android Programming Glossary: buildconfig.debug
Using DiskLruCache in android 4.0 does not provide for openCache method data editor mDiskCache.flush editor.commit if BuildConfig.DEBUG Log.d cache_test_DISK_ image put on disk cache key else .. image put on disk cache key else editor.abort if BuildConfig.DEBUG Log.d cache_test_DISK_ ERROR on image put on disk cache key.. on image put on disk cache key catch IOException e if BuildConfig.DEBUG Log.d cache_test_DISK_ ERROR on image put on disk cache key..
android-maven-plugin: Disable debug build for apk will automatically disable debugging but it is broken as BuildConfig.DEBUG always returns true and my logging used to depend on it. Now..
Android: automatically choose debug/release Maps api key? set according to your build type. You can check the BuildConfig.DEBUG constant in your code to run debug only functions. So now you.. So now you can simply write something like this if BuildConfig.DEBUG Your debug code goes here else Your release code goes here UPDATE.. goes here UPDATE I've encountered bug in ADT sometimes BuildConfig.DEBUG is true after exporting application package. Description is..
When does ADT set BuildConfig.DEBUG to false? does ADT set BuildConfig.DEBUG to false In the newest version of ADT r17 a generated constant.. newest version of ADT r17 a generated constant was added BuildConfig.DEBUG that is set according to the build type. The problem I have.. set according to your build type. You can check the BuildConfig.DEBUG constant in your code to run debug only functions android eclipse..
Using DiskLruCache in android 4.0 does not provide for openCache method mDiskCache.edit key if editor null return if writeBitmapToFile data editor mDiskCache.flush editor.commit if BuildConfig.DEBUG Log.d cache_test_DISK_ image put on disk cache key else editor.abort if BuildConfig.DEBUG Log.d cache_test_DISK_ ERROR.. editor.commit if BuildConfig.DEBUG Log.d cache_test_DISK_ image put on disk cache key else editor.abort if BuildConfig.DEBUG Log.d cache_test_DISK_ ERROR on image put on disk cache key catch IOException e if BuildConfig.DEBUG Log.d cache_test_DISK_.. if BuildConfig.DEBUG Log.d cache_test_DISK_ ERROR on image put on disk cache key catch IOException e if BuildConfig.DEBUG Log.d cache_test_DISK_ ERROR on image put on disk cache key try if editor null editor.abort catch IOException ignored..
android-maven-plugin: Disable debug build for apk plugin I understand that the export wizard with ADT 21.1 will automatically disable debugging but it is broken as BuildConfig.DEBUG always returns true and my logging used to depend on it. Now I have my own property for logging defined in my maven build..
Android: automatically choose debug/release Maps api key? BuildConfig containing a DEBUG constant that is automatically set according to your build type. You can check the BuildConfig.DEBUG constant in your code to run debug only functions. So now you can simply write something like this if BuildConfig.DEBUG.. constant in your code to run debug only functions. So now you can simply write something like this if BuildConfig.DEBUG Your debug code goes here else Your release code goes here UPDATE I've encountered bug in ADT sometimes BuildConfig.DEBUG.. Your debug code goes here else Your release code goes here UPDATE I've encountered bug in ADT sometimes BuildConfig.DEBUG is true after exporting application package. Description is here http p android issues detail id 27940 ..
When does ADT set BuildConfig.DEBUG to false? does ADT set BuildConfig.DEBUG to false In the newest version of ADT r17 a generated constant was added BuildConfig.DEBUG that is set according to the.. does ADT set BuildConfig.DEBUG to false In the newest version of ADT r17 a generated constant was added BuildConfig.DEBUG that is set according to the build type. The problem I have is that it is never set to false I expected it to change when.. BuildConfig containing a DEBUG constant that is automatically set according to your build type. You can check the BuildConfig.DEBUG constant in your code to run debug only functions android eclipse adt share improve this question Currently you can..