android Programming Glossary: button
Android, How to manage start activity for result? then after recording video if user clicks on done button then I'll send result address of recorded video back to main..
Sending and Receiving SMS and MMS in Android (pre Kit Kat Android 4.4) new message and I will receive the message with a download button. But if I do not have mobile data on prior the incoming MMS..
Standard Android Button with a different color color I'd like to change the color of a standard Android button slightly in order to better match a client's branding. For example.. a client's branding. For example see the Find a Table button for the OpenTable application The best way I've found to do.. to the following drawable located in res drawable red_button.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 selector xmlns android http..
Sending Email in Android using JavaMail API without using the default/built-in app in Android application I'm trying to send the mail on button click directly without using this application. android email..
Quitting an application - is that frowned upon? matter what you do do not put a quit or exit application button. It is useless with Android's application model. This is also.. users are much the same way in that pressing the iPhone button does not necessarily feel like the app was terminated since.. never on exit. Some comments suggest that hitting the back button does not kill the app at all see link in my question above ...
How do I pass data between activities in Android? logging in through a login page there will be sign out button on each activity. On clicking signout I will be passing the..
How to pick an image from gallery (SD Card) for my app in Android? 1.6. I am working on photos options in my app. I have a button and an ImageView in my Activity. When I click the button it.. a button and an ImageView in my Activity. When I click the button it would redirect to gallery and I would be able to select an..
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog prevent CPU from going off if the user presses the power button during download PowerManager pm PowerManager context.getSystemService.. while count data 1 allow canceling with back button if isCancelled return null total count publishing the progress......
Strange out of memory issue while loading an image to a Bitmap object a Bitmap object I have a list view with a couple of image buttons on each row. When you click the list row it launches a new.. that gets launched for result is a map. If I click on my button to launch the image preview load an image off the SD card the.. I.e. Smaller bit size not pixel as the src for the image button on the fly. So I just resized the image that came off the phone..
Android Facebook style slide a clue how it can be achieved On clicking the the top left button the page slide and the following screen is shown YouTube Video.. the transparent View. The code is here and the bottom two buttons called HorzScrollWithListMenu and HorzScrollWithImageMenu in..
Android - basic gesture detection the fling if it's too short as it may conflict with a button push if Math.abs dx MAJOR_MOVE Math.abs velocityX Math.absvelocityY..
Close/hide the Android Soft Keyboard hide the Android Soft Keyboard I have an EditText and a Button in my layout. After writing in the edit field and clicking on.. After writing in the edit field and clicking on the Button I want to hide the virtual keyboard. I assume that there's a..
Standard Android Button with a different color Android Button with a different color I'd like to change the color of a standard.. The best way I've found to do this so far is to change the Button 's drawable to the following drawable located in res drawable..
Android: ListView elements with multiple clickable buttons element in the list contains a TextView and two different Buttons. Something like this ListView Text Button 1 Button 2 Text.. two different Buttons. Something like this ListView Text Button 1 Button 2 Text Button 1 Button 2 ... and so on ... With this.. Buttons. Something like this ListView Text Button 1 Button 2 Text Button 1 Button 2 ... and so on ... With this code..
Sending Email in Android using JavaMail API without using the default/built-in app import android.view.View import android.widget.Button public class MailSenderActivity extends Activity Called when.. savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main final Button send Button this.findViewById send.setOnClickListener.. setContentView R.layout.main final Button send Button this.findViewById send.setOnClickListener new View.OnClickListener..
Get/pick an image from Android's built-in Gallery app programmatically savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main Button findViewById .setOnClickListener new OnClickListener.. setContentView R.layout.main Button findViewById .setOnClickListener new OnClickListener public void onClick..
Focusable EditText inside ListView as a header view that contains an EditText widget and a Button. All I want to do is be able to use the jogball arrows to navigate..
How to render PDF in Android savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main Button button Button findViewById button.setOnClickListener.. setContentView R.layout.main Button button Button findViewById button.setOnClickListener new.. Button button Button findViewById button.setOnClickListener new View.OnClickListener @Override..
creating a system overlay (always on top) button in android Taskbar on AppBrain and here V1.4.0 Sidebar style SWKey Button savior on xda developers I was following sample code that used..
