android Programming Glossary: common
Android AlarmManager
This Handler class should be static or leaks might occur: IncomingHandler object. Handler objects for the same thread all share a common Looper object which they post messages to and read from. As..
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen ones i.e. Ldpi Mdpi Xhdpi . There are images which are common for all layout and must uniform in color and shape no complex..
How to discover memory usage of my application in Android you can get about the memory use of a running system. A common one is the command adb shell dumpsys meminfo which will spit..
How can I get zoom functionality for images? can I get zoom functionality for images Is there a common way to show a big image and enable the user to zoom in and out.. ImageView that seems a little bit too much for such a common problem. using a webview but with less control over the overall..
Developing for Android in Eclipse: not generating This site suggests another solution. It seems to be a common issue with many different answers readily available through..
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog many ways to download files. Following I will post most common ways it is up to you to decide which method is better for your..
Android: Is application running in background? onResume to every Activity in the project you may create a common ancestor for your Activities if you'd like to but if your activity..
How to add calendar events in Android? add an event to the user's calendar Is there a common API they all share For what it's worth we're probably targeting.. an event to the user's calendar Which calendar Is there a common API they all share No no more than there is a common API they.. a common API they all share No no more than there is a common API they all share for Windows calendar apps. There are some..
Singletons vs. Application Context in Android? people coming from procedural languages like C where it is common to maintain global state. To come back to your question Although..
Running multiple AsyncTasks at the same time — not possible? is planned to change this back to a single thread to avoid common application errors caused by parallel execution. If you truly..
Android: How to declare global variables? A static variable for instance a singleton is a common Java way of achieving this. I have found however that a more..
Getting an issue while checking the dynamically generated checkbox through list view share improve this question I edited my answer so the common information is located at the top. You'll find the actual answer.. is null This means that you create the layout and the common state which is shared by all items. If you have listeners you.. list items which completely differs from each other e.g. a common list item and a separator which contains a title only and not..
Common Header in different activities using BaseActivity in android Header in different activities using BaseActivity in android..
OpenCV Native Samples are not building in PATH PATH C Program Files x86 NVIDIA Corporation PhysX Common C Program Files Common Files Microsoft Shared Windows Live C.. Files x86 NVIDIA Corporation PhysX Common C Program Files Common Files Microsoft Shared Windows Live C Program Files x86 Common.. Files Microsoft Shared Windows Live C Program Files x86 Common Files Microsoft Shared Windows Live C Windows system32 C Windows..
How can I print an image on a Bluetooth printer in Android? program eg PostScript . Link Page Description Languages . Common languages are Yours ESC POS . PostScript PCL ZPL You need to..
Is it possible to have multiple styles inside a TextView? E.g. line1 bold word1 italic etc. The developer guide's Common Tasks and How to Do Them in Android includes Selecting Highlighting..
Android Volley - Quickstart [closed] Part 2 Application Model Part 3 Image Loader Part 4 Common Questions Part 1 Quickstart Were I can get it Download volley.. missing, R cannot be resolved to a variable, even if no mistake in xml files errors inside your XML files mainly within the res folder Common places are layout and values especially if you've changed one..
Common class for AsyncTask in Android? class for AsyncTask in Android I have a common class say for..
What is Context in Android? getApplicationContext ... Accessing Standard Common Resources Services like LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE SharedPreferences..
how to customize listview row android convertView null If the View is not cached Inflates the Common View from XML file convertView this.inflater.inflate
Communicate with Activity from Service (LocalService) - Android Best Practices Activity from Service LocalService Android Best Practices Common scenario Activity with a background Service to poll server...
What optimizations can I expect from Dalvik and the Android toolchain? I declare methods as final or static wherever possible Common subexpression elimination. For example if I access someObject.someField..
Logcat errors when running android emulator android android emulator share improve this question Common logging practice in Android is smth like public class MyClass..
How to clear specific activity from the stack history? see the section called Lifetime of the New Screen in Common Tasks and How to do Them in Android share improve this answer..
Logic code reuse between apps for Android and other platforms: To ContentProvider or not to ContentProvider? worry one lick about trying to have a common code base. Common design sure. Interchangeable data models sure. Actual literal..
Common Clickable Header for All Activities in Android Clickable Header for All Activities in Android I have an application..
how to get html content from a webview? webview.loadUrl http android in index.php post Common errors and bugs and how to solve avoid them class MyJavaScriptInterface..
Android AlarmManager
This Handler class should be static or leaks might occur: IncomingHandler class is not static it will have a reference to your Service object. Handler objects for the same thread all share a common Looper object which they post messages to and read from. As messages contain target Handler as long as there are messages..
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen and design will be created for 480X800 only and then for rest ones i.e. Ldpi Mdpi Xhdpi . There are images which are common for all layout and must uniform in color and shape no complex shape no curve so for this kind of image we are creating 9patch..
How to discover memory usage of my application in Android with your device. Using adb there is a lot of information you can get about the memory use of a running system. A common one is the command adb shell dumpsys meminfo which will spit out a bunch of information about the memory use of each Java..
How can I get zoom functionality for images? can I get zoom functionality for images Is there a common way to show a big image and enable the user to zoom in and out and pan the image Until now I found two ways overwriting.. and out and pan the image Until now I found two ways overwriting ImageView that seems a little bit too much for such a common problem. using a webview but with less control over the overall layout etc. android zoom imageview share improve this..
Developing for Android in Eclipse: not generating
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog android asynctask share improve this question There are many ways to download files. Following I will post most common ways it is up to you to decide which method is better for your app. 1. Use AsyncTask and show the download progress in a..
