android Programming Glossary: bundle.get
BadParcelableException: ClassNotFoundException when unmarshalling Extract the event from the message Event event Event bundle.get Event.BUNDLE_KEY Exception thrown here sendEvent event else..
Receiving SMS on Android App msgs null String str if bundle null Object pdus Object bundle.get pdus msgs new SmsMessage pdus.length for int i 0 i msgs.length.. if bundle null get sms objects Object pdus Object bundle.get pdus if pdus.length 0 return large message might be broken..
Create PDU for Android that works with SmsMessage.createFromPdu() (GSM 3gpp) intent.getExtras if bundle null Object pdusObj Object bundle.get pdus SmsMessage messages new SmsMessage pdusObj.length getting..
Getting Next and Previous Detail Data from listview HashMap String String list HashMap String String bundle.getSerializable PremiumList list data.get currentposition Bundle.. HashMap String String list HashMap String String bundle.getSerializable PremiumList list data.get currentposition Displaying.. Get Int values from previous intent currentposition bundle.getInt position Total_data bundle.getInt TotalData list HashMap..
Android SMS receiver not working [closed] intent.getExtras if bundle null Object pdus Object bundle.get pdus final SmsMessage messages new SmsMessage pdus.length ..
Creating a SMS Application in Android? inbox. Bundle bundle intent.getExtras Object pdus Object bundle.get pdus SmsMessage messages new SmsMessage pdus.length for int..
Android: How to send and receive data SMS messages retrieve the SMS message received Object pdus Object bundle.get pdus for int i 0 i pdus.length i recMsg SmsMessage.createFromPdu..
Android - SMS Broadcast receiver intent.getExtras if bundle null Object pdus Object bundle.get pdus final SmsMessage messages new SmsMessage pdus.length ..
Unable to instantiate receiver in BroadcastReceiver SMS work anymore hence the below changes Object pduObj Object bundle.get pdus SmsMessage messages new SmsMessage pduObj.length for int..
AlertDialog from within BroadcastReceiver?? Can it be done? intent.getExtras if bundle null Object pdus Object bundle.get pdus for Object pdu pdus SmsMessage messages SmsMessage.createFromPdu..
Start Activity inside onReceive BroadcastReceiver retrieve the SMS message received Object pdus Object bundle.get pdus msgs new SmsMessage pdus.length for int i 0 i msgs.length..
How to register broadcast receiver? retrieve the SMS message received Object pdus Object bundle.get pdus msgs new SmsMessage pdus.length for int i 0 i msgs.length.. retrieve the SMS message received Object pdus Object bundle.get pdus msgs new SmsMessage pdus.length for int i 0 i msgs.length..
How to create a service in Android that can't be killed by Advanced Task Killer intent.getExtras if bundle null Object pdus Object bundle.get pdus SmsMessage messages new SmsMessage pdus.length for int..
Android ??Listen For Incoming SMS Messages retrieve the SMS message received try Object pdus Object bundle.get pdus msgs new SmsMessage pdus.length for int i 0 i msgs.length..
How to unregister BroadcastReceiver intent.getExtras if bundle null Object pdus Object bundle.get pdus final SmsMessage messages new SmsMessage pdus.length ..
Difficulty in sending location of user 1 to user 2 and user 2's location to user 1? retrieve the SMS message received Object pdus Object bundle.get pdus msgs new SmsMessage pdus.length for int i 0 i msgs.length..
Blocking outgoing SMS/MMS in android Bundle bundle intent.getExtras Object messages Object bundle.get pdus SmsMessage smsMessage new SmsMessage messages.length for..
BadParcelableException: ClassNotFoundException when unmarshalling Event.MSG_WHAT Get the data bundle Bundle bundle msg.getData Extract the event from the message Event event Event bundle.get Event.BUNDLE_KEY Exception thrown here sendEvent event else Log.i TAG Received non architecture message dropping... And..
Receiving SMS on Android App Intent intent Bundle bundle intent.getExtras SmsMessage msgs null String str if bundle null Object pdus Object bundle.get pdus msgs new SmsMessage pdus.length for int i 0 i msgs.length i msgs i SmsMessage.createFromPdu byte pdus i str msgs.. .equals SMS_RECEIVED Bundle bundle intent.getExtras if bundle null get sms objects Object pdus Object bundle.get pdus if pdus.length 0 return large message might be broken into many SmsMessage messages new SmsMessage pdus.length..
Create PDU for Android that works with SmsMessage.createFromPdu() (GSM 3gpp) void onReceive Context context Intent intent Bundle bundle intent.getExtras if bundle null Object pdusObj Object bundle.get pdus SmsMessage messages new SmsMessage pdusObj.length getting SMS information from Pdu. for int i 0 i pdusObj.length i..
