android Programming Glossary: compass
Rotate MapView in Android the features is that the map will rotate according to the compass i.e. if the phone is pointing east the map will be oriented.. tried to overwrite the dispatchDraw method like so Note compass is a boolean that if true rotate the view bearing is a float.. protected void dispatchDraw Canvas canvas if compass final float w this.getWidth final float h this.getHeight ..
Calculate compass bearing / heading to location in Android compass bearing heading to location in Android I want to display an.. I know this is correct because it lines up with the compass used on the Google Map view. b I have calculated the initial.. Appreciate any help for an addled mind android location compass geolocation heading bearing share improve this question ..
Android phone orientation overview including compass phone orientation overview including compass I've been trying to get my head around the Android orientation.. pole. Instead we need to use a external tool... a magnetic compass. This allows us to ascertain which direction we are facing... the orientation. The phone also has an electronic compass which behaves like a normal compass its virtual needle points..
how to calculate phone's movement in the vertical direction from rest? me with that. Anyone have any ideas android accelerometer compass geolocation sensor share improve this question If you integrate..
Android getOrientation() method returns bad results getOrientation method returns bad results I'm creating 3D Compass application. I'm using getOrientation method to get orientation.. tested functional on a HTC Desire w Android v. 2.1 File 1 package com.epichorns.compass3D import import android.widget.TextView public class Compass3DActivity extends Activity Textviews for showing angle data..
Samsung Galaxy S II AVD (Android Virtual Device) Basic Settings? an S2 model that supports NFC Wifi d networking d sensors Compass Accelerometer GPS ProximitySensor LightSensor Gyroscope d sensors..
Android Compass that can Compensate for Tilt and Pitch Compass that can Compensate for Tilt and Pitch I'm trying to make a.. and have still not found any solution but when I use the Compass from Catch theirs stays stable no matter how much the phone..
Rotate MapView in Android compass. First you will need the two inner class of found at Android_SDK_ Tools add ons addon google_apis.. as a inner class of instead of public class RotateView extends ViewGroup implements.. two inner classes RotateView and SmoothCanvas of found at .. Android Android SDK Tools add ons addon..
Why can't HTC Droid running OTA 2.1 communicate with RFCOMM? status PENDING 05 17 19 44 21.747 D AK8973 61 Compass CLOSE 05 17 19 44 21.887 W Process 74 Unable to open proc 5749..
How to use onSensorChanged sensor data in combination with OpenGL private void logOutput if mCount 30 mCount 0 Log.d Compass yaw0 int resultingAngles 0 pitch1 int resultingAngles 1 roll2..
How to put text in a drawable? the code and look inside the project named Chapter 4 Compass I believe you would find what you're looking for share improve..
Android Compass orientation on unreliable (Low pass filter) Compass orientation on unreliable Low pass filter Im creating an application.. some applications and found that the 3D compass and Compass remains extremely steady in its readings when setting the noise.. updating my default is 0.5 . We will call it SmoothFactorCompass. The threshold in which the distance is big enough to turn immediatly..
Android phone orientation overview including compass a different type of listener in the development samples Compass src com example android compass example... samples Compass src com example android compass example. I'd now like to talk about the rotation..
How do you create a loadable kernel module for Android? commons compress 1.0 latencytop libpvmp4ffparsernode sh Compass LatinIME libpvmp4ffrecognizer ShareUidApp ContactManager ..
Rotate MapView in Android MapView in Android I am writing an Android app where one of the features is that the map will rotate according to the compass i.e. if the phone is pointing east the map will be oriented so that the east side of the map is on top . Previous answers.. to final so it cannot be overwritten. As a result I have tried to overwrite the dispatchDraw method like so Note compass is a boolean that if true rotate the view bearing is a float variable that has the degrees that the view should rotate protected.. variable that has the degrees that the view should rotate protected void dispatchDraw Canvas canvas if compass final float w this.getWidth final float h this.getHeight final float scaleFactor float Math.sqrt h h w w Math.min w h..
Calculate compass bearing / heading to location in Android compass bearing heading to location in Android I want to display an arrow at my location on a google map view that displays my.. using the sensor values from the magnetometer and accelerometer. I know this is correct because it lines up with the compass used on the Google Map view. b I have calculated the initial bearing from my location to the destination location by using.. the phone is pointing relative to the destination location Appreciate any help for an addled mind android location compass geolocation heading bearing share improve this question Ok I figured this out. For anyone else trying to do this you..
