android Programming Glossary: compiler
Can The Android drawable directory contain subdirectories? it within the res drawable folder will cause the resource compiler to fail preventing the file from being generated correctly...
How can I create an Android application in Android Studio that uses the Google Maps Api v2? task ' MyMapApp compileDebug'. Compilation failed see the compiler error output for details. Try Run with stacktrace option to..
'Must Override a Superclass Method' Errors after importing a project into Eclipse Go to your project ide preferences and set the Java compiler level to 1.6 and also make sure you select JRE 1.6 to execute..
Difference between px, dp, dip and sp in Android? density but not necessarily in direct proportion. Note The compiler accepts both dip and dp though dp is more consistent with sp..
Android and obfuscation FAQ.html#android . Yes. Google's dx compiler converts ordinary jar files into files that run on Android devices...
How to programatically create and read WEP/EAP WiFi configurations in Android? null for overzealous java compiler Class wcEnterpriseField null for Class wcClass wcClasses ..
Android Eclipse - Could not find *.apk [closed] manually reordering my java build path. I have no visible compiler issues and no problems exist in my workspace. I did experience..
What optimizations can I expect from Dalvik and the Android toolchain? C I've developed a fairly good intuition about what the compiler will and won't do for me. I'm trying to do the same for Java.. very little about this topic on the web. Will the Java compiler Dalvik converter dx and or JITter on Android 2.2 perform optimizations.. runtime type of the object can easily be deduced by the compiler Should I declare methods as final or static wherever possible..
Java 7 language features with Android use Eclipse's ADT because it is hard coded that only Java compiler 1.5 and 1.6 are compliant. You could recompile ADT but I find..
Android requires compiler compliance level 5.0 or 6.0. Found '1.7' instead. Please use Android Tools > Fix Project Properties requires compiler compliance level 5.0 or 6.0. Found '1.7' instead. Please use.. errors like 2011 10 03 17 20 09 Screen Android requires compiler compliance level 5.0 or 6.0. Found '1.7' instead. Please use.. Properties. 2011 10 03 17 21 55 App Android requires compiler compliance level 5.0 or 6.0. Found '1.7' instead. Please use..
Admob Error in Eclipse for android:configChanges keyboard keyboardHidden orientation there's no error but compiler asks for the 4 remaining ones when I try and build. I'm using..
Admob implementation Error fact you can specify any value you want here without the compiler changing anything or bringing up an error message. This is why.. methods which are no longer available as they will cause a compiler error. I solved this by creating a new library project used..
Can the android SDK work with JDK 1.7? and JDK 7 but I keep getting the error Android requires compiler compliance level 5.0 or 6.0. Found '1.7' instead. Please use..
ActionBarSherlock library is full of errors after being imported improve this question Go to Project Properties Java Compiler. Use JDK 1.6. Ensure you're compiling both the library and your..
porting libcurl on android with ssl support Host setup arm unknown eabi Install prefix usr local Compiler home tanco Development AOSP 2.3.3 prebuilt linux x86 toolchain..
Speed up Android project build time in IntelliJ IDEA ADT. There is Additional VM Options field in Android DX Compiler section in IntelliJ Preferences maybe this could be a way how..
Android compilation is slow (using Eclipse) resource folders. 19 46 10 Starting incremental Pre Compiler Checking resource changes. 19 46 10 Nothing to pre compile 19.. resource folders. 19 46 25 Starting incremental Pre Compiler Checking resource changes. 19 46 26 Nothing to pre compile The..
Android playing resource files from internal storage causes MediaPlayer.prepare to give IOException 13372136 3 at Native Method Compiler daemon prio 5 tid 6 VMWAIT group system sCount 1 dsCount 0 obj..
Create a NinePatch/NinePatchDrawable in runtime your images. You can use the Android Binary Resource Compiler . This automates some of the pain away from creating a new Android..
ANR keyDispatchingTimedOut error 129 at Native Method Compiler daemon prio 5 tid 4 VMWAIT group system sCount 1 dsCount 0 s..
Does IntelliJ IDEA publish an Android app with one click? to generate unsigned APK in the Android Facet settings Compiler tab However you don't need to do that if you use the Export..
Android style Resources compile (aapt) failing : Bad resource table: header size 0xc to parse generated resources aborting. 'aapt' error. Pre Compiler Build aborted. Sadly I had added a lot of style etc not just.. 2011 05 15 16 22 25 MyApp 'aapt' error. Pre Compiler Build aborted. THIS IS NOT THE FILE WHERE THE ERROR IS. TIP.. mentioned before the error message 'aapt' error. Pre Compiler Build aborted. This is send_email_activity.xml PROBLEM send_email_activity.xml..
