android Programming Glossary: d.getintrinsicheight
Draw Rectangle Over ImageView for highlight that can be zoom in-out in android mIntrinsicWidth d.getIntrinsicWidth mIntrinsicHeight d.getIntrinsicHeight setOnTouchListener this @Override protected boolean setFrame..
ImageSpan on EditText (smileys). With SwiftKey Keyboard doesnt work size true int dWidth d.getIntrinsicWidth int dHeight d.getIntrinsicHeight d.setBounds 0 dHeight dWidth 0 ImageSpan span span new ImageSpan..
How to align TextView around an ImageView? R.drawable.myImage d.setBounds 0 0 d.getIntrinsicWidth d.getIntrinsicHeight Very important otherwise your image won't appear ImageSpan myImage..
How to maintain multi layers of ImageViews and keep their aspect ratio based on the largest one? BitmapDrawable int right d.getIntrinsicWidth int bottom d.getIntrinsicHeight d.setBounds 0 0 right bottom else String detailMessage drawable..
Curl page from left to right android int imageWidth r.width border 2 int imageHeight imageWidth d.getIntrinsicHeight d.getIntrinsicWidth if imageHeight r.height border 2 imageHeight.. border 2 imageWidth imageHeight d.getIntrinsicWidth d.getIntrinsicHeight r.left r.width imageWidth 2 border r.right r.left imageWidth..
Out of memory while creating bitmaps on device double scaleFactor width oldWidth int newHeight int d.getIntrinsicHeight scaleFactor int newWidth int oldWidth scaleFactor Drawable drawable..
Is it possible to display inline images from html in an Android TextView? .getDrawable id d.setBounds 0 0 d.getIntrinsicWidth d.getIntrinsicHeight return d You'd probably want to figure out something smarter..
Trying to get the display size of an image in an ImageView final int origW d.getIntrinsicWidth final int origH d.getIntrinsicHeight Calculate the actual dimensions final int actW Math.round origW..
Android ImageView adjusting parent's height and fitting width int height int Math.ceil float width float d.getIntrinsicHeight float d.getIntrinsicWidth setMeasuredDimension width height..
Rotate zoom drag image in android imageview return int imageWidth d.getIntrinsicWidth int imageHeight d.getIntrinsicHeight int scaleWidth int imageWidth value 0 int scaleHeight int imageHeight..
How to Add Smiley/Emojis in Edittext? R.drawable.happy d.setBounds 0 0 d.getIntrinsicWidth d.getIntrinsicHeight return d cs Html.fromHtml img src ' getResources .getDrawable..
How to Get Text and Smiley from Edittext into String? R.drawable.happy d.setBounds 0 0 d.getIntrinsicWidth d.getIntrinsicHeight return d cs Html.fromHtml img src ' getResources .getDrawable..
Draw Rectangle Over ImageView for highlight that can be zoom in-out in android new Matrix Drawable d getDrawable mDrawable d if d null mIntrinsicWidth d.getIntrinsicWidth mIntrinsicHeight d.getIntrinsicHeight setOnTouchListener this @Override protected boolean setFrame int l int t int r int b Log.v Log_tag Size are here l t r..
ImageSpan on EditText (smileys). With SwiftKey Keyboard doesnt work d new BitmapDrawable Bitmap.createScaledBitmap bitmap size size true int dWidth d.getIntrinsicWidth int dHeight d.getIntrinsicHeight d.setBounds 0 dHeight dWidth 0 ImageSpan span span new ImageSpan d ImageSpan.ALIGN_BASELINE editable.setSpan span index..
How to align TextView around an ImageView? R.string.lorem__ipsum Drawable d getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.myImage d.setBounds 0 0 d.getIntrinsicWidth d.getIntrinsicHeight Very important otherwise your image won't appear ImageSpan myImage new ImageSpan d builder.setSpan myImage 0 lengthOfPart1..
How to maintain multi layers of ImageViews and keep their aspect ratio based on the largest one? Rect bounds d.getBounds if bounds.isEmpty if d instanceof BitmapDrawable int right d.getIntrinsicWidth int bottom d.getIntrinsicHeight d.setBounds 0 0 right bottom else String detailMessage drawable bounds are empty use d.setBounds throw new RuntimeException..
Curl page from left to right android 3 Rect r new Rect margin margin width margin height margin int imageWidth r.width border 2 int imageHeight imageWidth d.getIntrinsicHeight d.getIntrinsicWidth if imageHeight r.height border 2 imageHeight r.height border 2 imageWidth imageHeight d.getIntrinsicWidth.. if imageHeight r.height border 2 imageHeight r.height border 2 imageWidth imageHeight d.getIntrinsicWidth d.getIntrinsicHeight r.left r.width imageWidth 2 border r.right r.left imageWidth border border r.height imageHeight 2 border r.bottom..
Out of memory while creating bitmaps on device bd BitmapDrawable d double oldWidth bd.getBitmap .getWidth double scaleFactor width oldWidth int newHeight int d.getIntrinsicHeight scaleFactor int newWidth int oldWidth scaleFactor Drawable drawable new BitmapDrawable cxt.getResources MainScreen.getResizedBitmap..
Is it possible to display inline images from html in an Android TextView? id R.drawable.overflow else return null Drawable d getResources .getDrawable id d.setBounds 0 0 d.getIntrinsicWidth d.getIntrinsicHeight return d You'd probably want to figure out something smarter for mapping source strings to resource IDs though. share..
Trying to get the display size of an image in an ImageView the drawable and getWidth getHeight final Drawable d getDrawable final int origW d.getIntrinsicWidth final int origH d.getIntrinsicHeight Calculate the actual dimensions final int actW Math.round origW scaleX final int actH Math.round origH scaleY Log.e DBG..
Android ImageView adjusting parent's height and fitting width along the left right edges int width MeasureSpec.getSize widthMeasureSpec int height int Math.ceil float width float d.getIntrinsicHeight float d.getIntrinsicWidth setMeasuredDimension width height else super.onMeasure widthMeasureSpec heightMeasureSpec You..
Rotate zoom drag image in android imageview int height getHeight Drawable d getDrawable if d null return int imageWidth d.getIntrinsicWidth int imageHeight d.getIntrinsicHeight int scaleWidth int imageWidth value 0 int scaleHeight int imageHeight value 4 don't let the image go outside if value 2..
How to Add Smiley/Emojis in Edittext? getDrawable String source Drawable d getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.happy d.setBounds 0 0 d.getIntrinsicWidth d.getIntrinsicHeight return d cs Html.fromHtml img src ' getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.happy ' imageGetter null edttxtemoji.setText cs..
How to Get Text and Smiley from Edittext into String? getDrawable String source Drawable d getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.happy d.setBounds 0 0 d.getIntrinsicWidth d.getIntrinsicHeight return d cs Html.fromHtml img src ' getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.happy ' imageGetter null edttxtemoji.setText..