android Programming Glossary: builder.settitle
nullpointer exception raises when i click on the button AlertDialog.Builder builder new AlertDialog.Builder this builder.setTitle Select Image builder.setAdapter adapter new DialogInterface.OnClickListener..
Android InAppBilling - what to do when user presses the buy button? AlertDialog.Builder builder new AlertDialog.Builder this builder.setTitle titleId .setIcon android.R.drawable.stat_sys_warning .setMessage..
Android:How can I set the AlertDialog width and height,and the button of the AlertDialog style? new AlertDialog.Builder this builder.setView layout builder.setTitle Title alertDialog builder.create alertDialog.getWindow..
Android - Facebook SDK 3 - How to login programatically without LoginButton AlertDialog.Builder builder new AlertDialog.Builder this builder.setTitle title .setMessage alertMessage .setPositiveButton getString..
Let user crop image AlertDialog.Builder builder new AlertDialog.Builder this builder.setTitle Choose Crop App builder.setAdapter adapter new DialogInterface.OnClickListener..
Android licensing application not works? AlertDialog.Builder builder new AlertDialog.Builder this builder.setTitle PIRACY WARNING builder.setMessage A valid purchase for My App..
Dynamic ListView in Android app position Builder builder new AlertDialog.Builder this builder.setTitle row.mItem builder.setMessage row.mDescription position builder.setPositiveButton..
How to implement a custom AlertDialog View AlertDialog.Builder builder new AlertDialog.Builder this builder.setTitle Title .setCancelable false .setPositiveButton Go new DialogInterface.OnClickListener..
Choose File Dialog [closed] builder new Builder this switch id case DIALOG_LOAD_FILE builder.setTitle Choose your file if mFileList null Log.e TAG Showing file..
how to control the width and height of default alert dialog in Android? AlertDialog.Builder builder new AlertDialog.Builder this builder.setTitle Title builder.setItems items new DialogInterface.OnClickListener..
How uncheck items in AlertDialog (setMultiChoiceItems)? AlertDialog.Builder builder new AlertDialog.Builder this builder.setTitle getResources .getText R.string.escolhaArquivosBaixados builder.setMultiChoiceItems..
android change text color of items in spinner builder new AlertDialog.Builder context if mPrompt null builder.setTitle mPrompt builder.setSingleChoiceItems adapter getSelectedItemPosition..
Getting Number from Contacts Picker builder new AlertDialog.Builder your_class.this builder.setTitle Choose a number builder.setItems items new DialogInterface.OnClickListener..
How to change dialog background color programatically? builder.setView viewMessEdit builder.setTitle Alert builder's title Code for changing the custom dialog views..
Android cannot bind to service (In App-Billing) if loggedOut 0 builder new AlertDialog.Builder getParent builder.setTitle titleId .setIcon android.R.drawable.stat_sys_warning .setMessage.. builder new AlertDialog.Builder Collections.parentActivity builder.setTitle titleId .setIcon android.R.drawable.stat_sys_warning .setMessage..
Android Camera Intent with Crop AlertDialog.Builder builder new AlertDialog.Builder this builder.setTitle Choose Crop App builder.setAdapter adapter new DialogInterface.OnClickListener..
how to set different title for alert dialog when WebView page is loaded? builder new AlertDialog.Builder this builder.setView web builder.setTitle Loading... alert builder.create AlertDialog alert..
how to download adobe reader programatically if not exists AlertDialog.Builder builder new AlertDialog.Builder this builder.setTitle No Application Found builder.setMessage Download one from Android..
Using gps get the distance a person has walked AlertDialog.Builder builder new Builder this builder.setTitle Attention builder.setMessage Sorry location is not determined...
nullpointer exception raises when i click on the button String this android.R.layout.select_dialog_item items AlertDialog.Builder builder new AlertDialog.Builder this builder.setTitle Select Image builder.setAdapter adapter new DialogInterface.OnClickListener public void onClick DialogInterface dialog..
Android InAppBilling - what to do when user presses the buy button? Log.i TAG helpUrl final Uri helpUri Uri.parse helpUrl AlertDialog.Builder builder new AlertDialog.Builder this builder.setTitle titleId .setIcon android.R.drawable.stat_sys_warning .setMessage messageId .setCancelable false .setPositiveButton android.R.string.ok..
Android:How can I set the AlertDialog width and height,and the button of the AlertDialog style? 2 By using xml layout 1 AlertDialog.Builder builder new AlertDialog.Builder this builder.setView layout builder.setTitle Title alertDialog builder.create alertDialog.getWindow .setLayout 600 400 Controlling width and height...