Problem with Runtime.exec and Android 1324096 at Native Method Compiler daemon prio 5 tid 5 VMWAIT group system sCount 1 dsCount 0 s..
Android requires compiler compliance level 5.0 or 6.0. Found '1.7' instead. Please use Android Tools > Fix Project Properties right click on your project and select Properties Java Compiler check Enable project specific settings and select 1.5 or 1.6..
Why do I get “must override a superclass method” with @Override? Check the project's properties and verify that Java Compiler Compiler compliance level is set to 1.6 . share improve this.. the project's properties and verify that Java Compiler Compiler compliance level is set to 1.6 . share improve this answer..
R cannot be resolved error when using ActionBarSherlock those errors by Right click on the project properties Java Compiler compiler compliance level and I set it to 1.6. This forces a..
Why does eclipse keeps highlighting a method? your project properties project's context menu select Java Compiler and set the compiler compliance level to 1.6. share improve..
Can The Android drawable directory contain subdirectories?
How can I create an Android application in Android Studio that uses the Google Maps Api v2? with an exception. What went wrong Execution failed for task ' MyMapApp compileDebug'. Compilation failed see the compiler error output for details. Try Run with stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with info or debug option to get more..
'Must Override a Superclass Method' Errors after importing a project into Eclipse
Difference between px, dp, dip and sp in Android? The ratio of dp to pixel will change with the screen density but not necessarily in direct proportion. Note The compiler accepts both dip and dp though dp is more consistent with sp . sp Scale independent Pixels this is like the dp unit but..
Android and obfuscation ProGuard and it works for the Android platform see http FAQ.html#android . Yes. Google's dx compiler converts ordinary jar files into files that run on Android devices. By preprocessing the original jar files ProGuard can..
How to programatically create and read WEP/EAP WiFi configurations in Android? in try Let the magic start Class wcClasses WifiConfiguration.class.getClasses null for overzealous java compiler Class wcEnterpriseField null for Class wcClass wcClasses if wcClass.getName .equals INT_ENTERPRISEFIELD_NAME wcEnterpriseField..
Android Eclipse - Could not find *.apk [closed] from my Builders for the project building the project manually reordering my java build path. I have no visible compiler issues and no problems exist in my workspace. I did experience this issue before and solved it once by removing the project..
What optimizations can I expect from Dalvik and the Android toolchain? of my mind a picture of what is happening under the hood. With C I've developed a fairly good intuition about what the compiler will and won't do for me. I'm trying to do the same for Java Android. Hence this question. I could find very little about.. do the same for Java Android. Hence this question. I could find very little about this topic on the web. Will the Java compiler Dalvik converter dx and or JITter on Android 2.2 perform optimizations like the following Method inlining. Under what conditions.. Methods on objects of other classes static methods What if the runtime type of the object can easily be deduced by the compiler Should I declare methods as final or static wherever possible Common subexpression elimination. For example if I access..
Java 7 language features with Android note I have only tested on 4.1 . First of all you could not use Eclipse's ADT because it is hard coded that only Java compiler 1.5 and 1.6 are compliant. You could recompile ADT but I find there is no simple way to do that aside from recompiling the..
Android requires compiler compliance level 5.0 or 6.0. Found '1.7' instead. Please use Android Tools > Fix Project Properties requires compiler compliance level 5.0 or 6.0. Found '1.7' instead. Please use Android Tools Fix Project Properties Did anybody have similar.. similar problem with this I import android project and I get errors like 2011 10 03 17 20 09 Screen Android requires compiler compliance level 5.0 or 6.0. Found '1.7' instead. Please use Android Tools Fix Project Properties. 2011 10 03 17 21 55 App.. or 6.0. Found '1.7' instead. Please use Android Tools Fix Project Properties. 2011 10 03 17 21 55 App Android requires compiler compliance level 5.0 or 6.0. Found '1.7' instead. Please use Android Tools Fix Project Properties. 2011 10 03 17 21 59 App..
Admob Error in Eclipse for android:configChanges uiMode screenSize smallestScreenSize' . If I leave only keyboard keyboardHidden orientation there's no error but compiler asks for the 4 remaining ones when I try and build. I'm using GoogleAdMobAdsSDK 4.3.1 . Any ideas EDIT I got it working..
Admob implementation Error is only evaluated at run time not at compile time. In fact you can specify any value you want here without the compiler changing anything or bringing up an error message. This is why changing this attribute does not help us to solve our AdMob.. but this article does not describe how to call deprecated methods which are no longer available as they will cause a compiler error. I solved this by creating a new library project used by my app. For this library project I have set the build target..
