android Programming Glossary: data._id
getting null pointer exception? cr getContentResolver String projection new String Data._ID ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME Phone.TYPE Cursor cur.. cr getContentResolver String projection new String Data._ID ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME Phone.TYPE Cursor cur..
Group By in ContentResolver in Ice Cream Sandwich getContentResolver .query Data.CONTENT_URI new String Data._ID Data.RAW_CONTACT_ID request GROUP BY Data.RAW_CONTACT_ID params.. cursor MatrixCursor result new MatrixCursor new String Data._ID Data.RAW_CONTACT_ID Set Long seen new HashSet Long while cursor.moveToNext..
Modifying contact information Table Contacts Access URI Contacts.CONTENT_URI Primary Key Data._ID Description This table contains information about a Contact.. RawContacts Access URI RawContacts.CONTENT_URI Primary Key Data._ID Foreign Key Data.CONTACT_ID Description This table contains.. table. Table Data Access URI Data.CONTENT_URI Primary Key Data._ID Foreign Key Data.RAW_CONTACT_ID Description This table contains..
getting null pointer exception? lva testGetContacts private void testGetContacts ContentResolver cr getContentResolver String projection new String Data._ID ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME Phone.TYPE Cursor cur cr.query ContactsContract.Data.CONTENT_URI projection null.. s lv.setAdapter sa private void testGetContacts ContentResolver cr getContentResolver String projection new String Data._ID ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME Phone.TYPE Cursor cur cr.query ContactsContract.Data.CONTENT_URI projection null..
Group By in ContentResolver in Ice Cream Sandwich Email.DATA LIKE String params new String test test Cursor cursor getContentResolver .query Data.CONTENT_URI new String Data._ID Data.RAW_CONTACT_ID request GROUP BY Data.RAW_CONTACT_ID params lower Data.DISPLAY_NAME ASC The injection of the ' ' finishes.. a MatrixCursor to limit the impact but I'd rather have a real cursor MatrixCursor result new MatrixCursor new String Data._ID Data.RAW_CONTACT_ID Set Long seen new HashSet Long while cursor.moveToNext long raw cursor.getLong 1 if seen.contains raw..
Modifying contact information average everyday database tables ContactContract Tables Table Contacts Access URI Contacts.CONTENT_URI Primary Key Data._ID Description This table contains information about a Contact when was it added what's is it's user icon does it have a custom.. a 1 to many relationship with the RawContact table. Table RawContacts Access URI RawContacts.CONTENT_URI Primary Key Data._ID Foreign Key Data.CONTACT_ID Description This table contains information about a related set of Data items. A RawContact.. Relationship It has a 1 to many relationship with the Data table. Table Data Access URI Data.CONTENT_URI Primary Key Data._ID Foreign Key Data.RAW_CONTACT_ID Description This table contains a single field of information. An email address A phone..