android Programming Glossary: compile
Android update 17 seems incompatible with external Jars class not found exceptions at RUN TIME Meaning they compile fine but then crash at run time with exceptions that look like..
Android: Binding data from a database to a CheckBox in a ListView? Ok so here's an example. I didn't test to see if it would compile because I'm at work but this should definitely point you in..
Libraries do not get added to APK anymore after upgrade to ADT 22 v22 . I also upgraded the SDK of course. I do not see any compile errors in eclipse but when i run the project on the phone i.. Libraries in the package explorer also as i said no compile errors. The project runs fine on everyone else's computer that..
Android Studio: Add jar as library? the source files. When I try to run the project it cannot compile so i added compile files 'libs gson 2.2.3.jar' to the dependencies.. When I try to run the project it cannot compile so i added compile files 'libs gson 2.2.3.jar' to the dependencies in de .gradle.. to the dependencies in de .gradle file. After that it compiles correctly but when running the application i get a ClassDefNotFoundException...
Display PDF within app on Android? android app to view PDF documents I would suggest you to compile and use library within this project . I've had the exact same.. it's JNI library C language for Android and you need to compile it yourself if you decide to use it within your application...
ffmpeg for a android (using tutorial: “ffmpeg and”) &ldquo ffmpeg and I am trying to compile ffmpeg for a android. I have found several posts on this theme.. ffmpeg like it is posted on 1 . Did anybody successfully compile ffmpeg using theses tutorial I am not sure how to realize step.. projects for android surfaced one of the easiest ones to compile and use is here https guardianproject android ffmpeg..
How to call SOAP web service in Android like kSOAP 2 . As you note others have been able to compile and use kSOAP2 in their own projects but I haven't had to. Google..
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog order for this if to run you must use the android 3.2 to compile your app if Build.VERSION.SDK_INT Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB..
Developing cross platform mobile application [closed] tools library XMLVM Codename One and iSpectrum cross compile Java code from an Android app or creating one from scratch Phone..
How to programatically create and read WEP/EAP WiFi configurations in Android? without knowing the names of the classes methods etc. at compile time. It is also possible to instantiate new objects invoke.. null for overzealous java compiler Class wcEnterpriseField null for Class wcClass wcClasses..
Integration ZXing library directly into my Android application and the AndroidManifest.xml file Now you can happily compile and you will now have a working standalone barcode scanner app..
Create a NinePatch/NinePatchDrawable in runtime you were giving Bitmap a source ninepatch. It needs a compiled ninepatch image. There are two types of ninepatch file formats.. of ninepatch file formats in the Android world source and compiled . The source version is where you add the 1px transparency.. you add the 1px transparency border everywhere when you compile your app into a .apk later aapt will convert your .9.png files..
Install apps silently, with granted INSTALL_PACKAGES permission means it's not directly available you won't be able to compile with call to this method . @hide .... public abstract void installPackage..
How to link any library in ndk application error Android NDK Building for application 'ndk_demo' Compile thumb ndk_demo ndk_demo.c SharedLibrary . out..
Can i use the native libraries (installed in android stack) in my NDK application? can. Q1 If you want to test it you can follow this way. 1 Compile the source code using NDK. 2 Copy adb push the library in system.. be calling the routines of the existing library Ex. OpenGL Compile your code by linking it with the prebuilt library See NDK documentation..
Android NDK linking to my android project's folder libs armeabi . # Compile all object files this part was done for all options opt android..
porting libcurl on android with ssl support Host setup arm unknown eabi Install prefix usr local Compiler home tanco Development AOSP 2.3.3 prebuilt linux x86 toolchain.. and calling ndk build so I compile and I get ndk build Compile thumb curl url.c In file included from Projects temp testNDK..
How to use web camera in android emulator to capture a live image? files inside. Download JMF from here and install it. Compile WebcamBroadcaster using the following command C Program Files..
Auto Version numbering your Android App using Git and Eclipse and then position your builder between Android Pre Compile and Java Builder . Go back to developing your apps safe in the..
