android Programming Glossary: bundle.getint
Android set image as wallpaper bundle.getStringArray Extra.IMAGES int pagerPosition bundle.getInt Extra.IMAGE_POSITION 0 options new DisplayImageOptions.Builder.. bundle.getStringArray Extra.IMAGES final int pagerPosition bundle.getInt Extra.IMAGE_POSITION 0 android image background imageview wallpaper..
Sending and Receiving SMS and MMS in Android (pre Kit Kat Android 4.4) Mobile Number incomingNumber int transactionId bundle.getInt transactionId Log.d DEBUG_TAG transactionId transactionId .. Log.d DEBUG_TAG transactionId transactionId int pduType bundle.getInt pduType Log.d DEBUG_TAG pduType pduType byte buffer2 bundle.getByteArray..
Getting Next and Previous Detail Data from listview Get Int values from previous intent currentposition bundle.getInt position Total_data bundle.getInt TotalData list HashMap String.. intent currentposition bundle.getInt position Total_data bundle.getInt TotalData list HashMap String String bundle.get PremiumList..
Android - What's the best way to share data between activities? activity Bundle bundle getIntent .getExtras int value bundle.getInt some_key String value2 bundle.getString some_other_key Use this..
How to pass image data from one activity to another activity? Bundle bundle this.getIntent .getExtras int pic bundle.getInt image of course you can put anything in the bundle maybe a byte..
How to transfer some data to another Fragment?
Android ActionBar tabs set initially selected tab or default values. int position if bundle null position bundle.getInt selected_tab else position 0 Set the tabs. ActionBar actionBar..
Android set image as wallpaper Bundle bundle getIntent .getExtras String imageUrls bundle.getStringArray Extra.IMAGES int pagerPosition bundle.getInt Extra.IMAGE_POSITION 0 options new DisplayImageOptions.Builder .showImageForEmptyUri R.drawable.image_for_empty_url .cacheOnDisc.. run. Bundle bundle getIntent .getExtras String imageUrls bundle.getStringArray Extra.IMAGES final int pagerPosition bundle.getInt Extra.IMAGE_POSITION 0 android image background imageview wallpaper share improve this question Try below code in ImagePagerActivity..
Sending and Receiving SMS and MMS in Android (pre Kit Kat Android 4.4) 0 incomingNumber incomingNumber.substring indx Log.d DEBUG_TAG Mobile Number incomingNumber int transactionId bundle.getInt transactionId Log.d DEBUG_TAG transactionId transactionId int pduType bundle.getInt pduType Log.d DEBUG_TAG pduType pduType.. int transactionId bundle.getInt transactionId Log.d DEBUG_TAG transactionId transactionId int pduType bundle.getInt pduType Log.d DEBUG_TAG pduType pduType byte buffer2 bundle.getByteArray header String header new String buffer2 Log.d..
Getting Next and Previous Detail Data from listview getting intent data Bundle bundle getIntent .getExtras Get Int values from previous intent currentposition bundle.getInt position Total_data bundle.getInt TotalData list HashMap String String bundle.get PremiumList setView Next_btn.setOnClickListener.. bundle getIntent .getExtras Get Int values from previous intent currentposition bundle.getInt position Total_data bundle.getInt TotalData list HashMap String String bundle.get PremiumList setView Next_btn.setOnClickListener new Button.OnClickListener..
Android - What's the best way to share data between activities? some_other_key a value startActivity intent On the second activity Bundle bundle getIntent .getExtras int value bundle.getInt some_key String value2 bundle.getString some_other_key Use this method if you are passing primitive data or Strings . You..
How to pass image data from one activity to another activity?
How to transfer some data to another Fragment?
Android ActionBar tabs set initially selected tab null bundle savedInstanceState Initialize members with bundle or default values. int position if bundle null position bundle.getInt selected_tab else position 0 Set the tabs. ActionBar actionBar getActionBar actionBar.setNavigationMode ActionBar.NAVIGATION_MODE_TABS..