android Programming Glossary: commenting
Android: findviewbyid: finding view by id when view is not on the same layout invoked by setContentView android layout share improve this question Thanks for commenting I understand what you mean but I didnt want to check old values...
Android Bluetooth - Can't connect out affect on each other according to the Android docs simply commenting out listenUsingRfcommWithServiceRecord fixed my supposedly unrelated..
Android - How to intercept the 'Install application' intent This isn't an answer per se but I can't find any commenting tool here. Sorry. I'm having this issue as well. I would like..
Android - Run/install/debug applications over WiFi? required @Sergei suggested that line 2 should be modified commenting d option needed to connect to usb device when other connection..
iScroll 4 not working with form <select> element iPhone Safari and Android browser that out you'll notice the select tag works again. But commenting it out means you've hacked the library which might break other..
Android unable to implement facebook comment in a webview due to default browser a web page which contains facebook social plugin used for commenting on that particular url and I am using WebView for it When user..
Disable Android browser's input overlays? but my inputs started playing along on Android after commenting out these which all created havoc on my Android HTC2.3 text.. #555555 .inField label color #555555 cursor text After commenting out the first webkits Android is working ok for me. I'm overriding..
Android: findviewbyid: finding view by id when view is not on the same layout invoked by setContentView null. How can I get the view I am looking for Thanks a lot android layout share improve this question Thanks for commenting I understand what you mean but I didnt want to check old values. I just wanted to get a pointer to that view. Looking at..
Android Bluetooth - Can't connect out two calls are supposed to be totally separated and have no affect on each other according to the Android docs simply commenting out listenUsingRfcommWithServiceRecord fixed my supposedly unrelated issue. I can take the Bluetooth Chat program unedited..
Android - How to intercept the 'Install application' intent android intent google play apk share improve this question This isn't an answer per se but I can't find any commenting tool here. Sorry. I'm having this issue as well. I would like to be able to detect new application installs. I know it is..
Android - Run/install/debug applications over WiFi? debugging. adb usb to switch back when done. No root required @Sergei suggested that line 2 should be modified commenting d option needed to connect to usb device when other connection persists for example emulator connected or other wifi device..
iScroll 4 not working with form <select> element iPhone Safari and Android browser the _start function on line 195 e.preventDefault If you comment that out you'll notice the select tag works again. But commenting it out means you've hacked the library which might break other desirable iScroll functionality. So here's a better workaround..
Android unable to implement facebook comment in a webview due to default browser client is killing me. This is my scenario I have to load a web page which contains facebook social plugin used for commenting on that particular url and I am using WebView for it When user clicks comment using Facebook he she is to be given login..
Disable Android browser's input overlays? this question Not sure this is a working solution and answer but my inputs started playing along on Android after commenting out these which all created havoc on my Android HTC2.3 text inputs and selects really bad webkit backface visibility hidden.. webkit input placeholder color #555555 moz placeholder color #555555 .inField label color #555555 cursor text After commenting out the first webkits Android is working ok for me. I'm overriding plenty of other stuff too though. Also check out the..