android Programming Glossary: data.put
Uploading photo to appcelerator cloud server Map String Object data new HashMap String Object data.put login data.put password test_password.. HashMap String Object data.put login data.put password test_password CCResponse response try response sdk.sendRequest..
Contact Custom Fields setFormality Boolean value data.remove FORMALITY data.put FORMALITY value return this Utility method to read data with..
Android - What's the best way to share data between activities? WeakReference Object void save String id Object object data.put id new WeakReference Object object Object retrieve String id..
Android post JSON using HTTP iter2.hasNext Map.Entry pairs2 Map.Entry data.put String pairs2.getKey String pairs2.getValue puts email and..
android http post asynctask HashMap String String data new HashMap String String data.put key1 value1 data.put key2 value2 AsyncHttpPost asyncHttpPost.. String data new HashMap String String data.put key1 value1 data.put key2 value2 AsyncHttpPost asyncHttpPost new AsyncHttpPost data..
Uploading photo to appcelerator cloud server Cocoafish sdk new Cocoafish ou5G8wrYyA0LKrVWmbZHRZgMpQ53sAH0 Map String Object data new HashMap String Object data.put login data.put password test_password CCResponse response try response sdk.sendRequest users login.json.. ou5G8wrYyA0LKrVWmbZHRZgMpQ53sAH0 Map String Object data new HashMap String Object data.put login data.put password test_password CCResponse response try response sdk.sendRequest users login.json CCRequestMethod.POST data JSONObject..
Contact Custom Fields c.getInt 0 1 finally c.close return false public clsMyClass setFormality Boolean value data.remove FORMALITY data.put FORMALITY value return this Utility method to read data with mime type @param mimetype String representation of the mimetype..
Android - What's the best way to share data between activities? Map String WeakReference Object data new HashMap String WeakReference Object void save String id Object object data.put id new WeakReference Object object Object retrieve String id WeakReference Object objectWeakReference data.get id return..
Android post JSON using HTTP gets the value Iterator iter2 m.entrySet .iterator while iter2.hasNext Map.Entry pairs2 Map.Entry data.put String pairs2.getKey String pairs2.getValue puts email and '' together in map holder.put key data return holder..
android http post asynctask result something... Now. You just write some lines like following HashMap String String data new HashMap String String data.put key1 value1 data.put key2 value2 AsyncHttpPost asyncHttpPost new AsyncHttpPost data asyncHttpPost.execute http You just write some lines like following HashMap String String data new HashMap String String data.put key1 value1 data.put key2 value2 AsyncHttpPost asyncHttpPost new AsyncHttpPost data asyncHttpPost.execute http share improve this..