IntelliJ 12 + ActionBarSherlock setttings: Could not find class '' the scope of the android support v4 library must be set to Compile as it's not present on Android and must be included in your..
Include .so library in apk in android studio [duplicate] ' .so' into new File buildDir 'native libs' tasks.withType Compile compileTask compileTask.dependsOn copyNativeLibs clean.dependsOn..
How to build an android library with Android Studio and gradle? include ' .so' into 'build native libs' tasks.withType Compile compileTask compileTask.dependsOn copyNativeLibs clean.dependsOn..
Can't build and run an android test project created using “ant create test-project” when tested project has jars in libs directory mac platforms android 1.6 templates android_rules.xml 248 Compile failed see the compiler error output for details. Total time..
How to sign an android apk file password sign your app save it etc. Also from the link Compile and sign with Eclipse ADT If you are using Eclipse with the..
Can't include C++ headers like vector in Android NDK NDK r5b the latest I get an error like the following... Compile thumb test libstl test libstl.cpp Users nitrex88 Desktop Programming..
“Undefined reference” when accessing my shared library using JNI NDK sources Install libs armeabi Compile thumb fooBar exampleError.cpp SharedLibrary home..
Compile with Proguard gives SimException UNEXPECTED TOP-LEVEL EXCEPTION with Proguard gives SimException UNEXPECTED TOP LEVEL EXCEPTION..
Compile Imagemagick for Android using NDK Imagemagick for Android using NDK I'm new in android so i have..
How to save images from Camera in Android to specific folder?
Can't create shared library with static inside .so file the following error occurs why .. .. ndk build Compile thumb Test_Library Test_Library.c SharedLibrary
Android Fragment standard transition not animating the lowest API LEVEL you wish to support in my case 2.1 . Compile using Android 3.0. In the manifest file set android hardwareAccelerated..
MuPdf Reader integrate in project 0.9 android Run ndk build You can get the following errors Compile thumb mupdfthirdparty jbig2.c In file included from home yury..
Android update 17 seems incompatible with external Jars old jars like javax.mail and apache.commons.httpclient is throwing class not found exceptions at RUN TIME Meaning they compile fine but then crash at run time with exceptions that look like this E dalvikvm 2414 Could not find class 'javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress'..
Android: Binding data from a database to a CheckBox in a ListView? on what you override ResourceCursorAdapter is a good one . Ok so here's an example. I didn't test to see if it would compile because I'm at work but this should definitely point you in the right direction public class MyActivity extends ListActivity..
Libraries do not get added to APK anymore after upgrade to ADT 22 i upgraded the eclipse ADT plugin to the newest version v22 . I also upgraded the SDK of course. I do not see any compile errors in eclipse but when i run the project on the phone i get a NoClassDefFoundError. java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError org.acra.ACRA.. project in the libs folder and i can see it in the Android Private Libraries in the package explorer also as i said no compile errors. The project runs fine on everyone else's computer that did not upgrade ADT. I have already tried a whole bunch of..
Android Studio: Add jar as library? the jar in android studio so it can be referenced from the source files. When I try to run the project it cannot compile so i added compile files 'libs gson 2.2.3.jar' to the dependencies in de .gradle file. After that it compiles correctly.. studio so it can be referenced from the source files. When I try to run the project it cannot compile so i added compile files 'libs gson 2.2.3.jar' to the dependencies in de .gradle file. After that it compiles correctly but when running the.. it cannot compile so i added compile files 'libs gson 2.2.3.jar' to the dependencies in de .gradle file. After that it compiles correctly but when running the application i get a ClassDefNotFoundException. Does anyone know what i'm doing wrong android..
