android Programming Glossary: compat
ViewPager.setOffscreenPageLimit(0) doesn't work as expected something wrong here android android viewpager android compat lib share improve this question Does ViewPager require a..
Can't Find Theme.AppCompat.Light for New Android ActionBar Support android xml eclipse android actionbar android actionbar compat share improve this question You need to do next File Import.. Import android sdk extras android support v7 . Choose appcompat Project properties Android. In the section library Add and choose..
AppCompat Action Bar library not displaying added fragments library in my app. compile ' appcompat v7 18.0. ' android android fragments fragmenttransaction android.. android fragments fragmenttransaction android actionbar compat share improve this question Loading up the hierarchyviewer..
Possible to only load specific lines of code according to Android OS version? 1.5 so even if i have some code in my project that isn't compatable with 1.5 it will still compile since the target OS is 2.2... y m.invoke x Another way is to create a version compatibility adapter API for your application like this Version compatibility.. adapter API for your application like this Version compatibility adapter API interface Compat void doY Adapter class for..
Using awt with android
Android Maps: Installation error: INSTALL_FAILED_MISSING_SHARED_LIBRARY data app vmdl67147.tmp I PackageParser 55 compat added android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE..
Unable to use Fragments with Android Compatibility Package Package in my project android android fragments android compat lib share improve this question If you're using version..
Setting Android Background & Persistence Menu Bar - Using attribute on older versions causes crash - Is there a theme /pattern approach? on pre 3.0 beyond separate layouts Thanks android android compat lib share improve this question Styles are your friend......
How to handle onContextItemSelected in a multi fragment activity advanced. android contextmenu android fragments android compat lib share improve this question I'll post an answer even..
FragmentActivity can not be tested via ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2 android junit android fragments android compat lib share improve this question I spent half the night on..
ExpandableListFragment with LoaderManager for Compatibility Package Package I want to make my ExpandableListActivity compatible with Honeycomb. I am wondering why there is no ExpandableListFragment.. android android fragments expandablelistview android compat lib android loadermanager share improve this question I.. from API level 8 so this should be compatible with API level 11. I dont have an answer to your question..
How to implement yearly and monthly repeating alarms? if none does. public class AlarmService extends Service compat to support older devices @Override public void onStart Intent..
Android Fragment standard transition not animating standard transition not animating Im using the v4 android compatibility library to develop a tablet UI using fragments specificaly.. I read that the custom animation were broken in the compatibility library but no one seems to be having issues with the.. these issues. android animation android fragments android compat lib share improve this question I finally got this to work..
Android ViewPager with previous and next pages visible? pages android gallery pager android viewpager android compat lib share improve this question I used a negative page margin..
Difference between ActionBarSherlock and ActionBar Compatibility actionbarsherlock android actionbar android actionbar compat share improve this question ActionBarSherlock gives your..
Android Fragments. Retaining an AsyncTask during screen rotation or configuration change android fragments progressdialog android asynctask android compat lib share improve this question Fragments can actually make..
Android Support Library (v4). Getting the source and attaching it to the library/jar in Eclipse in Eclipse. android eclipse zip source code android compat lib share improve this question After downloading the support..
How to force overflow menu on android actionbar compat? to force overflow menu on android actionbar compat Android action bar compat Is it possible On older devices pre.. menu on android actionbar compat Android action bar compat Is it possible On older devices pre 3.0 the items that don't..
Android Support Package / Compatibility Library - use v4 or v13? Compatibility Library... http sdk compatibility library.html ... and it's left me a little confused It.. other way around Getting practical If I want to use the compatibility library such that my app builds and works fine for phones.. API 14 and beyond will v4 suffice for me android android compat lib android compatibility android support library share improve..
ViewPager.setOffscreenPageLimit(0) doesn't work as expected ViewPager require a minimum of 1 offscreen pages or am I doing something wrong here android android viewpager android compat lib share improve this question Does ViewPager require a minimum of 1 offscreen pages Yes. If I am reading the source..
Can't Find Theme.AppCompat.Light for New Android ActionBar Support almost seems like the .jar is loading but not the resources. android xml eclipse android actionbar android actionbar compat share improve this question You need to do next File Import android sdk extras android support v7 . Choose appcompat.. share improve this question You need to do next File Import android sdk extras android support v7 . Choose appcompat Project properties Android. In the section library Add and choose appCompat That is all Note if you are using android showAsAction..
AppCompat Action Bar library not displaying added fragments I am using Gradle to include the AppCompat ActionBar library in my app. compile ' appcompat v7 18.0. ' android android fragments fragmenttransaction android actionbar compat share improve this question Loading.. compile ' appcompat v7 18.0. ' android android fragments fragmenttransaction android actionbar compat share improve this question Loading up the hierarchyviewer in the Android SDK's tools directory it appears that the..
