

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:11:18

android Programming Glossary: commonshttpoauthconsumer

why TwitterApp give VerifyError?


import oauth.signpost.commonshttp.CommonsHttpOAuthConsumer import twitter4j.Twitter import twitter4j.TwitterException import.. mSession private AccessToken mAccessToken private CommonsHttpOAuthConsumer mHttpOauthConsumer private OAuthProvider mHttpOauthprovider.. consumerKey mSecretKey secretKey mHttpOauthConsumer new CommonsHttpOAuthConsumer mConsumerKey mSecretKey String request_url TWITTER_REQUEST_URL..

In Android -How directly post tweet to following users of a authenticate user in android without open Tweet dialog (Message Dialog box)


mSession public static AccessToken mAccessToken private CommonsHttpOAuthConsumer mHttpOauthConsumer private OAuthProvider mHttpOauthprovider.. consumerKey mSecretKey secretKey mHttpOauthConsumer new CommonsHttpOAuthConsumer mConsumerKey mSecretKey mHttpOauthprovider new DefaultOAuthProvider..

HttpURLConnection.getResponseCode() returns -1 on second invocation


everything works fine WORKS public void testCommonsHttpOAuthConsumerAndroidBug throws Exception for int i 0 i 2 i final HttpGet c.. new HttpGet https api.tripit.com oauth request_token final CommonsHttpOAuthConsumer consumer new CommonsHttpOAuthConsumer api_key api_secret SignatureMethod.HMAC_SHA1.. request_token final CommonsHttpOAuthConsumer consumer new CommonsHttpOAuthConsumer api_key api_secret SignatureMethod.HMAC_SHA1 consumer.sign c..

OAuth instance state in Android


tmp_consumer.dat ois new ObjectInputStream fin consumer CommonsHttpOAuthConsumer ois.readObject ois.close fin.close Log.d OAuthTwitter Loaded..

Android OAuth: Exception on retrieveAccessToken()


commonshttp4 to my project added the variables CommonsHttpOAuthConsumer consumer and CommonsHttpOAuthProvider provider and did the following.. did the following when the button is clicked consumer new CommonsHttpOAuthConsumer xxx yyy provider new CommonsHttpOAuthProvider https api.twitter.com.. it again with your apps token and secret. consumer new CommonsHttpOAuthConsumer xxx yyy Set the requestToken and the tokenSecret that you got..

Problem with OAuth, Twitter and Android: fails in http-communication with the server


String callbackUrl twitter test CommonsHttpOAuthConsumer consumer new CommonsHttpOAuthConsumer CONSUMER_KEY CONSUMER_SECRET.. twitter test CommonsHttpOAuthConsumer consumer new CommonsHttpOAuthConsumer CONSUMER_KEY CONSUMER_SECRET CommonsHttpOAuthProvider provider..

Android Tumblr Oauth-signpost 401


posts on the user's dashboard OAuthConsumer myConsumer new CommonsHttpOAuthConsumer MainView.authToken MainView.authTokenSecret HttpGet request.. using the following code ActivityLogin.java private static CommonsHttpOAuthConsumer consumer new CommonsHttpOAuthConsumer AppConfig.CONSUMER_KEY.. private static CommonsHttpOAuthConsumer consumer new CommonsHttpOAuthConsumer AppConfig.CONSUMER_KEY AppConfig.CONSUMER_SECRET private static..

why TwitterApp give VerifyError?


import oauth.signpost.OAuthProvider import oauth.signpost.basic.DefaultOAuthProvider import oauth.signpost.commonshttp.CommonsHttpOAuthConsumer import twitter4j.Twitter import twitter4j.TwitterException import twitter4j.TwitterFactory import twitter4j.User import.. class TwitterApp private Twitter mTwitter private TwitterSession mSession private AccessToken mAccessToken private CommonsHttpOAuthConsumer mHttpOauthConsumer private OAuthProvider mHttpOauthprovider private String mConsumerKey private String mSecretKey private.. Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE mConsumerKey consumerKey mSecretKey secretKey mHttpOauthConsumer new CommonsHttpOAuthConsumer mConsumerKey mSecretKey String request_url TWITTER_REQUEST_URL String access_token_url TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_URL String..

