android Programming Glossary: builder.append
How can I get the direction of movement using an accelerometer? else if yChange 2 direction 1 UP builder.setLength 0 builder.append x builder.append direction 0 builder.append y builder.append.. 2 direction 1 UP builder.setLength 0 builder.append x builder.append direction 0 builder.append y builder.append direction 1 textView.setText.. 0 builder.append x builder.append direction 0 builder.append y builder.append direction 1 textView.setText builder.toString..
How to align TextView around an ImageView? SpannableStringBuilder builder new SpannableStringBuilder builder.append this.getText R.string.loren__ipsum__max int lengthOfPart1 builder.length.. int lengthOfPart1 builder.length builder.append builder.append this.getText R.string.lorem__ipsum Drawable d.. int lengthOfPart1 builder.length builder.append builder.append this.getText R.string.lorem__ipsum Drawable d getResources .getDrawable..
Auto-fit TextView for Android builder new StringBuilder for int i 0 i textLength i builder.append ALLOWED_CHARACTERS.charAt _random.nextInt ALLOWED_CHARACTERS.length..
How do I parse JSON from a Java HTTPResponse? new StringBuilder char buf new char 1000 int l 0 while l 0 builder.append buf 0 l l buf JSONTokener tokener new JSONTokener builder.toString.. for String line null line reader.readLine null builder.append line .append n JSONTokener tokener new JSONTokener builder.toString..
Sending sms to multiple people in android For every phone number in our list builder.append delim .append c.getPhoneNumber .toString delim if smsMessage.getAddresseeList..
java.lang.outofmemoryerror bitmap size exceeds vm budget on bitmap new StringBuffer int ch while ch 1 builder.append char ch String s builder.toString Log.i Response s catch FileNotFoundException..
Is it possible to change the text color in a string to multiple colors in Java? new ForegroundColorSpan Color.RED 0 red.length 0 builder.append redSpannable String white this is white SpannableString whiteSpannable.. new ForegroundColorSpan Color.WHITE 0 white.length 0 builder.append whiteSpannable String blue this is blue SpannableString blueSpannable.. new ForegroundColorSpan Color.BLUE 0 blue.length 0 builder.append blueSpannable mTextView.setText builder BufferType.SPANNABLE..
how to retrive Registration id and send message to third-party application in android c2dm0+ and the password StringBuilder builder new StringBuilder builder.append Email .append email builder.append Passwd .append password builder.append.. new StringBuilder builder.append Email .append email builder.append Passwd .append password builder.append accountType GOOGLE builder.append.. Email .append email builder.append Passwd .append password builder.append accountType GOOGLE builder.append source MyLittleExample builder.append..
Writing/Reading Files to/from Android phone's internal memory new StringBuilder while read bufferedReader.readLine null builder.append read Log.d Output builder.toString bufferedReader.close share..
How can I get the direction of movement using an accelerometer? if xChange 2 direction 0 RIGHT if yChange 2 direction 1 DOWN else if yChange 2 direction 1 UP builder.setLength 0 builder.append x builder.append direction 0 builder.append y builder.append direction 1 textView.setText builder.toString @Override public.. 0 RIGHT if yChange 2 direction 1 DOWN else if yChange 2 direction 1 UP builder.setLength 0 builder.append x builder.append direction 0 builder.append y builder.append direction 1 textView.setText builder.toString @Override public void onAccuracyChanged.. 2 direction 1 DOWN else if yChange 2 direction 1 UP builder.setLength 0 builder.append x builder.append direction 0 builder.append y builder.append direction 1 textView.setText builder.toString @Override public void onAccuracyChanged Sensor sensor int..
How to align TextView around an ImageView? TextView myTextView TextView findViewById SpannableStringBuilder builder new SpannableStringBuilder builder.append this.getText R.string.loren__ipsum__max int lengthOfPart1 builder.length builder.append builder.append this.getText R.string.lorem__ipsum.. new SpannableStringBuilder builder.append this.getText R.string.loren__ipsum__max int lengthOfPart1 builder.length builder.append builder.append this.getText R.string.lorem__ipsum Drawable d getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.myImage d.setBounds 0.. builder.append this.getText R.string.loren__ipsum__max int lengthOfPart1 builder.length builder.append builder.append this.getText R.string.lorem__ipsum Drawable d getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.myImage d.setBounds 0 0 d.getIntrinsicWidth..
Auto-fit TextView for Android final int textLength _random.nextInt 20 1 final StringBuilder builder new StringBuilder for int i 0 i textLength i builder.append ALLOWED_CHARACTERS.charAt _random.nextInt ALLOWED_CHARACTERS.length return builder.toString The question Does anybody know..
How do I parse JSON from a Java HTTPResponse? response.getEntity .getContent UTF 8 StringBuilder builder new StringBuilder char buf new char 1000 int l 0 while l 0 builder.append buf 0 l l buf JSONTokener tokener new JSONTokener builder.toString JSONArray finalResult new JSONArray tokener I'm.. .getContent UTF 8 StringBuilder builder new StringBuilder for String line null line reader.readLine null builder.append line .append n JSONTokener tokener new JSONTokener builder.toString JSONArray finalResult new JSONArray tokener If the JSON..
Sending sms to multiple people in android new StringBuilder String delim for ContactItem c smsMessage.getAddresseeList For every phone number in our list builder.append delim .append c.getPhoneNumber .toString delim if smsMessage.getAddresseeList .indexOf c 1 AddresseesPerMessage 0 smsMessage.getAddresseeList..
java.lang.outofmemoryerror bitmap size exceeds vm budget on bitmap InputStream inputStream entity.getContent StringBuffer builder new StringBuffer int ch while ch 1 builder.append char ch String s builder.toString Log.i Response s catch FileNotFoundException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace..
Is it possible to change the text color in a string to multiple colors in Java? redSpannable new SpannableString red redSpannable.setSpan new ForegroundColorSpan Color.RED 0 red.length 0 builder.append redSpannable String white this is white SpannableString whiteSpannable new SpannableString white whiteSpannable.setSpan.. whiteSpannable new SpannableString white whiteSpannable.setSpan new ForegroundColorSpan Color.WHITE 0 white.length 0 builder.append whiteSpannable String blue this is blue SpannableString blueSpannable new SpannableString blue blueSpannable.setSpan new..
how to retrive Registration id and send message to third-party application in android c2dm0+ Create the post data Requires a field with the email and the password StringBuilder builder new StringBuilder builder.append Email .append email builder.append Passwd .append password builder.append accountType GOOGLE builder.append source MyLittleExample.. a field with the email and the password StringBuilder builder new StringBuilder builder.append Email .append email builder.append Passwd .append password builder.append accountType GOOGLE builder.append source MyLittleExample builder.append service ac2dm.. StringBuilder builder new StringBuilder builder.append Email .append email builder.append Passwd .append password builder.append accountType GOOGLE builder.append source MyLittleExample builder.append service ac2dm Setup the Http Post byte data builder.toString..
Writing/Reading Files to/from Android phone's internal memory