android Programming Glossary: boots
android device id confusion the phone this is automatically generated by the OS as it boots for the first time doing it this way makes it much easier for..
How to get unique device hardware id in Android? [duplicate] that is generated and stored when the device first boots. It is reset when the device is wiped . ANDROID_ID seems a good..
Push .apk to /system/app/ in HTC HERO system partition is mounted as read only when the device boots. But if you have root access to the device you can remount the..
How to prevent Android bluetooth RFCOMM connection from dying immediately after .connect()? which 'sdp browse' reports nothing . Also when the device boots Zeemote's priority is 0 others have priority 100 . I'm quite..
Trying to start a service on boot on Android Android I've been trying to start a service when a device boots up on android but I cannot get it to work. I've looked a number..
android intent for sdcard ready a file on the SD card the application runs when the phone boots and it has become apparent that the file cannot be accessed..
SQLiteOpenHelper onUpgrade() Confusion Android and then export it to the marketplace and when the user boots up the upgraded version for the first time then onUpgrade will..
Autostart application while phone boots up application while phone boots up How can I make my application to get started while my phone.. can I make my application to get started while my phone boots up itself. android autostart share improve this question..
Is it possible to configure an Android install to run a single app? I want to do is customize an Android device so that it boots up and runs one application only and for that application to..
Android Emulator starts but Eclipse doesn't recognize it finishes booting and then for some reason it immediately reboots and goes through the looong process of booting again. Once it.. goes through the looong process of booting again. Once it boots the second time Eclipse loses track of it. It is no longer lists..
Android AlarmManager - RTC_WAKEUP vs ELAPSED_REALTIME_WAKEUP actually make the alarm go off 10 min after the device boots. There is a timer that starts running when the device boots.. There is a timer that starts running when the device boots up to measure the uptime of the device and this is the type..
Switch android x86 screen resolution UVESA_MODE 320x480 and vga ask to the boot config. When it boots I have to press Enter to see the available options but there..
Android - Start service on boot set up correctly to start an IntentService when Android OS boots. Unfortunately it is not starting on boot and I'm not getting..
AutoStart Application not working properly Galaxy Y 2.3.6 and DELL XCD35 2.2 . When the device boots TimerTask works for some seconds and then shuts down. I check..
Bring task to front on android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT activity stack for that task USER SCENARIO When the device boots i.e. after android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED broadcast is..
Trigger mediascanner on specific path (folder), how to? all the media content present on the device. When Android boots up the mediascanner service is launched and runs through the..
Android Boot-Up BroadCast Not invoking broadcast receiver which will invoke after android device boots and then will run a background service. I have tried many examples..
BOOT_COMPLETED not called on Honeycomb after export with eclipse's run button onBoot is called when the tablet boots. If I install the application on the honeycomb tablet after..
android device id confusion ANDROID_ID The ANDROID_ID is another unique number on the phone this is automatically generated by the OS as it boots for the first time doing it this way makes it much easier for the manufacturers by removing a step from the production line..
How to get unique device hardware id in Android? [duplicate] specifically Settings.Secure.ANDROID_ID. This is a 64 bit quantity that is generated and stored when the device first boots. It is reset when the device is wiped . ANDROID_ID seems a good choice for a unique device identifier . There are downsides..
Push .apk to /system/app/ in HTC HERO it to my device via busybox . Anyway your problem is that the system partition is mounted as read only when the device boots. But if you have root access to the device you can remount the partition as read write host adb shell hero su hero# mount..
How to prevent Android bluetooth RFCOMM connection from dying immediately after .connect()? devices including Moto HS815 headset another dumb device for which 'sdp browse' reports nothing . Also when the device boots Zeemote's priority is 0 others have priority 100 . I'm quite at a loss here I worked on it for so long that I ran out of..
Trying to start a service on boot on Android to start a service on boot on Android I've been trying to start a service when a device boots up on android but I cannot get it to work. I've looked a number of links online but none of the code is working. Am I forgetting..
android intent for sdcard ready intent for sdcard ready I have an application that uses a file on the SD card the application runs when the phone boots and it has become apparent that the file cannot be accessed when the program is first run as it starts working before SD..
SQLiteOpenHelper onUpgrade() Confusion Android number So could I increment the version number in the code and then export it to the marketplace and when the user boots up the upgraded version for the first time then onUpgrade will be called If this is the case my onUpgrade would simply pull..
Autostart application while phone boots up application while phone boots up How can I make my application to get started while my phone boots up itself. android autostart share improve this.. application while phone boots up How can I make my application to get started while my phone boots up itself. android autostart share improve this question You need to use a BroadcastReceiver with android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED..
Is it possible to configure an Android install to run a single app? the Android OS to run only a single app Basically what I want to do is customize an Android device so that it boots up and runs one application only and for that application to be switched to the front of the screen automatically. Also..
Android Emulator starts but Eclipse doesn't recognize it it goes through the loooong process of booting. It finally finishes booting and then for some reason it immediately reboots and goes through the looong process of booting again. Once it boots the second time Eclipse loses track of it. It is no.. booting and then for some reason it immediately reboots and goes through the looong process of booting again. Once it boots the second time Eclipse loses track of it. It is no longer lists in the Devices tab and I can't install my app or run it..
Android AlarmManager - RTC_WAKEUP vs ELAPSED_REALTIME_WAKEUP AlarmManager.ELAPSED_REALTIME_WAKEUP 600000 pendingIntent will actually make the alarm go off 10 min after the device boots. There is a timer that starts running when the device boots up to measure the uptime of the device and this is the type.. actually make the alarm go off 10 min after the device boots. There is a timer that starts running when the device boots up to measure the uptime of the device and this is the type that triggers your alarm according to the uptime of the device...
Switch android x86 screen resolution 320x480x16 to my .vbox file and I did it. Then I added UVESA_MODE 320x480 and vga ask to the boot config. When it boots I have to press Enter to see the available options but there is no 320x480 among them. How can I get it to work android..
Android - Start service on boot I've seen on Stack Exchange and elsewhere I have everything set up correctly to start an IntentService when Android OS boots. Unfortunately it is not starting on boot and I'm not getting any errors. Maybe the experts can help... Manifest xml version..
AutoStart Application not working properly many devices. The problem is that it is not working in Samsung Galaxy Y 2.3.6 and DELL XCD35 2.2 . When the device boots TimerTask works for some seconds and then shuts down. I check in the Application Manage Application I saw that the Applcation..
Bring task to front on android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT How do I bring a task to the front w o re ordering the activity stack for that task USER SCENARIO When the device boots i.e. after android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED broadcast is received my app starts call this task 1 and displays activity..
Trigger mediascanner on specific path (folder), how to? database which is used by the media scanner to keep track of all the media content present on the device. When Android boots up the mediascanner service is launched and runs through the entire external storage to find if there is any new media content..
Android Boot-Up BroadCast Not invoking Up BroadCast Not invoking I am currently trying to make a broadcast receiver which will invoke after android device boots and then will run a background service. I have tried many examples but don't know where I'm going wrong. I am following..
BOOT_COMPLETED not called on Honeycomb after export If I install the application on the honeycomb tablet with eclipse's run button onBoot is called when the tablet boots. If I install the application on the honeycomb tablet after exporting the .apk file onBoot is never called. If I install..