android Programming Glossary: builtin
Up navigation broken on JellyBean? I don't work for Google so this is my best guess. My guess is that the API 16 behavior is the intended behavior it's a builtin implementation that has access to the Android internals and can do things that are not possible through the API. Pre API..
Android Image Viewer from App Image Viewer from App I'm trying to launch an image which is written to my application directory with the builtin Android image viewer. This image has been written in a different part of the app to the app directory. When getting the.. When getting the following file super.getFilesDir current.png File.exists returns true. How can i launch the builtin Android image viewer to view this file Currently i'm doing File f new File super.getFilesDir current.png uri Uri.parse file..
Android valgrind build fails Wshadow Wpointer arith Wstrict prototypes Wmissing declarations Wno format zero length fno strict aliasing fno builtin marm mcpu cortex a8 Wbad function cast Wcast qual Wcast align fstrict aliasing Wno long long Wno pointer sign fno stack..
Saving ArrayList in SQLite database in Android there are also very pertinent. I think Con's approach is probably better than using java serialization since java's builtin serialization will need additional bytes and non java applications will have a harder time dealing with the data. public..
How Android application decide if they want to use network proxy or not a big step forward comparing to 2.x releases. now if you set proxy most of the apps automatically get it in 2.x only builtin browser uses it . So I tried things like yahoo finance bloomberg etc. and they all going through proxy fine. What I don't..