In Android -How directly post tweet to following users of a authenticate user in android without open Tweet dialog (Message Dialog box)


private Twitter mTwitter private static TwitterSession mSession public static AccessToken mAccessToken private CommonsHttpOAuthConsumer mHttpOauthConsumer private OAuthProvider mHttpOauthprovider private String mConsumerKey private String mSecretKey private.. Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE mConsumerKey consumerKey mSecretKey secretKey mHttpOauthConsumer new CommonsHttpOAuthConsumer mConsumerKey mSecretKey mHttpOauthprovider new DefaultOAuthProvider REQUEST_URL ACCESS_URL AUTHORIZE_URL mAccessToken mSession.getAccessToken..

HttpURLConnection.getResponseCode() returns -1 on second invocation


above. Also if I switch to using HttpClient instead of HttpURLConnection everything works fine WORKS public void testCommonsHttpOAuthConsumerAndroidBug throws Exception for int i 0 i 2 i final HttpGet c new HttpGet https api.tripit.com oauth request_token final.. throws Exception for int i 0 i 2 i final HttpGet c new HttpGet https api.tripit.com oauth request_token final CommonsHttpOAuthConsumer consumer new CommonsHttpOAuthConsumer api_key api_secret SignatureMethod.HMAC_SHA1 consumer.sign c final HttpResponse response.. i 2 i final HttpGet c new HttpGet https api.tripit.com oauth request_token final CommonsHttpOAuthConsumer consumer new CommonsHttpOAuthConsumer api_key api_secret SignatureMethod.HMAC_SHA1 consumer.sign c final HttpResponse response new DefaultHttpClient .execute..

OAuth instance state in Android


httpClient ois.close fin.close fin this.openFileInput tmp_consumer.dat ois new ObjectInputStream fin consumer CommonsHttpOAuthConsumer ois.readObject ois.close fin.close Log.d OAuthTwitter Loaded state catch FileNotFoundException e e.printStackTrace catch..

Android OAuth: Exception on retrieveAccessToken()


the following Added signpost core and signpost commonshttp4 to my project added the variables CommonsHttpOAuthConsumer consumer and CommonsHttpOAuthProvider provider and did the following when the button is clicked consumer new CommonsHttpOAuthConsumer.. consumer and CommonsHttpOAuthProvider provider and did the following when the button is clicked consumer new CommonsHttpOAuthConsumer xxx yyy provider new CommonsHttpOAuthProvider https api.twitter.com oauth request_token https api.twitter.com oauth access_token.. because the browser got into foreground need to instantiate it again with your apps token and secret. consumer new CommonsHttpOAuthConsumer xxx yyy Set the requestToken and the tokenSecret that you got earlier by calling retrieveRequestToken. consumer.setTokenWithSecret..

Problem with OAuth, Twitter and Android: fails in http-communication with the server


shall work. Here is my SignPost private void getReqTokenAndAuthenticateUsingSignPost String callbackUrl twitter test CommonsHttpOAuthConsumer consumer new CommonsHttpOAuthConsumer CONSUMER_KEY CONSUMER_SECRET CommonsHttpOAuthProvider provider new CommonsHttpOAuthProvider.. void getReqTokenAndAuthenticateUsingSignPost String callbackUrl twitter test CommonsHttpOAuthConsumer consumer new CommonsHttpOAuthConsumer CONSUMER_KEY CONSUMER_SECRET CommonsHttpOAuthProvider provider new CommonsHttpOAuthProvider http twitter.com oauth request_token..

Android Tumblr Oauth-signpost 401


try to make my first API call to get the most recent ten posts on the user's dashboard OAuthConsumer myConsumer new CommonsHttpOAuthConsumer MainView.authToken MainView.authTokenSecret HttpGet request new HttpGet http api.tumblr.com v2 user dashboard limit 10 .. PUTs. Firstly I've launched the WebView for login purpose using the following code ActivityLogin.java private static CommonsHttpOAuthConsumer consumer new CommonsHttpOAuthConsumer AppConfig.CONSUMER_KEY AppConfig.CONSUMER_SECRET private static OAuthProvider provider.. for login purpose using the following code ActivityLogin.java private static CommonsHttpOAuthConsumer consumer new CommonsHttpOAuthConsumer AppConfig.CONSUMER_KEY AppConfig.CONSUMER_SECRET private static OAuthProvider provider new DefaultOAuthProvider AppConfig.requestURL..