Android - Facebook SDK 3 - How to login programatically without LoginButton getString R.string.error alertMessage error.getErrorMessage AlertDialog.Builder builder new AlertDialog.Builder this builder.setTitle title .setMessage alertMessage .setPositiveButton getString R.string.ok null private void onClickPostStatusUpdate..
Let user crop image new CropOptionAdapter getApplicationContext cropOptions AlertDialog.Builder builder new AlertDialog.Builder this builder.setTitle Choose Crop App builder.setAdapter adapter new DialogInterface.OnClickListener public void onClick DialogInterface dialog..
Android licensing application not works? mLicenseCheckerCallback public void createDialog AlertDialog.Builder builder new AlertDialog.Builder this builder.setTitle PIRACY WARNING builder.setMessage A valid purchase for My App has not been detected. Your IP has been logged and all offenders..
Dynamic ListView in Android app CustomAdapter parent.getAdapter RowData row adapter.getItem position Builder builder new AlertDialog.Builder this builder.setTitle row.mItem builder.setMessage row.mDescription position builder.setPositiveButton ok null Data type used for..
How to implement a custom AlertDialog View work. I'm assuming because I didn't manually inflate it AlertDialog.Builder builder new AlertDialog.Builder this builder.setTitle Title .setCancelable false .setPositiveButton Go new DialogInterface.OnClickListener @Override public void onClick DialogInterface..
Choose File Dialog [closed] onCreateDialog int id Dialog dialog null AlertDialog.Builder builder new Builder this switch id case DIALOG_LOAD_FILE builder.setTitle Choose your file if mFileList null Log.e TAG Showing file picker before loading the file list dialog builder.create ..
how to control the width and height of default alert dialog in Android? the width and height of default alert dialog in Android AlertDialog.Builder builder new AlertDialog.Builder this builder.setTitle Title builder.setItems items new DialogInterface.OnClickListener public void onClick DialogInterface dialog int item ..
How uncheck items in AlertDialog (setMultiChoiceItems)? items selected I am doing as follows but is not working ... AlertDialog.Builder builder new AlertDialog.Builder this builder.setTitle getResources .getText R.string.escolhaArquivosBaixados builder.setMultiChoiceItems items selected new DialogInterface.OnMultiChoiceClickListener..
android change text color of items in spinner getAdapter CharSequence mPrompt getPrompt AlertDialog.Builder builder new AlertDialog.Builder context if mPrompt null builder.setTitle mPrompt builder.setSingleChoiceItems adapter getSelectedItemPosition this .show return true private static class DropDownAdapter..
Getting Number from Contacts Picker allNumbers.toArray new String allNumbers.size AlertDialog.Builder builder new AlertDialog.Builder your_class.this builder.setTitle Choose a number builder.setItems items new DialogInterface.OnClickListener public void onClick DialogInterface dialog..
How to change dialog background color programatically? inflater.inflate R.layout.example ViewGroup findViewById builder.setView viewMessEdit builder.setTitle Alert builder's title Code for changing the custom dialog views background colour and the Alert builder's title is removed..
Android cannot bind to service (In App-Billing) null final int loggedOut getIntent .getIntExtra statement 0 if loggedOut 0 builder new AlertDialog.Builder getParent builder.setTitle titleId .setIcon android.R.drawable.stat_sys_warning .setMessage messageId .setCancelable false .setPositiveButton android.R.string.ok.. helpUri startActivity intent else if loggedOut 1 builder new AlertDialog.Builder Collections.parentActivity builder.setTitle titleId .setIcon android.R.drawable.stat_sys_warning .setMessage messageId .setCancelable false .setPositiveButton android.R.string.ok..
Android Camera Intent with Crop new CropOptionAdapter getApplicationContext cropOptions AlertDialog.Builder builder new AlertDialog.Builder this builder.setTitle Choose Crop App builder.setAdapter adapter new DialogInterface.OnClickListener public void onClick DialogInterface dialog..
how to set different title for alert dialog when WebView page is loaded? new WebChromeClient web.loadUrl http builder new AlertDialog.Builder this builder.setView web builder.setTitle Loading... alert builder.create AlertDialog alert Builder builder @Override protected void onDestroy super.onDestroy..
how to download adobe reader programatically if not exists e No application to view ask to download one AlertDialog.Builder builder new AlertDialog.Builder this builder.setTitle No Application Found builder.setMessage Download one from Android Market builder.setPositiveButton Yes Please new DialogInterface.OnClickListener..
Using gps get the distance a person has walked start listeners if no provider is enabled if gps_enabled network_enabled AlertDialog.Builder builder new Builder this builder.setTitle Attention builder.setMessage Sorry location is not determined. Please enable location providers builder.setPositiveButton..