When to call activity context OR application context? implement an inner class e.g. an OnClickListener for a Button in an Activity and need a Context . Rather than using MyActivity.this..
AsyncTask Android example import android.view.View import android.widget.Button import android.widget.TextView import android.view.View.OnClickListener.. public class AsyncTaskActivity extends Activity Button btn Called when the activity is first created. @Override public.. savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main btn Button findViewById btn.setOnClickListener OnClickListener..
Android calling AsyncTask right after an another finished
onclick button is not working in listview activity A text text button btnList B C text text BUTTON btnList D E homempleb.xml Before i used this code in xml...
MediaButtonIntentReceiver not working in Android 4.0+ mediaFilter new IntentFilter Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_BUTTON mediaFilter.setPriority 2147483647 this is bad...I know this.registerReceiver.. intentAction intent.getAction if Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_BUTTON.equals intentAction return event KeyEvent intent.getParcelableExtra.. switch action case KeyEvent.ACTION_UP Log.d TEST BUTTON UP break case KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE..
Android: bug in launchMode=“singleTask”? -> activity stack not preserved another activity from there e.g. B and press the HOME BUTTON on the phone to return to the home screen and then again go.. either via pressing the app's button or pressing the HOME BUTTON long to show my most recent apps it doesn't preserve my activity..
XML Table layout? Two EQUAL-width rows filled with equally width buttons? they have different size lets say A and THIS IS THE LONG BUTTON the CENTER of the table isnt in the middle of the screen anymore..
Using global exception handling with “setUncaughtExceptionHandler” and “Toast” View v int i 5 i 5 0 Toast.makeText TicTacToe.this BUTTON Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show Essentially I made a form with a..
Can i personalize the onTap() dialog of the items on my googlemapview?? (i wanna add a button on it) and i still need to show that dialog but i need to add A BUTTON that when i press it it loads a new activity and maybe some..
Add dynamically elements to a listView Android ArrayAdapter String adapter RECORDING HOW MANY TIMES THE BUTTON HAS BEEN CLICKED int clickCounter 0 @Override public void onCreate..
ANDROID - ExpandableListView contains many of PARENT1 checkable expandable CHILD1 RADIO BUTTON CHILD2 RADIO BUTTON ... PARENT2 checkable expandable CHILD1.. checkable expandable CHILD1 RADIO BUTTON CHILD2 RADIO BUTTON ... PARENT2 checkable expandable CHILD1 CHECKABLE CHILD2 CHECKABLE..
PopupWindow in android wrap_content android layout_width fill_parent and a BUTTON android id @ id end_data_send_button android text Cancel in..
Android - registering a headset button click with BroadcastReceiver intentAction intent.getAction if Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_BUTTON.equals intentAction return KeyEvent event KeyEvent intent.getParcelableExtra.. KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN do something Toast.makeText context BUTTON PRESSED Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show abortBroadcast And my main.. IntentFilter filter new IntentFilter Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_BUTTON MediaButtonIntentReceiver r new MediaButtonIntentReceiver registerReceiver..
how to return value to parameter in between getintent and putintents 0 boolean added receivedIntent.getBooleanExtra added false BUTTONS Button addButton Button findViewById Button removeButton.. text1.setText productName SHOW HIDE 'ADD' 'REMOVE' BUTTONS if added false HIDE 'REMOVE' BUTTON removeButton.setVisibility.. HIDE 'ADD' 'REMOVE' BUTTONS if added false HIDE 'REMOVE' BUTTON removeButton.setVisibility View.GONE SHOW 'ADD' BUTTON addButton.setVisibility..
Android Stop Background Music the main question really is WHY DOES PRESSING THE HOME BUTTON NOT CALL onPause or onStop so i can know when to stop the media.. QUESTION FOR THIS POST IS WHY DOES PRESSING THE HOME BUTTON NOT CALL onPause or onStop To put it in onDestroy is not an..
Android, How to manage start activity for result? activity. If it device has camera and recording is done completely then after recording video if user clicks on done button then I'll send result address of recorded video back to main activity. How to check result from main activity android android..
Sending and Receiving SMS and MMS in Android (pre Kit Kat Android 4.4) mobile data turned off I will get the notification of a new message and I will receive the message with a download button. But if I do not have mobile data on prior the incoming MMS attachment will not be received. Even if I turn it on after..
