android Programming Glossary: commit
Eclipse: multiple project from single source Is it possible The best is to have also a system to commit source changes form the main project to the childs but it's..
Android Canvas Redo and Undo Operation 2 mX x mY y private void touch_up mPath.lineTo mX mY commit the path to our offscreen mCanvas.drawPath mPath mPaint kill.. 2 mX x mY y private void touch_up mPath.lineTo mX mY commit the path to our offscreen mCanvas.drawPath mPath mPaint kill..
Android color picker to be included in the activity private void touch_up mPath.lineTo mX mY circlePath.reset commit the path to our offscreen mCanvas.drawPath mPath mPaint kill..
Android OpenAL? as it is written for OpenSL ES 1.1 not 1.0.1. See this commit for a fix. As mentioned in a previous answer a JNI backend for..
How to use SharedPreferences [duplicate] UserName JaneDoe prefEditor.putInt UserAge 22 prefEditor.commit This is what the book tells me to use but it returns errors.. under UserName JaneDoe under UserAge 22 and under commit I've looked on loads of websites for help but all seem to use.. this The SharedPreferences editor must use commit to submit changes SharedPreferences.Editor editor preferences.edit..
Should accessing SharedPreferences be done off the UI Thread? you're using SharedPreferenced Editor.apply instead of commit . apply is new in GB and async but always safe careful of lifecycle.. can use reflection to conditionally call apply on GB and commit on Froyo or below. I'll be doing a blogpost with sample code..
SharedPreferences and Thread Safety However what kind of guarantees are made in regards to commit and apply For example synchronized uniqueIdLock uniqueId sharedPreferences.getInt.. .putInt UNIQUE_INCREMENTING_ID uniqueId .commit Would it be guaranteed that the uniqueId was always unique in..
How to save user state in Android? editor.putString PSSWORD password editor.commit Reading SP SharedPreferences mySharedPreferences context.getSharedPreferences.. PASSWORD null You can use edit.apply insted of commit . It is recommended by Android team. But this method is for..
Android - How Do I Set A Preference In Code the value is the value 1.5.2 true Flush the buffer editor.commit This actually writes you put to the preferences. If your app.. will not be written. There is also a documented bug commit is supposed to return a boolean indicating success or failure...
Problem with Runtime.exec and Android question That's most likely the bug fixed in this Github commit . In essence it deadlocks directly after fork but before doing..
Android: simple export and import of sqlite database throws IOException Close the SQLiteOpenHelper so it will commit the created empty database to internal storage. close File newDb..
How to handle AsyncTask onPostExecute when paused to avoid IllegalStateException an IllegalStateException because I'm trying to effectively commit a transaction when the activity has saved its state and I understand.. using FragmentTransaction add and FragmentTransaction commitAllowingStateLoss however this isn't without its problems. android..
How to handle Handler messages when activity/fragment is paused have which asynchronously changes a fragment state e.g. commit dismiss is only called from a message in the handler. Derive.. ft fm.beginTransaction ft.add state State.TAG ft.commit final Button button Button findViewById button.setOnClickListener..
Android Database Transaction there is a method beginTransaction If you want to commit the transaction there is a method setTransactionSuccessful which.. there is a method setTransactionSuccessful which will commit the values in the database If you had start the transaction.. your transaction then you need to endTransaction without committing the transaction by setTransactionSuccessful . You can get..
Android : How do i pass the Payment details? cgi bin webscr cmd _express checkout mobile useraction commit token token drt deviceToken token param transaction token wich..
Eclipse: multiple project from single source there is a way to modify this plugin to create my standard project Is it possible The best is to have also a system to commit source changes form the main project to the childs but it's not mandatory. Sorry again for my english. EDIT Sorry if i edit..
Android Canvas Redo and Undo Operation dy TOUCH_TOLERANCE mPath.quadTo mX mY x mX 2 y mY 2 mX x mY y private void touch_up mPath.lineTo mX mY commit the path to our offscreen mCanvas.drawPath mPath mPaint kill this so we don't double draw mPath new Path paths.add mPath.. dy TOUCH_TOLERANCE mPath.quadTo mX mY x mX 2 y mY 2 mX x mY y private void touch_up mPath.lineTo mX mY commit the path to our offscreen mCanvas.drawPath mPath mPaint kill this so we don't double draw paths.add mPath mPath new Path..
Android color picker to be included in the activity mX mY 30 Path.Direction.CW invalidate private void touch_up mPath.lineTo mX mY circlePath.reset commit the path to our offscreen mCanvas.drawPath mPath mPaint kill this so we don't double draw mPath.reset @Override public..
Android OpenAL? of version 1.13 . It is however at this time broken on Android as it is written for OpenSL ES 1.1 not 1.0.1. See this commit for a fix. As mentioned in a previous answer a JNI backend for OpenAL Soft is linked to and described here as the only option..
How to use SharedPreferences [duplicate] prefEditor settings.edit prefEditor.putString UserName JaneDoe prefEditor.putInt UserAge 22 prefEditor.commit This is what the book tells me to use but it returns errors at the following points under the . after the first 2 prefEditor.. following points under the . after the first 2 prefEditor statements under UserName JaneDoe under UserAge 22 and under commit I've looked on loads of websites for help but all seem to use the same code. What am I doing wrong android sharedpreferences.. SharedPreferences preferences PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences this The SharedPreferences editor must use commit to submit changes SharedPreferences.Editor editor preferences.edit Edit the saved preferences editor.putString UserName..
