android Programming Glossary: d1
Decoding Video using FFMpeg for android a0000030 07 04 10 58 39.121 I DEBUG 71 d0 4140000041600000 d1 3ff0000041680000 07 04 10 58 39.121 I DEBUG 71 d2 bf80000000000000.. d9 0000000000000000 07 04 10 58 39.121 I DEBUG 71 d10 0000000000000000 d11 0000000000000000 07 04 10 58 39.121 I.. 07 04 10 58 39.121 I DEBUG 71 d10 0000000000000000 d11 0000000000000000 07 04 10 58 39.121 I DEBUG 71 d12 0000000000000000..
How to customize listview using baseadapter Activity ListView l1 String t1 video1 video2 String d1 lesson1 lesson2 int i1 R.drawable.ic_launcher R.drawable.ic_launcher.. l1.setAdapter new dataListAdapter t1 d1 i1 class dataListAdapter extends BaseAdapter String Title Detail..
How to compile library with source code with NDK tools? INFO DEBUG 24667 ip 00000000 sp 4a7521f8 lr 8202e11f pc afd1d9cc cpsr 00000030 06 18 15 24 58.545 INFO DEBUG 24667 d0 3fcc745e0ab0ad85.. 06 18 15 24 58.545 INFO DEBUG 24667 d0 3fcc745e0ab0ad85 d1 3fd24aaf828e1369 06 18 15 24 58.545 INFO DEBUG 24667 d2 3fa56e5ff7cd8dc6.. 18 15 24 58.545 INFO DEBUG 24667 d4 bfc34e892d87a4ea d5 bfd1c2b0f8ac7dc9 06 18 15 24 58.545 INFO DEBUG 24667 d6 3fe62e42fee00000..
Android Bitmap Limit - Preventing java.lang.OutOfMemory pc ab14f11c cpsr 60000010 I DEBUG 1505 d0 414000003f800000 d1 2073646565637834 I DEBUG 1505 d2 4de4b8bc426fb934 d3 42c80000007a1f34.. 1505 d8 0000025843e7c000 d9 c0c0000040c00000 I DEBUG 1505 d10 40c0000040c00000 d11 0000000000000000 I DEBUG 1505 d12 0000000000000000.. d9 c0c0000040c00000 I DEBUG 1505 d10 40c0000040c00000 d11 0000000000000000 I DEBUG 1505 d12 0000000000000000 d13 0000000000000000..
how to fix double precision issue in java [duplicate] double value. eg when I multiply two double value double d1 Double.valueOf 0.3 .doubleValue Double.valueOf 3 .doubleValue.. 3 .doubleValue System.out.println Result of multiplication d1 I am getting the following result 0.8999999999999999 Some of..
android: I get no stacktrace, phone just hangs 45 02.801 INFO DEBUG 2359 ip a7913644 sp 40d2be60 lr a790d12b pc afd0f4a8 cpsr 20000010 12 17 12 45 02.805 INFO DEBUG 2359.. 12 17 12 45 02.805 INFO DEBUG 2359 d0 643a64696f72646e d1 6472656767756265 12 17 12 45 02.808 INFO DEBUG 2359 d2 6c8d6b716a8c6871.. d9 0000000000000000 12 17 12 45 02.816 INFO DEBUG 2359 d10 0000000000000000 d11 0000000000000000 12 17 12 45 02.816 INFO..
Conversion of Date format. 5 Jan 2011 Please help.. Now i'm having String d1 2012 01 05 and String d2 2012 01 05 . urgent.. java android..
Decoding Video using FFMpeg for android 71 ip 8102de91 sp bee7d348 lr 80018378 pc 8102de90 cpsr a0000030 07 04 10 58 39.121 I DEBUG 71 d0 4140000041600000 d1 3ff0000041680000 07 04 10 58 39.121 I DEBUG 71 d2 bf80000000000000 d3 0000000000000000 07 04 10 58 39.121 I DEBUG 71 d4.. 4160000000000000 07 04 10 58 39.121 I DEBUG 71 d8 0000000000000000 d9 0000000000000000 07 04 10 58 39.121 I DEBUG 71 d10 0000000000000000 d11 0000000000000000 07 04 10 58 39.121 I DEBUG 71 d12 0000000000000000 d13 0000000000000000 07 04 10.. 04 10 58 39.121 I DEBUG 71 d8 0000000000000000 d9 0000000000000000 07 04 10 58 39.121 I DEBUG 71 d10 0000000000000000 d11 0000000000000000 07 04 10 58 39.121 I DEBUG 71 d12 0000000000000000 d13 0000000000000000 07 04 10 58 39.121 I DEBUG 71..
