android Programming Glossary: bundle.putint
Callback to a Fragment from a DialogFragment new MyDialogFragment Bundle bundle new Bundle bundle.putInt num num dialogFragment.setArguments bundle return dialogFragment..
Dynamically changing the fragments inside a fragment tab host? bundle.putString cat m_ArrayList.get arg2 .cat bundle.putInt postid m_ArrayList.get arg2 .postid fragment.setArguments bundle..
How Do I fix the password/ username authentication in my code? AnswersFragmentWebView.SYMBOL_TYPE symbolType bundle.putInt AnswersFragmentWebView.CONTAINER_ID containerViewId fragment.setArguments..
How do I resolve the authentication message that keeps popping up in a webview? bundle.putString WebViewFragment.SYMBOL_TYPE symbolType bundle.putInt WebViewFragment.CONTAINER_ID containerViewId fragment.setArguments..
How to pass image data from one activity to another activity? this MyImageViewActivity.class Bundle bundle new Bundle bundle.putInt image position i.putExtras bundle startActivityForResult i 0.. this MyImageViewActivity.class Bundle bundle new Bundle bundle.putInt image someInteger myIntent.putExtras bundle startActivityForResult..
How to transfer some data to another Fragment? Fragment fragment new Fragment Bundle bundle new Bundle bundle.putInt key value fragment.setArguments bundle Bundle has put methods..
Callback to a Fragment from a DialogFragment MyDialogFragment newInstance int num MyDialogFragment dialogFragment new MyDialogFragment Bundle bundle new Bundle bundle.putInt num num dialogFragment.setArguments bundle return dialogFragment @Override public Dialog onCreateDialog Bundle savedInstanceState..
Dynamically changing the fragments inside a fragment tab host? bundle.putString description m_ArrayList.get arg2 .description bundle.putString cat m_ArrayList.get arg2 .cat bundle.putInt postid m_ArrayList.get arg2 .postid fragment.setArguments bundle BaseContainerFragment getParentFragment .replaceFragment..
How Do I fix the password/ username authentication in my code? AnswersFragmentWebView.SYMBOL searchAutoSuggestSymbol bundle.putString AnswersFragmentWebView.SYMBOL_TYPE symbolType bundle.putInt AnswersFragmentWebView.CONTAINER_ID containerViewId fragment.setArguments bundle FragmentInfo fragmentInfo new FragmentInfo..
How do I resolve the authentication message that keeps popping up in a webview? bundle new Bundle bundle.putString SEARCH_TERM searchTerm bundle.putString WebViewFragment.SYMBOL_TYPE symbolType bundle.putInt WebViewFragment.CONTAINER_ID containerViewId fragment.setArguments bundle FragmentInfo fragmentInfo new FragmentInfo TransactionMethods.ADD..
How to pass image data from one activity to another activity? .show System.out.println id Intent i new Intent this MyImageViewActivity.class Bundle bundle new Bundle bundle.putInt image position i.putExtras bundle startActivityForResult i 0 android share improve this question In MyGridView someInteger.. the index of the selected image Intent myIntent new Intent this MyImageViewActivity.class Bundle bundle new Bundle bundle.putInt image someInteger myIntent.putExtras bundle startActivityForResult myIntent 0 In MyImageViewActivity Bundle bundle this.getIntent..
How to transfer some data to another Fragment? share improve this question Use a Bundle. Here's an example Fragment fragment new Fragment Bundle bundle new Bundle bundle.putInt key value fragment.setArguments bundle Bundle has put methods for lots of data types. See http reference..