Standard Android Button with a different color Android Button with a different color I'd like to change the color of a standard Android button slightly in order to better match a client's branding. For example see the Find a Table button for the OpenTable application.. of a standard Android button slightly in order to better match a client's branding. For example see the Find a Table button for the OpenTable application The best way I've found to do this so far is to change the Button 's drawable to the following.. I've found to do this so far is to change the Button 's drawable to the following drawable located in res drawable red_button.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 selector xmlns android http apk res android item android state_pressed..
Sending Email in Android using JavaMail API without using the default/built-in app android.content.Intent.ACTION_SEND this will launch the built in Android application I'm trying to send the mail on button click directly without using this application. android email share improve this question Send e mail in Android using..
Quitting an application - is that frowned upon? lifecycle especially onPause onStop onDestroy is for. No matter what you do do not put a quit or exit application button. It is useless with Android's application model. This is also contrary to how core applications work. Hehe for every step.. terminating a Web page or terminating a thermostat. iPhone users are much the same way in that pressing the iPhone button does not necessarily feel like the app was terminated since many iPhone apps pick up where the user left off even if the.. updates totally asynchronously e.g. via a scheduled task never on exit. Some comments suggest that hitting the back button does not kill the app at all see link in my question above . Pressing the BACK button does not kill the app . It finishes..
How do I pass data between activities in Android? between activities in Android I have a scenario where after logging in through a login page there will be sign out button on each activity. On clicking signout I will be passing the session id of the signed in user to signout. Can anyone guide..
How to pick an image from gallery (SD Card) for my app in Android? app in Android This question was originally asked for Android 1.6. I am working on photos options in my app. I have a button and an ImageView in my Activity. When I click the button it would redirect to gallery and I would be able to select an image... 1.6. I am working on photos options in my app. I have a button and an ImageView in my Activity. When I click the button it would redirect to gallery and I would be able to select an image. The selected image would appear in my ImageView. How..
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog String doInBackground String... sUrl take CPU lock to prevent CPU from going off if the user presses the power button during download PowerManager pm PowerManager context.getSystemService Context.POWER_SERVICE PowerManager.WakeLock wl pm.newWakeLock.. byte data new byte 4096 long total 0 int count while count data 1 allow canceling with back button if isCancelled return null total count publishing the progress.... if fileLength 0 only if total length is known publishProgress..
Strange out of memory issue while loading an image to a Bitmap object out of memory issue while loading an image to a Bitmap object I have a list view with a couple of image buttons on each row. When you click the list row it launches a new activity. I have had to build my own tabs because of an issue.. tabs because of an issue with the camera layout. The activity that gets launched for result is a map. If I click on my button to launch the image preview load an image off the SD card the application returns from the activity back to the listview.. pretty simple but I am not sure how I can put a resized image I.e. Smaller bit size not pixel as the src for the image button on the fly. So I just resized the image that came off the phone camera. The issue is that I get an out of memory error when..
Android Facebook style slide to see how it can be emulated in my application. Anyone has a clue how it can be achieved On clicking the the top left button the page slide and the following screen is shown YouTube Video android facebook android side navigation share improve.. to show the menu we scroll back to reveal the menu through the transparent View. The code is here and the bottom two buttons called HorzScrollWithListMenu and HorzScrollWithImageMenu in the Launch activity show the best menus I could come up with..
Android - basic gesture detection float velocityY int dx int e2.getX e1.getX don't accept the fling if it's too short as it may conflict with a button push if Math.abs dx MAJOR_MOVE Math.abs velocityX Math.absvelocityY if velocityX 0 moveRight else moveLeft return true..
Close/hide the Android Soft Keyboard hide the Android Soft Keyboard I have an EditText and a Button in my layout. After writing in the edit field and clicking on the Button I want to hide the virtual keyboard. I assume that.. Soft Keyboard I have an EditText and a Button in my layout. After writing in the edit field and clicking on the Button I want to hide the virtual keyboard. I assume that there's a simple one or two liner to make this happen. Where can I find..
Standard Android Button with a different color Android Button with a different color I'd like to change the color of a standard Android button slightly in order to better match a client's.. see the Find a Table button for the OpenTable application The best way I've found to do this so far is to change the Button 's drawable to the following drawable located in res drawable red_button.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 selector xmlns..