Possible to only load specific lines of code according to Android OS version? I have my target OS as 2.2 but the min sdk is 3 for android 1.5 so even if i have some code in my project that isn't compatable with 1.5 it will still compile since the target OS is 2.2. Anyway I want to ad a feature that requires code that's not.. exception handling omitted ... Method m c.getClass .getDeclaredMethod y m.invoke x Another way is to create a version compatibility adapter API for your application like this Version compatibility adapter API interface Compat void doY Adapter class.. y m.invoke x Another way is to create a version compatibility adapter API for your application like this Version compatibility adapter API interface Compat void doY Adapter class for version 1 class CompatV1 public void y X x do nothing Adapter..
Using awt with android
Android Maps: Installation error: INSTALL_FAILED_MISSING_SHARED_LIBRARY not very enlightening D PackageParser 55 Scanning package data app vmdl67147.tmp I PackageParser 55 compat added android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE E PackageManager 55 Package
Unable to use Fragments with Android Compatibility Package can I use it now How can I integrate Android Compatibility Package in my project android android fragments android compat lib share improve this question If you're using version 12 or later of the Eclipse Android support library just right..
Setting Android Background & Persistence Menu Bar - Using attribute on older versions causes crash - Is there a theme /pattern approach? out a pattern for using activated on 3.0 and skipping it on pre 3.0 beyond separate layouts Thanks android android compat lib share improve this question Styles are your friend.... Have two values directories one is values v11 the other the..
How to handle onContextItemSelected in a multi fragment activity What is the most elegant why to handle this Thank in advanced. android contextmenu android fragments android compat lib share improve this question I'll post an answer even though you found a workaround because I just dealt with a similar..
FragmentActivity can not be tested via ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2 super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.fragment_layout android junit android fragments android compat lib share improve this question I spent half the night on this and finally found a solution. The key line is 04 05 18..
ExpandableListFragment with LoaderManager for Compatibility Package with LoaderManager for Compatibility Package I want to make my ExpandableListActivity compatible with Honeycomb. I am wondering why there is no ExpandableListFragment for the Compatibility Package. Is there a way.. Fragment class How do I load the Cursors with the LoaderManager android android fragments expandablelistview android compat lib android loadermanager share improve this question I had the same problem. I didnt find a solution for this so I.. Compatibility API and the from API level 8 so this should be compatible with API level 11. I dont have an answer to your question about Cursors and LoaderManagers though. One thing to note..
How to implement yearly and monthly repeating alarms? very day and just reschedule an alarm to wake you up tomorrow if none does. public class AlarmService extends Service compat to support older devices @Override public void onStart Intent intent int startId onStartCommand intent 0 startId @Override..
Android Fragment standard transition not animating Fragment standard transition not animating Im using the v4 android compatibility library to develop a tablet UI using fragments specificaly for Android 2.2 devices and up. Everything is working.. FrameLayout OTHER FIXED UI ELEMENTS RelativeLayout I read that the custom animation were broken in the compatibility library but no one seems to be having issues with the standard transitions. I've tested this on a 3.2.1 Motorola.. What could be wrong here I dont see anyone else having these issues. android animation android fragments android compat lib share improve this question I finally got this to work after much trial and error. First and foremost get the lastest..
Android ViewPager with previous and next pages visible? indicator over it. But now how to partly show left and right pages android gallery pager android viewpager android compat lib share improve this question I used a negative page margin to partly show the next and the previous pages. The fading..
Difference between ActionBarSherlock and ActionBar Compatibility supported in Action Bar Compatibility java android actionbarsherlock android actionbar android actionbar compat share improve this question ActionBarSherlock gives your application an action bar regardless of what version of the..
Android Fragments. Retaining an AsyncTask during screen rotation or configuration change Fragment itself who invokes the AsyncTask.execute android android fragments progressdialog android asynctask android compat lib share improve this question Fragments can actually make this a lot easier. Just use the method Fragment.setRetainInstance..
Android Support Library (v4). Getting the source and attaching it to the library/jar in Eclipse file which could be easily attached to the android support v4.jar in Eclipse. android eclipse zip source code android compat lib share improve this question After downloading the support package from the Android SDK Manager you can find the..
How to force overflow menu on android actionbar compat? to force overflow menu on android actionbar compat Android action bar compat Is it possible On older devices pre 3.0 the items that don't fit the action bar are only shown.. to force overflow menu on android actionbar compat Android action bar compat Is it possible On older devices pre 3.0 the items that don't fit the action bar are only shown when the menu key is pressed..
Android Support Package / Compatibility Library - use v4 or v13? I've just read this description of the Android Support Package Compatibility Library... http sdk compatibility library.html ... and it's left me a little confused It says that the v13 library is a superset of v4 but I thought.. the v13 library is a superset of v4 but I thought it was the other way around Getting practical If I want to use the compatibility library such that my app builds and works fine for phones running Android 2.2 API 8 through to 4.0 API 14 and beyond.. fine for phones running Android 2.2 API 8 through to 4.0 API 14 and beyond will v4 suffice for me android android compat lib android compatibility android support library share improve this question To target API 8 v2.2 you should use the..