Should accessing SharedPreferences be done off the UI Thread? spot. Writes are generally slower than reads though so be sure you're using SharedPreferenced Editor.apply instead of commit . apply is new in GB and async but always safe careful of lifecycle transitions . You can use reflection to conditionally.. async but always safe careful of lifecycle transitions . You can use reflection to conditionally call apply on GB and commit on Froyo or below. I'll be doing a blogpost with sample code of how to do this. Regarding loading though... once loaded..
SharedPreferences and Thread Safety later. So in and of itself it doesn't appear to be Thread Safe. However what kind of guarantees are made in regards to commit and apply For example synchronized uniqueIdLock uniqueId sharedPreferences.getInt UNIQUE_INCREMENTING_ID 0 uniqueId sharedPreferences.edit.. UNIQUE_INCREMENTING_ID 0 uniqueId sharedPreferences.edit .putInt UNIQUE_INCREMENTING_ID uniqueId .commit Would it be guaranteed that the uniqueId was always unique in this case If not is there a better way to keep track of a..
How to save user state in Android? SharedPreferences.Editor editor mySharedPreferences.edit editor.putString PSSWORD password editor.commit Reading SP SharedPreferences mySharedPreferences context.getSharedPreferences PREFS Activity.MODE_PRIVATE String password.. Activity.MODE_PRIVATE String password mySharedPreferences.getString PASSWORD null You can use edit.apply insted of commit . It is recommended by Android team. But this method is for API Level 9. You can read about it here http
Android - How Do I Set A Preference In Code putBoolean etc. The String is the key version good run and the value is the value 1.5.2 true Flush the buffer editor.commit This actually writes you put to the preferences. If your app crashes before this line then the preferences will not be written... If your app crashes before this line then the preferences will not be written. There is also a documented bug commit is supposed to return a boolean indicating success or failure. Last I checked it always returned false. These preferences..
Problem with Runtime.exec and Android it. java android exec runtime.exec share improve this question That's most likely the bug fixed in this Github commit . In essence it deadlocks directly after fork but before doing the actual exec because somebody tried to malloc. share..
Android: simple export and import of sqlite database database. public boolean importDatabase String dbPath throws IOException Close the SQLiteOpenHelper so it will commit the created empty database to internal storage. close File newDb new File dbPath File oldDb new File DB_FILEPATH if newDb.exists..
How to handle AsyncTask onPostExecute when paused to avoid IllegalStateException in which I try to dismiss and invoke a dialog. I get an IllegalStateException because I'm trying to effectively commit a transaction when the activity has saved its state and I understand this. On a rotation I've assumed perhaps incorrectly.. 2.1 and above Edit 2 I have considered showing the dialog using FragmentTransaction add and FragmentTransaction commitAllowingStateLoss however this isn't without its problems. android android asynctask android fragments android lifecycle..
How to handle Handler messages when activity/fragment is paused paused and plays them back on resume. Ensure any code that you have which asynchronously changes a fragment state e.g. commit dismiss is only called from a message in the handler. Derive your handler from the PauseHandler class. Whenever your activity.. FragmentManager fm getFragmentManager final FragmentTransaction ft fm.beginTransaction ft.add state State.TAG ft.commit final Button button Button findViewById button.setOnClickListener new View.OnClickListener @Override public..
Android Database Transaction database transaction in Android If you want to start the transaction there is a method beginTransaction If you want to commit the transaction there is a method setTransactionSuccessful which will commit the values in the database If you had start.. a method beginTransaction If you want to commit the transaction there is a method setTransactionSuccessful which will commit the values in the database If you had start the transaction you need to close the transaction so there is a method endTransaction.. endTransaction after beginTransaction If you want to rollback your transaction then you need to endTransaction without committing the transaction by setTransactionSuccessful . You can get detailed information about the SQLite database transaction..
Android : How do i pass the Payment details? but the live url worked for me String url https cgi bin webscr cmd _express checkout mobile useraction commit token token drt deviceToken token param transaction token wich is received from the webservice deviceToken token u get from..
SharedPreferences value is not updated object instantly and will save the new values asynchronously so allowing you to read the latest values. commit Commit your preferences changes back from this Editor to the SharedPreferences object it is editing. This atomically performs the.. about the return value and you're using this from your application's main thread consider using apply instead. apply Commit your preferences changes back from this Editor to the SharedPreferences object it is editing. This atomically performs the..
Replacing Fragments isn't working/Am I executing this the proper way? and add the transaction to the back stack transaction.replace newFragment transaction.addToBackStack null Commit the transaction transaction.commit public void blue View view Figure out code for red first package..
Android SharedPreferences limitations?
Android Honeycomb: How to change Fragments in a FrameLayout, without re-creating them? transaction to the back stack transaction.replace newFragment transaction.addToBackStack null Commit the transaction transaction.commit But I don't want to create my Fragments from the scratch every time I need them. I also..
Fragment already added IllegalStateException in the back stack so it will be reversed when backbutton is pressed fragmentTransaction.addToBackStack null Commit transaction fragmentTransaction.commit I call it from my container Activity for the first time gets into the else statement..