Android: ListView elements with multiple clickable buttons with multiple clickable buttons I've a ListView where every element in the list contains a TextView and two different Buttons. Something like this ListView Text Button 1 Button 2 Text Button 1 Button 2 ... and so on ... With this code I can create.. where every element in the list contains a TextView and two different Buttons. Something like this ListView Text Button 1 Button 2 Text Button 1 Button 2 ... and so on ... With this code I can create an OnItemClickListener for the whole item.. every element in the list contains a TextView and two different Buttons. Something like this ListView Text Button 1 Button 2 Text Button 1 Button 2 ... and so on ... With this code I can create an OnItemClickListener for the whole item listView.setOnItemClickListener..
Sending Email in Android using JavaMail API without using the default/built-in app import android.os.Bundle import android.util.Log import android.view.View import android.widget.Button public class MailSenderActivity extends Activity Called when the activity is first created. @Override public void onCreate.. public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main final Button send Button this.findViewById send.setOnClickListener new View.OnClickListener public void onClick View v TODO.. onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main final Button send Button this.findViewById send.setOnClickListener new View.OnClickListener public void onClick View v TODO Auto generated..
Get/pick an image from Android's built-in Gallery app programmatically public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main Button findViewById .setOnClickListener new OnClickListener public void onClick View arg0 in onCreate or any event.. Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main Button findViewById .setOnClickListener new OnClickListener public void onClick View arg0 in onCreate or any event where your want the..
Focusable EditText inside ListView in a ListView whether it's generated by the adapter or added as a header view that contains an EditText widget and a Button. All I want to do is be able to use the jogball arrows to navigate the selector to individual items like normal but when..
How to render PDF in Android public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main Button button Button findViewById button.setOnClickListener new View.OnClickListener @Override public void.. void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main Button button Button findViewById button.setOnClickListener new View.OnClickListener @Override public void onClick View v.. super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main Button button Button findViewById button.setOnClickListener new View.OnClickListener @Override public void onClick View v File file new File sdcard example.pdf..
creating a system overlay (always on top) button in android the windows all the time. The proof of concept is here Smart Taskbar on AppBrain and here V1.4.0 Sidebar style SWKey Button savior on xda developers I was following sample code that used to live at this URL but the link is now dead. services java..
When to call activity context OR application context? a lesser extent because their Java experience is limited. They implement an inner class e.g. an OnClickListener for a Button in an Activity and need a Context . Rather than using MyActivity.this to get at the outer class' this they use getApplicationContext..
AsyncTask Android example import android.os.Bundle import android.provider.Settings.System import android.view.View import android.widget.Button import android.widget.TextView import android.view.View.OnClickListener public class AsyncTaskActivity extends Activity.. android.widget.TextView import android.view.View.OnClickListener public class AsyncTaskActivity extends Activity Button btn Called when the activity is first created. @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState.. public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main btn Button findViewById btn.setOnClickListener OnClickListener this public void onClick View view new LongOperation .execute..
Android calling AsyncTask right after an another finished
onclick button is not working in listview contains button. When on click of button it must go to other activity A text text button btnList B C text text BUTTON btnList D E homempleb.xml Before i used this code in xml. buttonlist worked fine for me as per below code ListView android..
MediaButtonIntentReceiver not working in Android 4.0+ MediaButtonIntentReceiver .... public void onCreate ... IntentFilter mediaFilter new IntentFilter Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_BUTTON mediaFilter.setPriority 2147483647 this is bad...I know this.registerReceiver mediaButtonReceiver mediaFilter ... public.. public void onReceive Context context Intent intent String intentAction intent.getAction if Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_BUTTON.equals intentAction return event KeyEvent intent.getParcelableExtra Intent.EXTRA_KEY_EVENT if event null return try.. if event null return try int action event.getAction switch action case KeyEvent.ACTION_UP Log.d TEST BUTTON UP break case KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE Log.d TEST BUTTON DOWN break catch Exception..