Getting Next and Previous Detail Data from listview Total_data in.getExtras .getInt TotalData Bundle bundle in.getExtras HashMap String String list HashMap String String bundle.getSerializable PremiumList list data.get currentposition Bundle bundle in.getExtras HashMap String String list HashMap String.. PremiumList list data.get currentposition Bundle bundle in.getExtras HashMap String String list HashMap String String bundle.getSerializable PremiumList list data.get currentposition Displaying all values on the screen lblPosisi TextView findViewById.. getting intent data Bundle bundle getIntent .getExtras Get Int values from previous intent currentposition bundle.getInt position Total_data bundle.getInt TotalData list HashMap String String bundle.get PremiumList setView Next_btn.setOnClickListener..
Android SMS receiver not working [closed] intent.getAction if intent.getAction SMS_RECEIVED Bundle bundle intent.getExtras if bundle null Object pdus Object bundle.get pdus final SmsMessage messages new SmsMessage pdus.length for int i 0 i pdus.length i messages i SmsMessage.createFromPdu..
Creating a SMS Application in Android? this inbox I would like it to work the same way as a normal inbox. Bundle bundle intent.getExtras Object pdus Object bundle.get pdus SmsMessage messages new SmsMessage pdus.length for int i 0 i messages.length i messages i SmsMessage.createFromPdu..
Android: How to send and receive data SMS messages SmsMessage recMsg null byte data null if bundle null retrieve the SMS message received Object pdus Object bundle.get pdus for int i 0 i pdus.length i recMsg SmsMessage.createFromPdu byte pdus i try data recMsg.getUserData catch Exception..
Android - SMS Broadcast receiver intent.getAction if intent.getAction SMS_RECEIVED Bundle bundle intent.getExtras if bundle null Object pdus Object bundle.get pdus final SmsMessage messages new SmsMessage pdus.length for int i 0 i pdus.length i messages i SmsMessage.createFromPdu..
Unable to instantiate receiver in BroadcastReceiver SMS Telephony.Sms.Intents.getMessagesFromIntent intent does not work anymore hence the below changes Object pduObj Object bundle.get pdus SmsMessage messages new SmsMessage pduObj.length for int i 0 i pduObj.length i messages i SmsMessage.createFromPdu..
AlertDialog from within BroadcastReceiver?? Can it be done? StringBuilder sb new StringBuilder Bundle bundle intent.getExtras if bundle null Object pdus Object bundle.get pdus for Object pdu pdus SmsMessage messages SmsMessage.createFromPdu byte pdu sb.append Received SMS nFrom sb.append..
Start Activity inside onReceive BroadcastReceiver intent.getExtras SmsMessage msgs null String str if bundle null retrieve the SMS message received Object pdus Object bundle.get pdus msgs new SmsMessage pdus.length for int i 0 i msgs.length i msgs i SmsMessage.createFromPdu byte pdus i str SMS..
How to register broadcast receiver? SmsMessage msgs null if bundle null number message retrieve the SMS message received Object pdus Object bundle.get pdus msgs new SmsMessage pdus.length for int i 0 i msgs.length i msgs i SmsMessage.createFromPdu byte pdus i number.. SmsMessage msgs null if bundle null number message retrieve the SMS message received Object pdus Object bundle.get pdus msgs new SmsMessage pdus.length for int i 0 i msgs.length i msgs i SmsMessage.createFromPdu byte pdus i number..
How to create a service in Android that can't be killed by Advanced Task Killer intent if intent.getAction .equals SMS_RECEIVED Bundle bundle intent.getExtras if bundle null Object pdus Object bundle.get pdus SmsMessage messages new SmsMessage pdus.length for int i 0 i pdus.length i messages i SmsMessage.createFromPdu byte..
Android ??Listen For Incoming SMS Messages in SmsMessage msgs null String msg_from if bundle null retrieve the SMS message received try Object pdus Object bundle.get pdus msgs new SmsMessage pdus.length for int i 0 i msgs.length i msgs i SmsMessage.createFromPdu byte pdus i msg_from..
How to unregister BroadcastReceiver void onReceive Context context Intent intent Bundle bundle intent.getExtras if bundle null Object pdus Object bundle.get pdus final SmsMessage messages new SmsMessage pdus.length for int i 0 i pdus.length i messages i SmsMessage.createFromPdu..
Difficulty in sending location of user 1 to user 2 and user 2's location to user 1? str3 String autoReplyToken Request_Accepted if bundle null retrieve the SMS message received Object pdus Object bundle.get pdus msgs new SmsMessage pdus.length for int i 0 i msgs.length i msgs i SmsMessage.createFromPdu byte pdus i str SMS..
Blocking outgoing SMS/MMS in android context SMS Received MSG_TYPE Toast.LENGTH_LONG Bundle bundle intent.getExtras Object messages Object bundle.get pdus SmsMessage smsMessage new SmsMessage messages.length for int n 0 n messages.length n smsMessage n SmsMessage.createFromPdu..