android Programming Glossary: bundle.putstring
Working with ViewPager and Fragments pageFragment new PageFragment Bundle bundle new Bundle bundle.putString title title pageFragment.setArguments bundle return pageFragment..
Send data from activity to fragment in android you send data with intent as Bundle bundle new Bundle bundle.putString edttext From Activity set Fragmentclass Arguments Fragmentclass..
Dynamically changing the fragments inside a fragment tab host? if U need to pass some data Bundle bundle new Bundle bundle.putString title m_ArrayList.get arg2 .title bundle.putString largeimg.. bundle.putString title m_ArrayList.get arg2 .title bundle.putString largeimg m_ArrayList.get arg2 .largeimg bundle.putString excert.. bundle.putString largeimg m_ArrayList.get arg2 .largeimg bundle.putString excert m_ArrayList.get arg2 .excert bundle.putString description..
How do I resolve the authentication message that keeps popping up in a webview? final int popOutAnimation final Bundle bundle new Bundle bundle.putString SEARCH_TERM searchTerm bundle.putString WebViewFragment.SYMBOL_TYPE.. bundle new Bundle bundle.putString SEARCH_TERM searchTerm bundle.putString WebViewFragment.SYMBOL_TYPE symbolType bundle.putInt WebViewFragment.CONTAINER_ID..
How do you get the selected value of a Spinner? items string out of a Spinner . So far I have gotten this bundle.putString ListDbAdapter.DB_PRI v.getText .toString This does not work..
setResult does not work when BACK button pressed public void onBackPressed Bundle bundle new Bundle bundle.putString FIELD_A mA.getText .toString Intent mIntent new Intent mIntent.putExtras..
How to pass a value from one Activity to another in Android? bundle Bundle bundle new Bundle Add your data to bundle bundle.putString œstuff getrec Add the bundle to the intent i.putExtras bundle..
Android Facebook Graph API to update status String accessToken try Bundle bundle new Bundle bundle.putString message test update bundle.putString Facebook.TOKEN accessToken.. bundle new Bundle bundle.putString message test update bundle.putString Facebook.TOKEN accessToken String response facebook.request..
Android photo upload to facebook using graph api? garph api to upload the image Bundle bundle new Bundle bundle.putString message Viddygo Video Sharing bundle.putString Facebook.TOKEN.. Bundle bundle.putString message Viddygo Video Sharing bundle.putString Facebook.TOKEN accessToken bundle.putString image http Video Sharing bundle.putString Facebook.TOKEN accessToken bundle.putString image http wp content uploads kanji_luck.png..
Get user image from Facebook Graph-API FacebookHelper.getInstance Bundle bundle new Bundle bundle.putString Facebook.TOKEN facebook.getAccessToken Object picture facebook.request..
Android: get facebook friends list new AsyncFacebookRunner mFacebook Bundle bundle new Bundle bundle.putString fields birthday mFacebook.request me friends bundle catch Exception..
ViewPager Activity to notify a Fragment of a specific event new ChatWindowFragment Bundle bundle new Bundle bundle.putString friendId friendId chatWindowFragment.setArguments bundle return..
Working with ViewPager and Fragments static PageFragment newInstance String title PageFragment pageFragment new PageFragment Bundle bundle new Bundle bundle.putString title title pageFragment.setArguments bundle return pageFragment @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState..
Send data from activity to fragment in android fragment android share improve this question From Activity you send data with intent as Bundle bundle new Bundle bundle.putString edttext From Activity set Fragmentclass Arguments Fragmentclass fragobj new Fragmentclass fragobj.setArguments bundle and..
