android Programming Glossary: builder.tostring
How can I get the direction of movement using an accelerometer? y builder.append direction 1 textView.setText builder.toString @Override public void onAccuracyChanged Sensor sensor int accuracy..
Auto-fit TextView for Android _random.nextInt ALLOWED_CHARACTERS.length return builder.toString The question Does anybody know of a solution for this common..
Using cookies with Android volley library
How do I parse JSON from a Java HTTPResponse? buf 0 l l buf JSONTokener tokener new JSONTokener builder.toString JSONArray finalResult new JSONArray tokener I'm on Android if.. line .append n JSONTokener tokener new JSONTokener builder.toString JSONArray finalResult new JSONArray tokener If the JSON is actually..
Sending sms to multiple people in android message until all parts are sent smsMgr.sendTextMessage builder.toString null text sentPI deliveredPI builder.setLength 0 delim ..
java.lang.outofmemoryerror bitmap size exceeds vm budget on bitmap ch 1 builder.append char ch String s builder.toString Log.i Response s catch FileNotFoundException e TODO Auto generated..
facebook.authorize with the android sdk does not call onActivityResult
how to retrive Registration id and send message to third-party application in android c2dm0+ builder.append service ac2dm Setup the Http Post byte data builder.toString .getBytes URL url new URL https accounts ClientLogin..
Writing/Reading Files to/from Android phone's internal memory
How can I get the direction of movement using an accelerometer? 0 builder.append x builder.append direction 0 builder.append y builder.append direction 1 textView.setText builder.toString @Override public void onAccuracyChanged Sensor sensor int accuracy nothing to do here This code will only provide you with..
Auto-fit TextView for Android for int i 0 i textLength i builder.append ALLOWED_CHARACTERS.charAt _random.nextInt ALLOWED_CHARACTERS.length return builder.toString The question Does anybody know of a solution for this common problem that actually work Even a solution that has much less..
Using cookies with Android volley library
How do I parse JSON from a Java HTTPResponse? char buf new char 1000 int l 0 while l 0 builder.append buf 0 l l buf JSONTokener tokener new JSONTokener builder.toString JSONArray finalResult new JSONArray tokener I'm on Android if that makes any difference. java android json share improve.. for String line null line reader.readLine null builder.append line .append n JSONTokener tokener new JSONTokener builder.toString JSONArray finalResult new JSONArray tokener If the JSON is actually a single line then you can also remove the loop and..
Sending sms to multiple people in android
java.lang.outofmemoryerror bitmap size exceeds vm budget on bitmap StringBuffer builder new StringBuffer int ch while ch 1 builder.append char ch String s builder.toString Log.i Response s catch FileNotFoundException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace catch UnsupportedEncodingException..
facebook.authorize with the android sdk does not call onActivityResult
how to retrive Registration id and send message to third-party application in android c2dm0+ accountType GOOGLE builder.append source MyLittleExample builder.append service ac2dm Setup the Http Post byte data builder.toString .getBytes URL url new URL https accounts ClientLogin HttpURLConnection con HttpURLConnection url.openConnection..
Writing/Reading Files to/from Android phone's internal memory