android Programming Glossary: bundle.getstring
Javamail api in android using XOauth Bundle result try Bundle bundle result.getResult token bundle.getString AccountManager.KEY_AUTHTOKEN catch Exception e Log.d test e.getMessage..
Memory leak in Android when trying to send a form with image to PHP server R.string.app_dir String destinationImageName photo_ bundle.getString barcode .jpg create the folder to store it File destinationFolder.. UTF 8 entity.addPart barcode new StringBody bundle.getString barcode chars entity.addPart name new StringBody bundle.getString.. barcode chars entity.addPart name new StringBody bundle.getString name chars entity.addPart description new StringBody bundle.getString..
How to send string from one activity to another? on it Bundle bundle getIntent .getExtras String message bundle.getString message Then you can set the text in the TextView TextView txtView..
Retrieve incoming call's phone number in Android Bundle bundle intent.getExtras String phoneNr bundle.getString incoming_number Log.v TAG phoneNr phoneNr android share..
How can I setup multiple alarms in Android? a service Bundle bundle intent.getExtras String itemName bundle.getString item_name String reminderOrAlarmMessage bundle.getString message.. bundle.getString item_name String reminderOrAlarmMessage bundle.getString message String activityToTrigg bundle.getString activityToTrigg.. bundle.getString message String activityToTrigg bundle.getString activityToTrigg int itemId Integer.parseInt bundle.getString..
How to pass a value from one Activity to another in Android?
Android - What's the best way to share data between activities? .getExtras int value bundle.getInt some_key String value2 bundle.getString some_other_key Use this method if you are passing primitive..
How to use putExtra() and getExtra() for string data Bundle bundle getIntent .getExtras if bundle.getString strName null TODO here get the string stored in the string..
How to save Alarm after app killing? intent Bundle bundle intent.getExtras String message bundle.getString alarm_message Long timeInMillis bundle.getLong time_in_millis..
adding multiple marker on google map in android savedInstanceState .... double lat Double.parseDouble bundle.getString paramLat double lng Double.parseDouble bundle.getString paramLong.. bundle.getString paramLat double lng Double.parseDouble bundle.getString paramLong mc mapView.getController p new GeoPoint int lat 1E6..
How to get Latitude and Longitude infromation from picture getIntent .getExtras if null bundle String filepath bundle.getString FILE_PATH_KEY try ExifInterface exif new ExifInterface filepath..
Android - Auto answer the incoming call programatically? Bundle bundle intent.getExtras String phoneNr bundle.getString incoming_number Log.v TAG phoneNr phoneNr String numb 4348873541..
Javamail api in android using XOauth Bundle @Override public void run AccountManagerFuture Bundle result try Bundle bundle result.getResult token bundle.getString AccountManager.KEY_AUTHTOKEN catch Exception e Log.d test e.getMessage If it works you have an oauth2 token in token. I..
Memory leak in Android when trying to send a form with image to PHP server if sd.canWrite sd data String destinationFolderPath sd getString R.string.app_dir String destinationImageName photo_ bundle.getString barcode .jpg create the folder to store it File destinationFolder new File destinationFolderPath if destinationFolder.exists.. UserPreferences Context.MODE_PRIVATE Charset chars Charset.forName UTF 8 entity.addPart barcode new StringBody bundle.getString barcode chars entity.addPart name new StringBody bundle.getString name chars entity.addPart description new StringBody.. UTF 8 entity.addPart barcode new StringBody bundle.getString barcode chars entity.addPart name new StringBody bundle.getString name chars entity.addPart description new StringBody bundle.getString description chars entity.addPart id_type new StringBody..
How to send string from one activity to another? the messages sent by the calling activity and call getString on it Bundle bundle getIntent .getExtras String message bundle.getString message Then you can set the text in the TextView TextView txtView TextView findViewById txtView.setText..
Retrieve incoming call's phone number in Android customPhoneListener PhoneStateListener.LISTEN_CALL_STATE Bundle bundle intent.getExtras String phoneNr bundle.getString incoming_number Log.v TAG phoneNr phoneNr android share improve this question Use PhoneStateListener . It has an onCallStateChanged..
How can I setup multiple alarms in Android? alarmTime 15000 mAlarmSender 2 From the receiver I call a service Bundle bundle intent.getExtras String itemName bundle.getString item_name String reminderOrAlarmMessage bundle.getString message String activityToTrigg bundle.getString activityToTrigg.. call a service Bundle bundle intent.getExtras String itemName bundle.getString item_name String reminderOrAlarmMessage bundle.getString message String activityToTrigg bundle.getString activityToTrigg int itemId Integer.parseInt bundle.getString item_id NotificationManager.. itemName bundle.getString item_name String reminderOrAlarmMessage bundle.getString message String activityToTrigg bundle.getString activityToTrigg int itemId Integer.parseInt bundle.getString item_id NotificationManager nm NotificationManager context.getSystemService..
How to pass a value from one Activity to another in Android?
Android - What's the best way to share data between activities? intent On the second activity Bundle bundle getIntent .getExtras int value bundle.getInt some_key String value2 bundle.getString some_other_key Use this method if you are passing primitive data or Strings . You can also pass objects that implements..
How to use putExtra() and getExtra() for string data R.layout.table TextView userName TextView findViewById Bundle bundle getIntent .getExtras if bundle.getString strName null TODO here get the string stored in the string variable and do setText on userName I know it is very basic..
How to save Alarm after app killing? @Override public void onReceive Context context Intent intent Bundle bundle intent.getExtras String message bundle.getString alarm_message Long timeInMillis bundle.getLong time_in_millis Log.e TIME IN AlarmReceiver timeInMillis.toString boolean..
adding multiple marker on google map in android MapView mapView GeoPoint p @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState .... double lat Double.parseDouble bundle.getString paramLat double lng Double.parseDouble bundle.getString paramLong mc mapView.getController p new GeoPoint int lat 1E6 int.. Bundle savedInstanceState .... double lat Double.parseDouble bundle.getString paramLat double lng Double.parseDouble bundle.getString paramLong mc mapView.getController p new GeoPoint int lat 1E6 int lng 1E6 mc.animateTo p mc.setZoom 17 Add a location marker..
How to get Latitude and Longitude infromation from picture like me to get Geo location from Picture.... Bundle bundle getIntent .getExtras if null bundle String filepath bundle.getString FILE_PATH_KEY try ExifInterface exif new ExifInterface filepath StringBuilder builder new StringBuilder builder.append..
Android - Auto answer the incoming call programatically? telephony.listen phoneListener PhoneStateListener.LISTEN_CALL_STATE Bundle bundle intent.getExtras String phoneNr bundle.getString incoming_number Log.v TAG phoneNr phoneNr String numb 4348873541 Class c Class.forName telephony.getClass .getName Method..