Dynamically changing the fragments inside a fragment tab host? class that needs to open TalkDetail fragment new TalkDetail if U need to pass some data Bundle bundle new Bundle bundle.putString title m_ArrayList.get arg2 .title bundle.putString largeimg m_ArrayList.get arg2 .largeimg bundle.putString excert m_ArrayList.get.. TalkDetail if U need to pass some data Bundle bundle new Bundle bundle.putString title m_ArrayList.get arg2 .title bundle.putString largeimg m_ArrayList.get arg2 .largeimg bundle.putString excert m_ArrayList.get arg2 .excert bundle.putString description.. Bundle bundle.putString title m_ArrayList.get arg2 .title bundle.putString largeimg m_ArrayList.get arg2 .largeimg bundle.putString excert m_ArrayList.get arg2 .excert bundle.putString description m_ArrayList.get arg2 .description bundle.putString cat..
How do I resolve the authentication message that keeps popping up in a webview? inAnimation final int outAnimation final int popInAnimation final int popOutAnimation final Bundle bundle new Bundle bundle.putString SEARCH_TERM searchTerm bundle.putString WebViewFragment.SYMBOL_TYPE symbolType bundle.putInt WebViewFragment.CONTAINER_ID.. int popInAnimation final int popOutAnimation final Bundle bundle new Bundle bundle.putString SEARCH_TERM searchTerm bundle.putString WebViewFragment.SYMBOL_TYPE symbolType bundle.putInt WebViewFragment.CONTAINER_ID containerViewId fragment.setArguments..
How do you get the selected value of a Spinner? selected value of a Spinner I am trying to get the selected items string out of a Spinner . So far I have gotten this bundle.putString ListDbAdapter.DB_PRI v.getText .toString This does not work and gives a class casting exception I thought I could cast a..
setResult does not work when BACK button pressed and set the result before the call to superclass i.e @Override public void onBackPressed Bundle bundle new Bundle bundle.putString FIELD_A mA.getText .toString Intent mIntent new Intent mIntent.putExtras bundle setResult RESULT_OK mIntent super.onBackPressed..
How to pass a value from one Activity to another in Android? String getrec textView.getText .toString Create the bundle Bundle bundle new Bundle Add your data to bundle bundle.putString œstuff getrec Add the bundle to the intent i.putExtras bundle Fire that second activity startActivity i Now in your second..
Android Facebook Graph API to update status is the function that updates updating Status public void updateStatus String accessToken try Bundle bundle new Bundle bundle.putString message test update bundle.putString Facebook.TOKEN accessToken String response facebook.request me feed bundle POST Log.d.. Status public void updateStatus String accessToken try Bundle bundle new Bundle bundle.putString message test update bundle.putString Facebook.TOKEN accessToken String response facebook.request me feed bundle POST Log.d UPDATE RESPONSE response catch MalformedURLException..
Android photo upload to facebook using graph api? its looking fine but when i use the following code of garph api to upload the image Bundle bundle new Bundle bundle.putString message Viddygo Video Sharing bundle.putString Facebook.TOKEN accessToken bundle.putString image http code of garph api to upload the image Bundle bundle new Bundle bundle.putString message Viddygo Video Sharing bundle.putString Facebook.TOKEN accessToken bundle.putString image http wp content uploads kanji_luck.png String response.. Bundle bundle new Bundle bundle.putString message Viddygo Video Sharing bundle.putString Facebook.TOKEN accessToken bundle.putString image http wp content uploads kanji_luck.png String response facebook.request me photos bundle POST..
Get user image from Facebook Graph-API String userId throws MalformedURLException IOException facebook FacebookHelper.getInstance Bundle bundle new Bundle bundle.putString Facebook.TOKEN facebook.getAccessToken Object picture facebook.request userId picture bundle GET When I do the same call..
Android: get facebook friends list Constants.FB_APP_ID AsyncFacebookRunner mAsyncRunner new AsyncFacebookRunner mFacebook Bundle bundle new Bundle bundle.putString fields birthday mFacebook.request me friends bundle catch Exception e Log.e Constants.LOGTAG CLASSTAG Exception e.getMessage..
ViewPager Activity to notify a Fragment of a specific event final String friendId ChatWindowFragment chatWindowFragment new ChatWindowFragment Bundle bundle new Bundle bundle.putString friendId friendId chatWindowFragment.setArguments bundle return chatWindowFragment @Override public void onCreate final..