Android phone orientation overview including compass phone orientation overview including compass I've been trying to get my head around the Android orientation sensors for a while. I thought I understood it. Then I realised.. the direction in relation to the planet's magnetic North pole. Instead we need to use a external tool... a magnetic compass. This allows us to ascertain which direction we are facing. The same is true with our phone. Now the phone also has a 3.. the amount of rain flowing through the 3 tubes you can calculate the orientation. The phone also has an electronic compass which behaves like a normal compass its virtual needle points to magnetic north. Android merges the information from these..
how to calculate phone's movement in the vertical direction from rest? accelerometers but I couldn't really find anything to help me with that. Anyone have any ideas android accelerometer compass geolocation sensor share improve this question If you integrate the acceleration twice you get position but the error..
Android getOrientation() method returns bad results getOrientation method returns bad results I'm creating 3D Compass application. I'm using getOrientation method to get orientation almost same implementation like here . If I place phone.. it to a test project to see if it works on a specific device tested functional on a HTC Desire w Android v. 2.1 File 1 package com.epichorns.compass3D import import android.content.Context import android.hardware.Sensor.. import android.view.ViewGroup import android.widget.LinearLayout import android.widget.TextView public class Compass3DActivity extends Activity Textviews for showing angle data TextView mTextView_azimuth TextView mTextView_pitch TextView..
Samsung Galaxy S II AVD (Android Virtual Device) Basic Settings? d networking Bluetooth NFC put this back in if you have an S2 model that supports NFC Wifi d networking d sensors Compass Accelerometer GPS ProximitySensor LightSensor Gyroscope d sensors d mic true d mic d camera d location back d location d..
Android Compass that can Compensate for Tilt and Pitch Compass that can Compensate for Tilt and Pitch I'm trying to make a application on my Android phone Nexus 4 which will be used.. to deal with it. I've been working on this problem for 3 days and have still not found any solution but when I use the Compass from Catch theirs stays stable no matter how much the phone is inclined. So I know it must be possible. All I want to do..
Rotate MapView in Android to turn on off the rotation of a mapview according to the compass. First you will need the two inner class of found at Android_SDK_ Tools add ons addon google_apis google # samples MapsDemo src com example android apis view.. inner class RotateView to and add SmoothCanvas as a inner class of instead of public class RotateView extends ViewGroup implements SensorListener ... static final class SmoothCanvas extends.. Set the project build target to Google APIs Extract Add the two inner classes RotateView and SmoothCanvas of found at .. Android Android SDK Tools add ons addon google_apis google # samples MapsDemo src com example android..
Why can't HTC Droid running OTA 2.1 communicate with RFCOMM? Exiting 05 17 19 44 21.597 D JBtlSpp 74 After NativeJBtlSpp_Connect status PENDING 05 17 19 44 21.747 D AK8973 61 Compass CLOSE 05 17 19 44 21.887 W Process 74 Unable to open proc 5749 status 05 17 19 44 21.917 I ActivityManager 74 Displayed..
How to use onSensorChanged sensor data in combination with OpenGL if type Sensor.TYPE_ORIENTATION orientationData event.values.clone private void logOutput if mCount 30 mCount 0 Log.d Compass yaw0 int resultingAngles 0 pitch1 int resultingAngles 1 roll2 int resultingAngles 2 android opengl es matrix rotation..
How to put text in a drawable?
Android Compass orientation on unreliable (Low pass filter) Compass orientation on unreliable Low pass filter Im creating an application where i need to position a ImageView depending on.. But this is not the only reason it seems. I tried downloading some applications and found that the 3D compass and Compass remains extremely steady in its readings when setting the noise filter up i would like the same behavior in my application... smooth the movement will be 1 is no smoothing and 0 is never updating my default is 0.5 . We will call it SmoothFactorCompass. The threshold in which the distance is big enough to turn immediatly 0 is jump always 360 is never jumping my default is..
Android phone orientation overview including compass comments to a similar question but you still need to register a different type of listener in the development samples Compass src com example android compass example. I'd now like to talk about the rotation matrix. This is where.. still need to register a different type of listener in the development samples Compass src com example android compass example. I'd now like to talk about the rotation matrix. This is where I am most unsure So above we have the..
How do you create a loadable kernel module for Android? kxml2 2.3.0 libpvmp4ffcomposernode SettingsTests commons compress 1.0 latencytop libpvmp4ffparsernode sh Compass LatinIME libpvmp4ffrecognizer ShareUidApp ContactManager Launcher libpvmp4interface showlease Contacts Launcher2 libpvmp4reginterface..