Can the android SDK work with JDK 1.7? SDK work with JDK 1.7 I Just installed the Android SDK R16 and JDK 7 but I keep getting the error Android requires compiler compliance level 5.0 or 6.0. Found '1.7' instead. Please use Android Tools Fix Project Properties. I am using some features..
ActionBarSherlock library is full of errors after being imported java android actionbarsherlock android actionbar share improve this question Go to Project Properties Java Compiler. Use JDK 1.6. Ensure you're compiling both the library and your app with Android 4.0 Ensure your targetSdkVersion is 14..
porting libcurl on android with ssl support configure Configured to build curl libcurl curl version 7.26.0 Host setup arm unknown eabi Install prefix usr local Compiler home tanco Development AOSP 2.3.3 prebuilt linux x86 toolchain arm eabi 4.2.1 bin arm eabi gcc SSL support no with ssl gnutls..
Speed up Android project build time in IntelliJ IDEA skip packaging and dexing in IntelliJ IDEA like in Eclipse and ADT. There is Additional VM Options field in Android DX Compiler section in IntelliJ Preferences maybe this could be a way how to set it. I would also appreciate another tips how to speed..
Android compilation is slow (using Eclipse) Verbose. The result output Console Android is 19 46 10 Refreshing resource folders. 19 46 10 Starting incremental Pre Compiler Checking resource changes. 19 46 10 Nothing to pre compile 19 46 10 Starting incremental Package build Checking resource.. ... annotations.jar 19 46 25 Build Success 19 46 25 Refreshing resource folders. 19 46 25 Starting incremental Pre Compiler Checking resource changes. 19 46 26 Nothing to pre compile The processing of .class files took 14 seconds. And it processed..
Android playing resource files from internal storage causes MediaPlayer.prepare to give IOException 0 0 cgrp bg_non_interactive handle 604904 schedstat 6939806 13372136 3 at Native Method Compiler daemon prio 5 tid 6 VMWAIT group system sCount 1 dsCount 0 obj 0x4050eba8 self 0x938c8 sysTid 344 nice 0 sched 0 0 cgrp..
Create a NinePatch/NinePatchDrawable in runtime bitmap chunk new Rect null Server side you need to prepare your images. You can use the Android Binary Resource Compiler . This automates some of the pain away from creating a new Android project just to compile some .9.png files into the Android..
ANR keyDispatchingTimedOut error cgrp bg_non_interactive handle 1301736 schedstat 12603756 119659428 129 at Native Method Compiler daemon prio 5 tid 4 VMWAIT group system sCount 1 dsCount 0 s N obj 0x46ee32a8 self 0x127bc8 sysTid 2507 nice 0 sched 0 0..
Does IntelliJ IDEA publish an Android app with one click? share improve this question New IDEA versions have an option to generate unsigned APK in the Android Facet settings Compiler tab However you don't need to do that if you use the Export Signed Android Package feature Tools Android Export Signed Android..
Android style Resources compile (aapt) failing : Bad resource table: header size 0xc total size 0x4aba is not on an integer boundary ERROR Unable to parse generated resources aborting. 'aapt' error. Pre Compiler Build aborted. Sadly I had added a lot of style etc not just this one so spent ages back tracking to find the error. Not.. Users user1 Documents workspace MyApp res layout send_email_activity.xml 2011 05 15 16 22 25 MyApp 'aapt' error. Pre Compiler Build aborted. THIS IS NOT THE FILE WHERE THE ERROR IS. TIP How to FIND WHICH FILE EXACTLY CAUSING THE PROBLEM Find the.. WHICH FILE EXACTLY CAUSING THE PROBLEM Find the last file that's mentioned before the error message 'aapt' error. Pre Compiler Build aborted. This is send_email_activity.xml PROBLEM send_email_activity.xml isnt the file with the error. send_email_activity.xml..
Problem with Runtime.exec and Android self 0x143480 sysTid 11494 nice 0 sched 0 0 cgrp unknown handle 1324096 at Native Method Compiler daemon prio 5 tid 5 VMWAIT group system sCount 1 dsCount 0 s N obj 0x46084558 self 0x144560 sysTid 11493 nice 0 sched 0..
Android requires compiler compliance level 5.0 or 6.0. Found '1.7' instead. Please use Android Tools > Fix Project Properties Fix Project Properties if this din't work try second option right click on your project and select Properties Java Compiler check Enable project specific settings and select 1.5 or 1.6 from Compiler compliance settings select box. share improve..
Why do I get “must override a superclass method” with @Override?
R cannot be resolved error when using ActionBarSherlock mostly dealing with some @override stuff. I fix most of those errors by Right click on the project properties Java Compiler compiler compliance level and I set it to 1.6. This forces a re build and suddenly I am down to just 54 errors. Most of..
Why does eclipse keeps highlighting a method?