to resolve Intent act android.intent.action.SEND cat android.intent.category.DEFAULT..
Launching Intent.ACTION_VIEW intent not working on saved image file image to a file in sd card File posterFile new File Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory .getAbsolutePath Android data com.myapp files image.jpg posterFile.createNewFile BufferedOutputStream out new BufferedOutputStream new FileOutputStream.. installed. The Astro image viewer the default media gallery i have a milstone on 2.1 but on the milestone the 2.1 update did not include the 3d gallery so it's the old one and the 3d gallery from the nexus one i found the apk in the wild ... thought and are exactly the same I ActivityManager 18852 Starting activity Intent act android.intent.action.VIEW dat sdcard Android data com.myapp files image.jpg typ image flg 0x3800000 cmp .ViewImage I ActivityManager..
Android Launching an application chooser with appropriate list of applications the error is No Activity found to handle Intent act android.intent.action.VIEW cat android.intent.category.DEFAULT dat file When I do the same in a file browser application downloaded from the marketplace I get two options QuickOffice and.. category android name android.intent.category.BROWSABLE category android name android.intent.category.DEFAULT data android scheme file intent filter Explicitly set the type myIntent.setDataAndType Uri.fromFile new File filePath Neither..
Android: Starting An Activity For A Different Third Party App to crash android.content.ActivityNotFoundException No Activity found to handle Intent act android.intent.action.VIEW dat http music Rihanna pkg Is it possible to just start the app Here's a copy of's AndroidManifest.xml.. zausan.zdevicetest.zdevicetest startActivity intentDeviceTest in my case the info I took from the logcat was dat content applications applications zausan.zdevicetest zausan.zdevicetest.zdevicetest cmp zausan.zdevicetest .zdevicetest..
how to make phone call using intent in android? ERROR AndroidRuntime 302 java.lang.SecurityException Permission Denial starting Intent act android.intent.action.CALL dat tel 111 333 222 4 cmp .OutgoingCallBroadcaster from ProcessRecord 43d32508 302 com.Finditnear 10026 pid..
make a phone call click on a button 1021 android.content.ActivityNotFoundException No Activity found to handle Intent act android.intent.action.CALL dat 9392438004 how can i resolve this problem... please help me thanks in advance android button call share improve this..
Sending pause to dialer Here is what the ActivityManager sees I ActivityManager 92 Starting activity Intent act android.intent.action.DIAL dat tel 8883333 444 cmp .DialtactsActivity I've also tried the encoded form tel 8883333 2C444 with no difference.. pass in to the dialer using an Intent if tel .equals uri.getScheme Put the requested number into the input area String data uri.getSchemeSpecificPart setFormattedDigits data null return true Within the setFormattedDigits method the number gets.. uri.getScheme Put the requested number into the input area String data uri.getSchemeSpecificPart setFormattedDigits data null return true Within the setFormattedDigits method the number gets transformed thusly String dialString PhoneNumberUtils.extractNetworkPortion..
Activity stack ordering problem when launching application from Android app installer and from Home screen mechanism. When we use the app installer we see the following logs INFO ActivityManager XXXX Starting activity Intent dat file mnt sdcard download my app .apk cmp .InstallAppProgress has extras INFO ActivityManager..
Fetch Contacts in android application name of contact as well as the phone number of contact see my code if resultCode Activity.RESULT_OK Uri contactData data.getData Cursor c managedQuery contactData null null null null if c.moveToFirst String name c.getString c .getColumnIndexOrThrow.. E AndroidRuntime 786 java.lang.RuntimeException Failure delivering result ResultInfo who null request 1 result 1 data Intent dat content contacts lookup 0r1 2C2E30 1 has extras to activity 786 java.lang.RuntimeException Failure delivering result ResultInfo who null request 1 result 1 data Intent dat content contacts lookup 0r1 2C2E30 1 has extras to activity java.lang.IllegalArgumentException..
How to use custom permissions in Android? category android name android.intent.category.DEFAULT category android name android.intent.category.BROWSABLE data android scheme myapp android host intent filter activity application The second declares that is uses.. java.lang.SecurityException Permission Denial starting Intent act android.intent.action.VIEW dat myapp index cmp your.namespace .DeclaringPermissionActivity from ProcessRecord 407842c0 347 your.namespace2..