Android: bug in launchMode=“singleTask”? -> activity stack not preserved launchMode singleTask in the manifest. Now whenever I start another activity from there e.g. B and press the HOME BUTTON on the phone to return to the home screen and then again go back to my app either via pressing the app's button or pressing.. return to the home screen and then again go back to my app either via pressing the app's button or pressing the HOME BUTTON long to show my most recent apps it doesn't preserve my activity stack and returns straight to A instead of the expected..
XML Table layout? Two EQUAL-width rows filled with equally width buttons? its ok the table half is in the middle of the screen. But if they have different size lets say A and THIS IS THE LONG BUTTON the CENTER of the table isnt in the middle of the screen anymore and so the buttons are not equally width... xml android..
Using global exception handling with “setUncaughtExceptionHandler” and “Toast” new OnClickListener @Override public void onClick View v int i 5 i 5 0 Toast.makeText TicTacToe.this BUTTON Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show Essentially I made a form with a single button pressing on which it would throw a devision by..
Can i personalize the onTap() dialog of the items on my googlemapview?? (i wanna add a button on it) item.getSnippet return true ok it works fine and i still need to show that dialog but i need to add A BUTTON that when i press it it loads a new activity and maybe some more text lines. how can i do it i can't find nothing on google..
Add dynamically elements to a listView Android A STRING ADAPTER WHICH WILL HANDLE THE DATA OF THE LISTVIEW ArrayAdapter String adapter RECORDING HOW MANY TIMES THE BUTTON HAS BEEN CLICKED int clickCounter 0 @Override public void onCreate Bundle icicle super.onCreate icicle setContentView R.layout.main..
ANDROID - ExpandableListView Im trying to figure out how to build a view that contains many of PARENT1 checkable expandable CHILD1 RADIO BUTTON CHILD2 RADIO BUTTON ... PARENT2 checkable expandable CHILD1 CHECKABLE CHILD2 CHECKABLE ... The point is that parent has.. to figure out how to build a view that contains many of PARENT1 checkable expandable CHILD1 RADIO BUTTON CHILD2 RADIO BUTTON ... PARENT2 checkable expandable CHILD1 CHECKABLE CHILD2 CHECKABLE ... The point is that parent has to be checkable and..
PopupWindow in android 0 0 My requirement is that I need a TEXTVIEW android layout_height wrap_content android layout_width fill_parent and a BUTTON android id @ id end_data_send_button android text Cancel in my popup_example.xml . How can I handle these two components..
Android - registering a headset button click with BroadcastReceiver public void onReceive Context context Intent intent String intentAction intent.getAction if Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_BUTTON.equals intentAction return KeyEvent event KeyEvent intent.getParcelableExtra Intent.EXTRA_KEY_EVENT if event null return.. if event null return int action event.getAction if action KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN do something Toast.makeText context BUTTON PRESSED Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show abortBroadcast And my main activity is the following public class mainActivity extends.. savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main IntentFilter filter new IntentFilter Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_BUTTON MediaButtonIntentReceiver r new MediaButtonIntentReceiver registerReceiver r filter Nothing happens though when I push the..
how to return value to parameter in between getintent and putintents calcium 0 int productIron receivedIntent.getIntExtra iron 0 boolean added receivedIntent.getBooleanExtra added false BUTTONS Button addButton Button findViewById Button removeButton Button findViewById Bundle extras getIntent.. name null TextView text1 TextView findViewById text1.setText productName SHOW HIDE 'ADD' 'REMOVE' BUTTONS if added false HIDE 'REMOVE' BUTTON removeButton.setVisibility View.GONE SHOW 'ADD' BUTTON addButton.setVisibility View.VISIBLE.. text1.setText productName SHOW HIDE 'ADD' 'REMOVE' BUTTONS if added false HIDE 'REMOVE' BUTTON removeButton.setVisibility View.GONE SHOW 'ADD' BUTTON addButton.setVisibility View.VISIBLE else SHOW 'REMOVE' BUTTON..
Android Stop Background Music pics and text why is that so difficult another EDIT it seems the main question really is WHY DOES PRESSING THE HOME BUTTON NOT CALL onPause or onStop so i can know when to stop the media player and how do the games i download on the market accomplish.. why do I have to programattically do this actually the BIGGEST QUESTION FOR THIS POST IS WHY DOES PRESSING THE HOME BUTTON NOT CALL onPause or onStop To put it in onDestroy is not an option because onDestroy is only called when the system is low..