Display PDF within app on Android? this question If you would like to add a feature in your android app to view PDF documents I would suggest you to compile and use library within this project . I've had the exact same problem as you in the past and searched for the reliable libraries.. tricky to use. It's not a standard Java jar library but rather it's JNI library C language for Android and you need to compile it yourself if you decide to use it within your application. But the results are better than most of the other jar pdf libraries..
ffmpeg for a android (using tutorial: “ffmpeg and”) for a android using tutorial &ldquo ffmpeg and I am trying to compile ffmpeg for a android. I have found several posts on this theme but non of these seems to work. If tried to build ffmpeg.. this theme but non of these seems to work. If tried to build ffmpeg like it is posted on 1 . Did anybody successfully compile ffmpeg using theses tutorial I am not sure how to realize step 4 to 5. STEP4 Configuring ... STEP5 cd to your NDK root dir.. works. EDIT Since this post was written a few packaged ffmpeg projects for android surfaced one of the easiest ones to compile and use is here https guardianproject android ffmpeg . It takes the approach of statically compiling a binary..
How to call SOAP web service in Android of SOAP library. You can either write your own or use something like kSOAP 2 . As you note others have been able to compile and use kSOAP2 in their own projects but I haven't had to. Google has shown to date little interest in adding a SOAP library..
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog Some descrition request.setTitle Some title in order for this if to run you must use the android 3.2 to compile your app if Build.VERSION.SDK_INT Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB request.allowScanningByMediaScanner request.setNotificationVisibility..
Developing cross platform mobile application [closed] across developers. marking as community wiki. Cross platform tools library XMLVM Codename One and iSpectrum cross compile Java code from an Android app or creating one from scratch Phone Gap cross platform mobile apps Titanium to build native..
How to programatically create and read WEP/EAP WiFi configurations in Android? to inspect classes interfaces fields and methods at runtime without knowing the names of the classes methods etc. at compile time. It is also possible to instantiate new objects invoke methods and get set field values using reflection.And Importantly.. in try Let the magic start Class wcClasses WifiConfiguration.class.getClasses null for overzealous java compiler Class wcEnterpriseField null for Class wcClass wcClasses if wcClass.getName .equals INT_ENTERPRISEFIELD_NAME wcEnterpriseField..
Integration ZXing library directly into my Android application Now you just have to correct a few errors in the translations and the AndroidManifest.xml file Now you can happily compile and you will now have a working standalone barcode scanner app based on the ZXing source Happy coding guys I hope it can..
Create a NinePatch/NinePatchDrawable in runtime getNinePatchChunk works just fine. It returned null because you were giving Bitmap a source ninepatch. It needs a compiled ninepatch image. There are two types of ninepatch file formats in the Android world source and compiled . The source version.. It needs a compiled ninepatch image. There are two types of ninepatch file formats in the Android world source and compiled . The source version is where you add the 1px transparency border everywhere when you compile your app into a .apk later.. world source and compiled . The source version is where you add the 1px transparency border everywhere when you compile your app into a .apk later aapt will convert your .9.png files to the binary format that Android expects. This is where..
Install apps silently, with granted INSTALL_PACKAGES permission there. The bad news is that it's marked with @hide. This means it's not directly available you won't be able to compile with call to this method . @hide .... public abstract void installPackage Uri packageURI IPackageInstallObserver observer..
How to link any library in ndk application makefiles this from jni then it shows following error Android NDK Building for application 'ndk_demo' Compile thumb ndk_demo ndk_demo.c SharedLibrary . out apps ndk_demo armeabi objs ndk_demo ndk_demo.o In function..
Can i use the native libraries (installed in android stack) in my NDK application? this question Answer to both the questions is Yes you can. Q1 If you want to test it you can follow this way. 1 Compile the source code using NDK. 2 Copy adb push the library in system lib of your android device. Run the Application. When you.. Pull the library adb pull Write your native code which will be calling the routines of the existing library Ex. OpenGL Compile your code by linking it with the prebuilt library See NDK documentation file. It is very clearly written how to do this...