Android: Is application running in background? icon android label @string app_name Add onPause and onResume to every Activity in the project you may create a common ancestor for your Activities if you'd like to but if your activity is already extended from MapActivity ListActivity etc...
How to add calendar events in Android? app they like. Is this true and if so how do I programmatically add an event to the user's calendar Is there a common API they all share For what it's worth we're probably targeting Android 2.x. android calendar share improve this question.. share improve this question how do I programmatically add an event to the user's calendar Which calendar Is there a common API they all share No no more than there is a common API they all share for Windows calendar apps. There are some common.. add an event to the user's calendar Which calendar Is there a common API they all share No no more than there is a common API they all share for Windows calendar apps. There are some common data formats e.g. iCalendar and Internet protocols e.g...
Singletons vs. Application Context in Android? pattern it's a bad object oriented style often embraced by people coming from procedural languages like C where it is common to maintain global state. To come back to your question Although the app context can be considered a singleton itself it..
Running multiple AsyncTasks at the same time — not possible? multiple tasks to operate in parallel. After HONEYCOMB it is planned to change this back to a single thread to avoid common application errors caused by parallel execution. If you truly want parallel execution you can use the executeOnExecutor..
Android: How to declare global variables? state across several Activities and all parts of your application. A static variable for instance a singleton is a common Java way of achieving this. I have found however that a more elegant way in Android is to associate your state with the..
Getting an issue while checking the dynamically generated checkbox through list view DT_selected and outDT_selected . android listview checkbox share improve this question I edited my answer so the common information is located at the top. You'll find the actual answer to this question at the bottom... Here's the actual idea.. information. Phase 1 Item creation for recycling convertView is null This means that you create the layout and the common state which is shared by all items. If you have listeners you have add them here and design them that way that they can.. answer . These two methods are there for using two or more list items which completely differs from each other e.g. a common list item and a separator which contains a title only and not to avoid recycling of a view which could be reused. If you're..
Common Header in different activities using BaseActivity in android Header in different activities using BaseActivity in android I want write code once and use in different activities. I..
OpenCV Native Samples are not building C dev android ndk re8b windows ndk build.cmd not found in PATH PATH C Program Files x86 NVIDIA Corporation PhysX Common C Program Files Common Files Microsoft Shared Windows Live C Program Files x86 Common Files Microsoft Shared Windows Live.. re8b windows ndk build.cmd not found in PATH PATH C Program Files x86 NVIDIA Corporation PhysX Common C Program Files Common Files Microsoft Shared Windows Live C Program Files x86 Common Files Microsoft Shared Windows Live C Windows system32 C.. x86 NVIDIA Corporation PhysX Common C Program Files Common Files Microsoft Shared Windows Live C Program Files x86 Common Files Microsoft Shared Windows Live C Windows system32 C Windows C Windows System32 Wbem C Windows System32 WindowsPowerShell..
How can I print an image on a Bluetooth printer in Android? . In some cases the printer literally runs the document as a program eg PostScript . Link Page Description Languages . Common languages are Yours ESC POS . PostScript PCL ZPL You need to read the specifications for your printer to determine which..
Is it possible to have multiple styles inside a TextView? Is it possible to have a different style for each text element E.g. line1 bold word1 italic etc. The developer guide's Common Tasks and How to Do Them in Android includes Selecting Highlighting or Styling Portions of Text Get our EditText object...
Android Volley - Quickstart [closed] this question Volley Android HTTP client Part 1 Quickstart Part 2 Application Model Part 3 Image Loader Part 4 Common Questions Part 1 Quickstart Were I can get it Download volley library and import it as a library project or make jar file... missing, R cannot be resolved to a variable, even if no mistake in xml files This usually happens when you have a broken xml file. Check errors inside your XML files mainly within the res folder Common places are layout and values especially if you've changed one of them recently Check AndroidManifest.xml I find that often..
Common class for AsyncTask in Android? class for AsyncTask in Android I have a common class say for eg Class A which extends AsyncTask and has all the methods..
What is Context in Android? tv new TextView getContext ListAdapter adapter new SimpleCursorAdapter getApplicationContext ... Accessing Standard Common Resources Services like LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE SharedPreferences context.getSystemService LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE getApplicationContext..
how to customize listview row android ViewGroup parent String myText getItem position if convertView null If the View is not cached Inflates the Common View from XML file convertView this.inflater.inflate null Select your color and apply it to your textview..
Communicate with Activity from Service (LocalService) - Android Best Practices with Activity from Service LocalService Android Best Practices Common scenario Activity with a background Service to poll server. The Service will run periodically via AlarmManager and also..
What optimizations can I expect from Dalvik and the Android toolchain? type of the object can easily be deduced by the compiler Should I declare methods as final or static wherever possible Common subexpression elimination. For example if I access someObject.someField twice will the lookup be done only once What if..
Logcat errors when running android emulator these error messages and do you fix them or just ignore them android android emulator share improve this question Common logging practice in Android is smth like public class MyClass public static final String TAG MyClass.class.getName some..
How to clear specific activity from the stack history?
Logic code reuse between apps for Android and other platforms: To ContentProvider or not to ContentProvider? of the three class libraries most likely. Hence I wouldn't worry one lick about trying to have a common code base. Common design sure. Interchangeable data models sure. Actual literal code not worth worrying about IMHO. Doesn't the functionality..
Common Clickable Header for All Activities in Android Clickable Header for All Activities in Android I have an application with a common Header in all layouts. I want that whenever..
how to get html content from a webview? 'html' 0 .innerHTML ' html ' webview.loadUrl http android in index.php post Common errors and bugs and how to solve avoid them class MyJavaScriptInterface private Context ctx MyJavaScriptInterface Context..