How to customize listview using baseadapter import android.widget.TextView public class MainActivity extends Activity ListView l1 String t1 video1 video2 String d1 lesson1 lesson2 int i1 R.drawable.ic_launcher R.drawable.ic_launcher @Override protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState.. setContentView R.layout.main l1 ListView findViewById l1.setAdapter new dataListAdapter t1 d1 i1 class dataListAdapter extends BaseAdapter String Title Detail int imge dataListAdapter Title null Detail null imge null..
How to compile library with source code with NDK tools? r9 000004b4 10 4a752777 fp 00000000 06 18 15 24 58.545 INFO DEBUG 24667 ip 00000000 sp 4a7521f8 lr 8202e11f pc afd1d9cc cpsr 00000030 06 18 15 24 58.545 INFO DEBUG 24667 d0 3fcc745e0ab0ad85 d1 3fd24aaf828e1369 06 18 15 24 58.545 INFO DEBUG.. ip 00000000 sp 4a7521f8 lr 8202e11f pc afd1d9cc cpsr 00000030 06 18 15 24 58.545 INFO DEBUG 24667 d0 3fcc745e0ab0ad85 d1 3fd24aaf828e1369 06 18 15 24 58.545 INFO DEBUG 24667 d2 3fa56e5ff7cd8dc6 d3 3fe5568b9401f367 06 18 15 24 58.545 INFO DEBUG.. INFO DEBUG 24667 d2 3fa56e5ff7cd8dc6 d3 3fe5568b9401f367 06 18 15 24 58.545 INFO DEBUG 24667 d4 bfc34e892d87a4ea d5 bfd1c2b0f8ac7dc9 06 18 15 24 58.545 INFO DEBUG 24667 d6 3fe62e42fee00000 d7 3ff0000000000000 06 18 15 24 58.545 INFO DEBUG 24667..
Android Bitmap Limit - Preventing java.lang.OutOfMemory 00000384 I DEBUG 1505 ip 0055dab8 sp befdb0c0 lr 00000000 pc ab14f11c cpsr 60000010 I DEBUG 1505 d0 414000003f800000 d1 2073646565637834 I DEBUG 1505 d2 4de4b8bc426fb934 d3 42c80000007a1f34 I DEBUG 1505 d4 00000008004930e0 d5 0000000000000000.. I DEBUG 1505 d6 0000000000000000 d7 4080000080000000 I DEBUG 1505 d8 0000025843e7c000 d9 c0c0000040c00000 I DEBUG 1505 d10 40c0000040c00000 d11 0000000000000000 I DEBUG 1505 d12 0000000000000000 d13 0000000000000000 I DEBUG 1505 d14 0000000000000000.. d7 4080000080000000 I DEBUG 1505 d8 0000025843e7c000 d9 c0c0000040c00000 I DEBUG 1505 d10 40c0000040c00000 d11 0000000000000000 I DEBUG 1505 d12 0000000000000000 d13 0000000000000000 I DEBUG 1505 d14 0000000000000000 d15 0000000000000000..
how to fix double precision issue in java [duplicate] android Please note that I am converting a string value into double value. eg when I multiply two double value double d1 Double.valueOf 0.3 .doubleValue Double.valueOf 3 .doubleValue System.out.println Result of multiplication d1 I am getting.. double d1 Double.valueOf 0.3 .doubleValue Double.valueOf 3 .doubleValue System.out.println Result of multiplication d1 I am getting the following result 0.8999999999999999 Some of the results that i am getting are. 0.6 3 1.7999999999999998..
android: I get no stacktrace, phone just hangs 2359 r8 00100000 r9 a811c479 10 40c2c000 fp 0002cbe0 12 17 12 45 02.801 INFO DEBUG 2359 ip a7913644 sp 40d2be60 lr a790d12b pc afd0f4a8 cpsr 20000010 12 17 12 45 02.805 INFO DEBUG 2359 d0 643a64696f72646e d1 6472656767756265 12 17 12 45 02.808.. ip a7913644 sp 40d2be60 lr a790d12b pc afd0f4a8 cpsr 20000010 12 17 12 45 02.805 INFO DEBUG 2359 d0 643a64696f72646e d1 6472656767756265 12 17 12 45 02.808 INFO DEBUG 2359 d2 6c8d6b716a8c6871 d3 678c6a71688d6a71 12 17 12 45 02.808 INFO DEBUG.. 12 17 12 45 02.812 INFO DEBUG 2359 d8 0000000000000000 d9 0000000000000000 12 17 12 45 02.816 INFO DEBUG 2359 d10 0000000000000000 d11 0000000000000000 12 17 12 45 02.816 INFO DEBUG 2359 d12 0000000000000000 d13 0000000000000000 12 17..
Conversion of Date 1 2012 01 05 2 05 01 2012 But i want this to be in the below format. 5 Jan 2011 Please help.. Now i'm having String d1 2012 01 05 and String d2 2012 01 05 . urgent.. java android share improve this question SimpleDateFormat formatter..