Android NDK linking After generating it I always copies as well as to my android project's folder libs armeabi . # Compile all object files this part was done for all options opt android toolchain bin arm linux androideabi g fpic c Client_Events.cpp..
porting libcurl on android with ssl support configure Configured to build curl libcurl curl version 7.26.0 Host setup arm unknown eabi Install prefix usr local Compiler home tanco Development AOSP 2.3.3 prebuilt linux x86 toolchain arm eabi 4.2.1 bin arm eabi gcc SSL support no with ssl.. project copying the config file created in the AOSP source and calling ndk build so I compile and I get ndk build Compile thumb curl url.c In file included from Projects temp testNDK jni lib url.c 32 0 Tools sdk android ndk platforms android..
How to use web camera in android emulator to capture a live image? called and place the first 4 source files inside. Download JMF from here and install it. Compile WebcamBroadcaster using the following command C Program Files x86 Java jdk1.6.0_15 bin javac.exe classpath C Program Files..
Auto Version numbering your Android App using Git and Eclipse to run silently without bothering me. 8 . Okay the build settings and then position your builder between Android Pre Compile and Java Builder . Go back to developing your apps safe in the knowledge that they are being properly versioned and check..
IntelliJ 12 + ActionBarSherlock setttings: Could not find class '' improve this question This configuration is not correct the scope of the android support v4 library must be set to Compile as it's not present on Android and must be included in your application. Second copy of android support v4 must be removed..
Include .so library in apk in android studio [duplicate] File project ' MyProject' .buildDir 'native libs' include ' .so' into new File buildDir 'native libs' tasks.withType Compile compileTask compileTask.dependsOn copyNativeLibs clean.dependsOn 'cleanCopyNativeLibs' tasks.withType
How to build an android library with Android Studio and gradle? task copyNativeLibs type Copy from fileTree dir 'libs' include ' .so' into 'build native libs' tasks.withType Compile compileTask compileTask.dependsOn copyNativeLibs clean.dependsOn 'cleanCopyNativeLibs' tasks.withType
Can't build and run an android test project created using “ant create test-project” when tested project has jars in libs directory errors javac 6 warnings BUILD FAILED opt local android sdk mac platforms android 1.6 templates android_rules.xml 248 Compile failed see the compiler error output for details. Total time 24 seconds That's not a hard problem to solve. I'm not sure..
How to sign an android apk file apk go trough the wizzard make a new key store. remember that password sign your app save it etc. Also from the link Compile and sign with Eclipse ADT If you are using Eclipse with the ADT plugin you can use the Export Wizard to export a signed..
Can't include C++ headers like vector in Android NDK any C class like vector in my Android NDK project using NDK r5b the latest I get an error like the following... Compile thumb test libstl test libstl.cpp Users nitrex88 Desktop Programming EclipseProjects STLTest jni test libstl.cpp 3 18 error..
“Undefined reference” when accessing my shared library using JNI workspace Example jni for module botan Android NDK sources Install libs armeabi Compile thumb fooBar exampleError.cpp SharedLibrary home fensta workspace Example obj local armeabi objs fooBar exampleError.o..
Compile with Proguard gives SimException UNEXPECTED TOP-LEVEL EXCEPTION with Proguard gives SimException UNEXPECTED TOP LEVEL EXCEPTION When I compile my Android Application with Proguard enabled..
Compile Imagemagick for Android using NDK Imagemagick for Android using NDK I'm new in android so i have a question to ask. I want to use the ImageMagick library..
How to save images from Camera in Android to specific folder?
Can't create shared library with static inside include BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY but when I want to create .so file the following error occurs why .. .. ndk build Compile thumb Test_Library Test_Library.c SharedLibrary C cygwin home android ndk r5b Fido ProjectOSTX obj local..
Android Fragment standard transition not animating following Make sure you are using ONLY API´s available to the lowest API LEVEL you wish to support in my case 2.1 . Compile using Android 3.0. In the manifest file set android hardwareAccelerated true inside your application tag. Fragment animations..
MuPdf Reader integrate in project is declared in the readme files Then go to the folder mupdf 0.9 android Run ndk build You can get the following errors Compile thumb mupdfthirdparty jbig2.c In file included from home yury programming android workspace mupdf 0.9 android jni .. ....