android Programming Glossary: daftar_promotion
How to implement getfilter() with custom adapter that extends baseadapter ArrayList HashMap String String private static String url_daftar_promotion http webserver_maaug promotion daftar_promotion.php.. http webserver_maaug promotion daftar_promotion.php String lon 101.5178 String lat 3.0724 public static final.. success public static final String TAG_DAFTAR_PROMOTION daftar_promotion public static final String TAG_ID_PROMO PromoID public static..
How to implement getfilter() with custom adapter that extends baseadapter ArrayList HashMap String String DaftarPromotion new ArrayList HashMap String String private static String url_daftar_promotion http webserver_maaug promotion daftar_promotion.php String lon 101.5178 String lat 3.0724 public static final String.. new ArrayList HashMap String String private static String url_daftar_promotion http webserver_maaug promotion daftar_promotion.php String lon 101.5178 String lat 3.0724 public static final String TAG_SUCCESS success public static final String TAG_DAFTAR_PROMOTION.. String lat 3.0724 public static final String TAG_SUCCESS success public static final String TAG_DAFTAR_PROMOTION daftar_promotion public static final String TAG_ID_PROMO PromoID public static final String TAG_NAMA_PROMO PromoName public static final..